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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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Guest miller44

Lots of talk, showmanship and absolutely no real evidence at all. None!!!!!

Well, there is the camper video... But yeah, I see what you're sayin.

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Guest Steve Byrne

Hey all,

Sorry it took so long to get over here...

Yes, I saw a video that showed the hoaxing of the tent video. It's a prop held by a guy, just out of picture. In the video I watched, they were adjusting prop and holder positions. I was bummed when I saw it and just thought "Oh well, another one bites the dust". That was months ago. Watching this thing unfold has been surreal... and enlightening. The video appeared to be from the same cell phone. I here to forth dub it the "Rehearsal Video".

Whenever I see something interesting, I like to google that thing plus the word "hoax" or "debunked" and do the same on youtube. I'm slow getting some information, so I think it may have been a week or two after the tent video hit youtube. It struck me at the time, because usually we never see the rehearsal video. In this case I think they did it to get a reaction and then yanked it back when they realized how priceless "no reaction" was. Now I'm just amazed that it isn't common knowledge. Everyone finds out soon enough.

I think it's pretty obviously part of the Minnow documentary to show Dyer perpetrating a hoax. What else would a crew be filming him do? It's what he does. They'll be able to demonstrate the filming of the tent video, release and reactions from bloggers, and then with fish on the line, they throw out "By the way, the squatch was killed by known hoaxer Rick Dyer." and get to document a lot of people still believing it. Poor RL, I tried to warn him, but I can't find that video now.

A few days ago I listened to an interview with Dyer where he was crying and saying his day was at hand, blah, blah, blah. Then later in the show he and his buddy vowed to continue the search... Seem odd?

Edited by Steve Byrne
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Biscardi, RD, Bigfoot body in a freezer . . . yes wud, sounds all too familar.

Yes this story would also prove that Minnow has been working for several years on this film and with other people other than Dyer. Why hasnt Biscardi spoken out about his side of the film - probably because nothing interesting happened while they were working with him so therefore nothing to report?

British director Morgan Matthews said his documentary, tentatively titled “Of Monsters and Men,†will be a portrait of several men like Biscardi, who devote their lives to chasing mysterious creatures.

Hi, wudewasa (and everyone).

I think the answer to your question is, "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is."

I’m new to the forum, as a member, but have been following this thread since it was created, and have been following Bigfoot things in general for a little less than a year. I’m not the best researcher in the world (and I mean “regular researcher†here, not “BF researcherâ€), but I’m not the worst, either, and I like to think that I’m pretty familiar, at this point, with some of the more famous controversies and controversial people. Just for the record, I also consider myself an experiencer.

Like many of us here, I have enormous respect for Jacki and Violet. They patiently continue to point out that there are many things in this story that can’t be known, which means that, at this point, this story could still be true. And clearly all of us know that, or we wouldn’t be here (and many have been brave enough to admit they know this, despite their sometimes cynical-sounding posts).

I think it’s okay to keep an open mind. It’s okay to not know something. It’s okay to be proven wrong, in the end. Being “wrong†is part of being human.

But in this case, nobody has to worry about being wrong or right, if they can reserve judgment for just a little while longer, and not come down on one side or the other, before the story is over.

I can understand the people who feel they’ve been burnt by people and situations like this in the past. But as the financial people say, “past performance is not an indication of future resultsâ€.

If this is true of companies and markets – and most of us seem to understand that it is – then it’s even MORE true of human beings. Human beings are organic, living, growing things. They change, sometimes over time, and sometimes quickly. They upset our expectations of them all the time.

Change (as they also say) is the only constant in life.

So the fact that Rick Dyer is at the center of this story is not relevant, except in this sense: That it challenges us to exercise our analytical skills to the max, and to resist the pull of fear and judgment.

Good luck, everyone. This has been a really, really interesting ride. I have a hunch that Jacki’s and Violet’s hunches are right on, but I guess we’ll see – and if my hunch (and theirs) is wrong, I’m happy to be wrong! (Or I’m gonna pretend to be – fake it till ya make it.) But really, I have to be willing to be wrong; because as a human being, I’m wrong a lot. And it’s just too tiring to go through life resisting and fighting the inevitable. I want an easier life – so I’m going to try to be at peace with the outcome of this story, whatever it is.

