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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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Posted (edited)

I admire your attempt at getting information Melissa but I can't say I would be involving myself in this as you are.

If (and probably when) this whole thing crashes to the ground people are going to assume guilt by association.

Not a place I would want to be. Fair warning.

I think if this turns out to be a hoax, then Melissa is safe from the backlash & ridicule.

Melissa has clearly stated that she is an outsider looking in. Melissa has also clearly stated that she is not physically there, and that her privilege is a result of her reputation, not her association. And the information she has or will receive is simply hearsay as she has not witnessed anything with her own two eyes, yet.

However, this is just my opinion based on my understanding of the situation.

P.S. Hi Melissa, I've never had the opportunity to say Hi before, so here it goes...

Edited by Mounty
Guest VioletX
Posted (edited)

Yep, that's right VioletX - because if memory serves - Ed posted on the MABRC forum and you brought it here.... So, I guess VioletX will get the stake next to mine? What fun that will be.. LOL.

haha! I know Melissa, just like Salem all over again, I always knew that would be my fate.; }

Edited by VioletX
Guest roblester
Posted (edited)

If I were you I would let Ed do his own talking. He seems to prefer dragging others into this whole thing rather than handle it himself.

This whole thing smells really bad.

Nobody would be handling the most important scientific discovery of the last 50 years like this.

Melissa clearly stated she would post all the answers she received here, if allowed by the mods.That is something others will not, and are not willing to do. She should be thanked for that if you ask me. That is all I was trying to do myself. I could have been in Melissas shoes also, although I was not worthy :) .....That is a joke, Waynes World....I just do not get why someone is picking and choosing whom gets information, and not just releasing it to all. After all, they released the huge claim, who would not expect people to want updates?

Melissa, maybe what I stated earlier may be the way to go. If you can not post the answers, and this may be the case, then people are left hanging knowing you have information, and it can not be released. I see the point there. Not that I am anyone, but I think all of this could have been avoided if it were never posted.If something is meant to stay private, or " secret ", a forum is not a place to talk about it. A phone call would make more sense. One on One conversations.

I do hope you can release the questions and answers, a lot of people would love to hear something to back up these claims all ready. Myself, either way, I really do not care to much at all. I know where this is going, I just like reading how the story goes, and sometimes like get involved in the conversations.

My true wish would be able to have a public discussion on camera with all involved after the fact, that I would love to do.

Anyway....Phone calls work so much better in these situations.

Edited by roblester
Posted (edited)

You're understanding is correct Mounty - and thank you.

P.S. Hi Melissa, I've never had the opportunity to say Hi before, so here it goes...

Hello to you also. It nice to virtually meet you.. ;)

roblester said:

If you can not post the answers, and this may be the case, then people are left hanging knowing you have information, and it can not be released.

PLEASE do not speculate about an agreement between myself and someone else. Ed has already started answering questions. He is following through. There is no going back. I already have some answers - but knowing the way the community is - I am going to wait until I have everything done to my satisfaction. Please do not speculate on this. I am telling you these questions and answers will be public. Otherwise - there is no reason for me to do this at all. Ed never would have brought my name up in this. Why? Because Ed knows I will make his refusal public also.

If the BFF mods won't allow me to publish the answers here - that is fine. I can simply post on my blog. It's no big deal.

This isn't my first rodeo.

VioletX said:

haha! I know Melissa, just like Salem all over again, I always knew that would be my fate.; }

We should have T-Shirts made too .. LOL.

Edited by Melissa
Guest roblester

You're understanding is correct Mounty - and thank you.

roblester said:

Please do not speculate on this. I am telling you these questions and answers will be public. Otherwise - there is no reason for me to do this at all. Ed never would have brought my name up in this. Why? Because Ed knows I will make his refusal public also.

If the BFF mods won't allow me to publish the answers here - that is fine. I can simply post on my blog. It's no big deal.

Nothing but respect right there for that, Melissa.

Thank You.

Posted (edited)

Play by Play, Updated:

