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I Want To Believe

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Guest Kerchak
Posted (edited)

I don't want to 'believe'. I really wish I didn't. I often wish I never had an interest in the subject and never gave it a second's thought.

It's hardly a rewarding interest to have.

And I would also say that other subjects are far more interesting.

Yet despite all this, I just cannot help have the opinion that sasquatch exists. There is far too much evidence indicating it.

Edited by Kerchak
Posted (edited)

my encounter with my friend .....she talked about this creature on her property alot .....I had to go down and challenge myself ....saw it in daylight and at night

scared the shakespeare out of me

Edited by RavenMadd

Hi Twilight!

I have a Native American friend near Ghettysburg, PA who knows a lot of surprising things. One day we got onto the subject of BF and he devulged that there are a "tribe" of them living near him. He said that the best way to make a pleasant and friendly first impression is to get a fresh catch fish and hang it about 8' up in a tree. If they're in the neighborhood, they'll find it. I agree, seeing is believing, and unless you've seen a squatch; thereafter ruling out other possibilities, you always have at least a trace of a doubt.Shaking hands with old hairy dude is on my list of things to do before I die :)

Guest Twilight Fan
Posted (edited)

^Wow, that's a cool story, Aaron. I love how Native Americans have a special connection with nature and the land they have lived on for so many years. They seem to be more in tune with the flow of life than many other cultures who are more materialistic.

I find it fascinating how your friend called the group of sasquatch nearby a "tribe"...like they are hairy neighbors to him :) Very cool. I wonder if your friend has made contact? Something tells me he has many stories about the hairy man. Fish makes sense, esp. 8 feet high where few other creatures could reach it. Thanks for the post! It's been the most interesting thus far. +1

Edited by Twilight Fan

Why thankyou Twilight Fan! Yes he would sometimes refer to them as people, rather than animals. He has made contact, yes. To what degree, not sure but I will ask him if anything new has happened. Actually he's in my cell contacts but when I get him on the phone I make sure I have a fully charged cell battery and all day to chat :) ...which is seldom with my schedule....he does paranormal tours of the battlefields over in Gettysburg. Also interesting stuff, but the sasquatch is harder to get him to open up about.


I was 50/50 line with it ....then it happened.......

I started @ the 50/50 line. since then... I've worked myself down to 5/95... Still waiting on some conclusive evidence.... Waiting to be shocked!!!!! :o
Guest toejam

I may have made it sound easy but it takes dedication and effort. It's not that difficult by way of gaining their attention. It's the dedication that can be difficult. Make it a serious hobby and spend as much time in the field as you can.

Guest thermalman

I would love to travel down, on an invitation of course, and thermal one of these creatures. It would be a very exciting event for everyone if I could dissect the thermal video or pictures that were acquired. :)

SSR Team
Posted (edited)

I've never been too sure about all this " i believe " stuff, where any subject's concerned to be honest.

I wouldn't believe in BF in a million years if i hadn't have seen one, no way in the world.

A massive hairy man roaming the forests and swamps of one of the most recreational trigger happy Continents on the Planet without ever bringing one in publicly ??

No way, not for me, i could never believe that this Animal could exist and i have no idea why or how anyone who hasn't seen one, could believe that they exist.

& i say that even with the PGF which i have no doubt at all is a real living breathing Animal, not sure if i would think it was however if i hadn't have seen one.

Edited by BobbyO
Guest poignant
Posted (edited)

Hi Twilight!

I have a Native American friend near Ghettysburg, PA who knows a lot of surprising things. One day we got onto the subject of BF and he devulged that there are a "tribe" of them living near him. He said that the best way to make a pleasant and friendly first impression is to get a fresh catch fish and hang it about 8' up in a tree. If they're in the neighborhood, they'll find it. I agree, seeing is believing, and unless you've seen a squatch; thereafter ruling out other possibilities, you always have at least a trace of a doubt.Shaking hands with old hairy dude is on my list of things to do before I die :)

Wonder if anyone's left flyers/pamphlets in the woods of stylized stick drawings showing a bigfoot and a person shaking hands . Might help convey benign intent. Imagine it as propaganda, for BF.