Hey thanks LeafTalker - I didnt know people had respect for what VioletX and I were saying about this :) LOL Yes your thoughts about human nature are very insightful. It is ok to be proven wrong and it is ok to imagine that people do change. Otherwise we would sit at home not trusting anyone and not talking. I think this story is possibly a classic 'cry wolf' story

Yeah, we can all sit down to a crow meal together, lol. Thanks Melissa.

LeafTalker, I'm probably the least judgemental person you'll find. My profession requires it and I've spent a lifetime perfecting it. I do agree we grow as people, and treating others as we'd want to be treated is a moto I live by. If I were out there claiming to have a dead BF, I'd expect to be treated pretty much as the same as we are seeing here. Extrodinary claims require extrodinary proof.

I did not say that it did, I simply said it jumped out at me.

!!! I rang Minnow way back (my report is on this thread somewhere) and even though I couldnt get past the receptionist nor could I get many juicy bits of info, one of the questions I made a point of asking was 'this is a documentary isnt it the film, it is all fact isnt it'? I remember her clearly stating 'yes it is all factual'. I remember their film Britain in a day. It was brilliant and was just composed of snippets of peoples everyday lives played out in I guess a theatrical way - ie although it was all factual and no scripts, it was pieced together to be viewed like a theatrical story?

I never saw it. This was a quote from someone on RL's site. Just wanted to share.

Who is RL?
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!!! I rang Minnow way back (my report is on this thread somewhere) and even though I couldnt get past the receptionist nor could I get many juicy bits of info, one of the questions I made a point of asking was 'this is a documentary isnt it the film, it is all fact isnt it'? I remember her clearly stating 'yes it is all factual'. I remember their film Britain in a day. It was brilliant and was just composed of snippets of peoples everyday lives played out in I guess a theatrical way - ie although it was all factual and no scripts, it was pieced together to be viewed like a theatrical story?

JackiLB - so it's a factual account of how a hoax is perpetrated perhaps?


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Wow! Spent one night away from internet access and bamb!!! Suddenly over night there appears to be lots of new people joining this thread all of a sudden ...he he....maybe some of you are getting worried about this story now. Maybe some skeptics are quietly 'turning' har har har. Wow suddenly - POW! claims of a bonafide hoax camper film thingy pulled from YouTube seen by.....well seen by a few people ?? er...why wasnt this apparant hoaxed video been talked about before..infact why not months ago and why hasnt FBFB commented? I dont understand?

Here are facts:

RD once was part of a big hoax

RD has since changed his views on Bigfoots' existence and has been trying to find a bigfoot for several years now (has travelled to other countries in this quest with organised expeditions)

RD was in San Antonio on an expedition during 1st week of September

Minnow Films are making a film about men who want to find monsters and have been filming for several years, in several countries using several people to follow

Minnow Films make documentaries and this film is a FACTUAL DOCUMENTARY - I rang them ages back and the receptionist confirmed this.

Minnow Films were given a £250,000.00 award from the British Film Council for their film (an award to produce a thought provoking intelligent documentary not a silly hoax B movie using latex and lies thats ridiculous)

There was a film company interacting with the homeless camp in San Antonio during that week in September.

There have been several sightings of a bigfoot in that area several years prior to September 2012

The camper video surfaced and to the experts who scrutinise numerous videos both fakes and authentic on a weekly basis, have stated their reputations on it being real.

Of course none of us know if this is all real or not and we are all waiting with anticipation for the Minnow Film (oh yes Minnow have never commented on Dyer not actually being in their film nor have they commented on there not being a sighting or a kill in their film and despite some people thinking that these claims could promote their film, I disagree and I think it could damage their reputation and they therefore wouldnt actually want false claims attached to their film). I personally have completely ignored Rick Dyers lying past as I just see too many facts that seem to fit. For example I find his past irrelevant to this story as there are just too many other parties involved - a British Film company for example. Neither do I much care about the logistics contained within this story too - how the body could be moved etc etc...they seem rather trivial points to me, sorry. All kinds of operations go on around us that we have no idea about. I guess I have viewed this story objectively. I am also convinced that as Rick Dyer is intensely disliked by much of the Bigfoot community, that I find it impossible to believe that he would hoax again? I wont write what I thought might happen to him if he hoaxed one more time on this thread again as last time I got told off, but there are some serious nutters out there and I really dont think he would dare. As much as people dislike the guy you can clearly see he has a family that he loves (yes there was that story about the assault but it appears that charges were never made. I can also believe that he is probably a very difficult person to be married to as he is clearly bonkers)!