  • Dec. 27, 2013: First reported on MABRC forum & Facebook, followed by Bigfoot Evidence.
  • Report was of a text message leaked by Ed Smith.
  • The text was sent by a member of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, Quantra Team (The Original 6).
  • The text stated "Daisy is in the Box", which is a code phrase for a Bigfoot (possibly Female) has been captured.
  • The Rumour Mill fires up.
  • Dec. 27, 2013: D.W. Lee does not deny the capture, and states that it did not happen in Oklahoma.
  • Dec. 28, 2013: Bigfoot Evidence reports that the Bigfoot Chicks interviewed D.W. Lee, who stated a trap was specially designed with a trigger set to close if a 350+ pound weight steps on a plate, and that a team of privately contracted scientist will examine the evidence.
  • Dec. 28, 2013: Ed Smith reports that the Bigfoot was moved from the capture site to the examination site during the early morning hours (12 miles between the two sites).
  • MABRC website crashes due to too many hits.
  • Tim Fasano says something false and not worth mentioning.
  • MABRC get their website back up and running.
  • D.W. Lee states that Ed Smith will be posting a 90 page document regarding the capture.
  • Dec. 29, 2013: More Rumours. Matt Moneymaker claims that no bigfoot has been captured. (I guess he's protecting his tv show, after all, Matt's out of work if Bigfoot is actually found; step aside Amateurs, step in Scientists)
  • Ed Smith states that he will not provide any further updates, and that any updates will come directly from Team Quantra.
  • D.W. Lee, MABRC Executive Director, has referenced us as people on the blogs, and we've been told to be patient.
  • Dec. 30, 2013: Midnight, BFF member and member of MABRC, Driveroperator, explains what he knows about "Team Quantra" & Ed Smith: A group of wealthy and technologically gifted college friends who have, for the past decade, been researching an area in Oklahoma with success, however Ed Smith was too eager to go public and therefore left the group. MABRC was the organization of choice for "Team Quantra" due to Geographic convenience.
  • Jan. 01, 2013: Ed Smith states that he will hold a meeting in Houston on Jan. 02, 2013, between Himself and Quantra. This meeting will be to discuss setting up another meeting between Quantra, MABRC and select individuals.
  • JRid posts on BFF an Archived Radio Broadcast from 2009, in which Ed Smith elaborates on the capabilities of Quantra/Original-6. This broadcast is consistent with Driveroperator's post on Dec. 30. Bigfoot Evidence reports same broadcast a few hours later.
  • Driveroperator alludes on BFF to the possible involvement of legal council regarding Quantra's rights to possession of a specimen. This may explain the time delay & the 90 page document said to be forthcoming.
  • Jan. 02, 2013: Ed Smith clears up background and explains the evolution of the ORIG-6 to Team Quantra: 1.) ORIG-6 founded in early 1990's, small scale and fun. 2.) Early 2000's ORIG-6 research & projects become larger scale in multiple states. 3.) ORIG-6 dabble in DNA, but decide capture of a live specimen is best. 4.) Ed Smith designs a trap - Trap or Traps are fabricated in Tulsa by business associate. 5.) ORIG-6 use Oil & Gas business as cover to hide their growing Capture Project needs. 6.) Capture Project grows to 42+ participants. 7.) ORIG-6 cease operations in late 2011. 8.) Team Quantra formed in Virginia by former ORIG-6 members and like-minded business associates, June 2012. 9.) Quantra owns rights to past research and documentaries.
  • Meeting between Ed Smith and Team Quantra is suppose to take place this evening, Jan. 02 2013, according to Ed Smith.
  • Jan. 03, 2013: Well over 24 hours pass without any update/communication from anyone at all. I hear crickets.
  • Jan. 04, 2013: Melissa Hovey states on BFF that she is in private communication with Ed Smith, and that her questions are being answered. Melissa states she will publish the answers when she is done getting the answers, with all the i's dotted & t's crossed, and ducks in a row. (I can't say as though I blame her)

Edited by Mounty

Man if it's getting this bad, maybe we all need to become fulltime bigfoot researchers to allevate the boredom.

Think Jack Link's could sponsor us?



Thanks for the information and your willingness to ask the questions and bring us the answers. Even though I'm not very optimistic about this claim from Ed Smith, I am very curious about it and any info you can present will be very welcome.

For the record, I disagree with Rockies concern about your reputation. It's very clear what you are doing and why you are doing it. Nobody can claim that you're part of the story, for better or worse. In my limited experience, exchanging comments on this forum, with you, I think you're the right person for this endeavor. You know what you're talking about and, in my estimation, you're a "straight shooter" and tell it like it is. An example of this is the way you handled the "Hovey photo" a while back ago.

As I have already posted, I have serious doubts about this claim for many reasons. The only things that keep me somewhat open minded are that Ed Smith and the MABRC would really discredit themselves if this were a hoax and that I personally think it's very possible for a well organized and well funded group to capture a Bigfoot. I have written quite a bit on this very subject and have a very good idea of the financial cost and the organizational resources needed.

Now that you're involved, I'm confident that the information we receive will be straight forward and, hopefully, enlightening as well. Thanks again for your willingness to help get some answers.

Posted (edited)

Please don't take this wrong. I have no doubt at all Melissa is honest and trusthworthy. I would just hate to see that reputation ruined by the nuttiness that is the Bigfoot community if this thing takes a dive down the road.

And if it does I think everyone should defend her from that BS as she is only seeking to get us more information.

Edited by rockiessquatching

Rick Dyer

Todd Standing


All peas in a pod.


I'm slightly irritated and my tolerance for such shenanigans is getting low.


Rob Lester your posts over there were blunt and rude actually. Your thinking you did no wrong but are off. You were given advice and warnings. The big problem seems that you don't listen well and if your an adult it didn't show. Info will be shared as it becomes available. Patience young skeptic which do have resident skeptical members in the MABRC that ARE the right kind of people . Get in the woods Rob quit waiting on others.

Guest VioletX
Posted (edited)

Thanks Melissa

Yes, thanks again and I hope a Mod gets back to you with permission soon,lol!

I wanted to add that one of the reasons I am mostly open-minded about some of these things is that if BF is truly out there in the world, someday somehow, someone is going to provide proof, and we cannot choose or predict how this will happen or who will do it.

Edited by VioletX
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