Or the Pioneer plaque (simplified).

Edited by poignant

I may have made it sound easy but it takes dedication and effort. It's not that difficult by way of gaining their attention. It's the dedication that can be difficult. Make it a serious hobby and spend as much time in the field as you can.

Toejam, this exactly. This is why I feel like I get more experiences, I get out in the field and I try techniques as much as I possibly can.


Instead of wanting to believe, you should strive to change that to "I want to have credible evidence of Bigfoot's existence". This is not a god we are talking about, it is an alleged physical being that leaves traces of it's existence on this planet. You should have no need to believe. You should be able to know with physical evidence that it exists.

Guest BFSleuth

I agree with the concept that we should be wanting to find definitive evidence of BF. This morning I read the recent announcement of the evidence of the so called "God-particle" (Higg's boson) with amusement when I compared the statements of the scientists to the current state of affairs in bigfoot research:


Note the following:

"But after decades of work and billions of dollars spent, researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, aren't quite ready to say they've "discovered" the particle.

Instead, experts familiar with the research at CERN's vast complex on the Swiss-French border say that the massive data they have obtained will essentially show the footprint of the key particle known as the Higgs boson — all but proving it exists — but doesn't allow them to say it has actually been glimpsed."

Interesting analogy when looking at the state of affairs in bigfootery. While we have massive data in the form of trackways, sighting reports, sighting clusters, audio, video, hair samples, and other trace evidence, we can't definitely say we have confirmed existence of bigfoot. However, we have all this trace evidence and other evidence to indicate the strong possibility that it does exist.

The interesting point is that while we aren't encouraged to come forward with a major news announcement based on the collection of evidence we have obtained thus far, the scientists working on the Higgs boson feel that they should make such an announcement at this time. I understand that this is an apples and oranges comparison (given that the Hb is such a hard "critter" to pin down and billions of dollars have been spent on research - not to mention thousands of jobs), but I do find it amusing.


The only physical evidence that would be irrefutable to nearly everyone alive would be a body--notice I said nearly, there will still be skeptics I swear! I agree, we've wrestled with the does it or does it not exist spectrum long enough. We just need a daggoned conclusion. And this is why I have narrowed (IMO) it down to only 2 possibilities: 1) Bigfoot exists, but for some reason a power above us (government, etc) has determined that it "isn't in out best interest" to know and won't allow us to find it, or 2) the danged thing just don't exist.

I agree with the concept that we should be wanting to find definitive evidence of BF. This morning I read the recent announcement of the evidence of the so called "God-particle" (Higg's boson) with amusement when I compared the statements of the scientists to the current state of affairs in bigfoot research:


Note the following:

"But after decades of work and billions of dollars spent, researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, aren't quite ready to say they've "discovered" the particle.

LOL, BF, kinda reminds me of yet another comparison to cancer research....only I'd dare say TRILLIONS of dollars and still not ready to announce a cure...


To all skeptics that 'want to believe', my advice is really, don't worry about it!

The reason I say this is that if you meet one (or two) that it may not be the most pleasant thing that you have done. You may be lucky to be alive after the incident. I am not trying to scare you but I am trying to be pragmatic. I had an encounter on US 62 in Colorado, near the town of Ridgeway. There is a thread under Sightings about this. How they were acting and what they were up to is a matter of speculation, but at this time the best theory I have is they were testing the possibility of a quick meal, meaning, in this case, me.

But I didn't get out of my truck and I never even put it in Park or the like so I could grab my camera. Something was telling me that would be a Bad Idea and I probably did not want to see What Happens Next. So I drove around them and created a mystery in my mind.

But I can tell you this: Life does not care what ideas you have in your head. It simply is, and the ideas in your head are for the most part completely made up. When you are confronted with the reality of Life then whatever ideas you had might go out the window unless you experience cognitive dissonance (It was a bear!). IOW, BF does not care if you think it exists or not. Either way you will likely be just as tasty, or if you are lucky, maybe you will get to make a friend... who knows?? They are as individual as we are.

Sorry for those of you who object to my saying certain things as if they are facts. I am in the position to know that BF is intelligent and self aware, even if I don't know to what extent.

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