I dont necessarily think that Dyer has turned over a new leaf, I suspect that there are little lies thrown into this story - not to lace it up but rather to fill in the gap between the release of the camper video and the Minnow film. The fact there Dyer has this to sit in this waiting game, shows what little control he actually has over 'the body'? I dont care about the Musky part of the story - again its all just fillers before the film comes out.

I still believe this story but my advice to Rick Dyer would be - Shut up and wait for the film unless you have any more evidence to this story as you dont do yourself any favours.!!!

JackiLB - so it's a factual account of how a hoax is perpetrated perhaps?


haha! Oh maybe but I doubt is DopeLyrics! Edited by JackiLB
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Wow! Spent one night away from internet access and bamb!!! Suddenly over night there appears to be lots of new people joining this thread all of a sudden ...he he....maybe some of you are getting worried about this story now.

I'm shaking in my boots! ( from laughter ) haha Just kidding little lady!

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Guest VioletX

I had messaged Musky Allen and asked him if he could fill us in here at the forum with a little information about who he was and he very nicely replied to me with this:

I joined my first Bigfoot club in 1984 (from the back of a magazine) ran by Rene Dahinden which i worked under/with him until 1991. over 60 expeditions in the United States including 87 days At Six Rivers National Park (Bluff Creek).. Ran the largest Internet Bigfoot site until 1998 with 11,000 members when I had to shut it down from a lawsuit from the BFRO (this cant be disgussed as part of the agreement) I actively researched the phenomena with extensive field studies becoming a sceptical believer in 2004. Today i do NOT believe in Bigfoot nor Rick Dyers claim nor support him in any way. My goal is the truth in all Bigfoot and contributed to Ten's of Thousands of online Debates and field house debates in the olden days of Bigfooting. I'm also a historian on the subject after interviewing everyone in the business over the past 29 years!

@ Steve Byrne,

Thank you for responding so quickly, it is too bad that we have no record of this "rehearsal video". What seems strange to me is that even the biggest idiot would know to post their video as private or unlisted. Why would this video have been out there for everyone to see?

This whole thing just gets stranger.

@ Jacki,

Thanks for your posting of the facts, you wrote it far better than I could have ; )

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If we really take a look at the facts of this story, this is what we have. *FYI: This list is NOT meant to be humorous.

1. Minnow is making a documentary that includes RD

2. We do NOT know the subject matter of the documentary

3. Minnow and RD were in San Antonio as part of this documentary

4. RD filmed "something" from his tent

5. RD is a know hoaxer

6. RD has stated, within the past 6 months, that he's been working on a huge hoax

7. RD went to Vegas to be close to Biscardi

8. Biscardi was in contact with Minnow

9. Musky Allan has had a relationship with RD for, at least, 6 months prior to the "shooting."

10. RD posted, on his blog, that he makes money from hoaxes.

These are facts and #6-10 came directly off his blog. The rest of the story has been nothing but words from RD. He can't prove any of it to be true and Musky Allen's involvement is more than suspect, considering his past relationship with RD.

RD is trying to pull off a hoax and the ONLY credibility to this story is Chris Noel. That's the only spark keeping this story alive. Minnow does not add any credibility because we don't know the subject of the documentary. For all we know, it could be about hoaxes and hoaxers or the "business" of being a monster hunter.

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RD is trying to pull off a hoax and the ONLY credibility to this story is Chris Noel.

Not even that for me. The deliberately misleading blurbs for his book have ruined his credibility for me. Why is he not saying how he knows RD's claims are true? I don't need names of sources, but if it is a source or sources, that says to me that he (CN) himself has not seen anything.

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Guest VioletX

We do know Cisco that at least a portion of the film is made documenting actual search for cryptids, ie.,Adam Davies in Sumatra.

Not sure what the people from CFZ were doing for the film but I will google ; }

As someone stated, Musky became FB friends with Dyer not long after the Tent video was published, but then again I am sure a lot of people friended him after that.

If anyone has any question for Musky Allen, I can ask for you, but I do not want to harass

the man.

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