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Paul Freeman Footage.....believe It Or Not?

Guest Nalajr

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It is a compelling video, regardless if it is inconclusive. If it is fake, it would not be surprising since Freeman knew taxidermists and could very well have manufactured some type of man-ape costume to filmt at a distance.  Though his reactions seem natural.  He was very unhealthy and struggled in the wild.  It is interesting to note that Doug Hajicek analyzed the video and found 3 BFs in there.  1 is apparently a child being lifted and carried.  (source is Oregon BF analysis).  


I do recall Freeman in the 80's being what the BF reality show dopes are today - unworthy celebrities that come off as the low IQ types they are.  I don't doubt that Freeman had some form of BF encounters.  He was not a weekend warrior.  He dedicated his life to field research and he was able to get a lot of casts.  If he was all phony, that is an awful lot of hoaxing with nothing to show for it it other than 2 grand after his death.  Finding evidence is a difficult chore and he did generate hoaxes on several occasions (please do the research, there are many sources to Freeman's hoax attempts).  I do believe Dr. Meldrum is the type of scientist to figure things out for himself rather than believe what the peanut gallery says online.  Everyone knows Todd Standing is a skilled BS artist and a hoaxer but does that mean he has never had a legitimate experience worth investigating?  To the rest of us, we would laugh and shut the door in his face.  Meldrum, Stroud, etc, are committed to following through with the verification process.  The same level of attention is paid to Freeman's research due to the sheer amount of time he spent in the field and recording "evidence" of some variety.


I wonder if the chunks of alleged BF scat Freeman had in his freezer were a bonus throw in when Dr. Meldrum bought the casts.  Meldrum studies scat in addition to footprints.

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Guest SoFla

Obviously faked because how can it be real when there IS no such-a-thing as bigfoot it's a figment of people's imaginations, just like UFO's and aliens and anything else that scares us.

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Known hoaxer  faking  footprints and taping  a fat guy in a poor costume. Not much to believe in.

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 If it is fake, it would not be surprising since Freeman knew taxidermists and could very well have manufactured some type of man-ape costume to filmt at a distance.  


This is true, and he makes a nice looking Bigfoot.



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Guest Crowlogic

Freeman wanted to be Roger Patterson, he wanted to be somebody.  He played his cards foolishly and his legacy is even more contestable than Patterson's

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Guest SoFla

Freeman wanted to be Roger Patterson, he wanted to be somebody.  He played his cards foolishly and his legacy is even more contestable than Patterson's

So by "contestable legacy"does that mean that you think that Patterson hoaxed the film that he made that day at Bluff Creek with Bob Gimlin?

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Guest Crowlogic

So by "contestable legacy"does that mean that you think that Patterson hoaxed the film that he made that day at Bluff Creek with Bob Gimlin?

If I had to bet on real I'd go with Patterson.  Nobody will ever know what's on the Patterson film.

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Psssst ... Crowlogic ... that thing on the film ... it's called a "bigfoot" ...



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Guest Crowlogic

Psssst ... Crowlogic ... that thing on the film ... it's called a "bigfoot" ...



Yo ..MIB.... it is an image in a strip of film and nothing more, bigfoot is a tourist attraction at best.

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Guest Crowlogic

The analysis by our friend just keeps on getting more bizarre. I have no hope of this ending well.

It has ended and quite well.indeed.  I'm no longer burdened by the big monkey unlike yourself.  That said bigfoot's biggest contribution to human kind is the revenue generated by the things human beings have constructed around the bigfoot myth.  Most of it is tourism and recreation.  Bigfoot is a tourist attraction.

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Excellent point Crow...

No one is actually looking for bigfoot anymore. People are vending bigfoot woo, selling fake cast, telling scary stories around camp fires and zipping thru the woods on atvs....

Squatchin has been monetized and for the savy ones it's all about the $$.

Footers are woo merchants.... some are paid in cash and some do it for kicks but none of them are finding bigfoot.

Everyday things are now attributable to bigfoot bUT in reality its just bigfoot woo.... a knock in the forest. Well that's a bigfoot. A sound you cant identify... well that's bigfoot... A pile of dead branches ... that's bigfoot...

It would be hard to get people to spend time/money to go into the forest and sit there and look for real bigfoot evidence... it would be way too boring...%

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Funny, I've never considered curiosity and adherence to scientific precepts as a burden. Enjoyable and fulfilling maybe? Stimulating and an intellectually satisfying perhaps?  Just plain fun? All of those, yep. 


If these kinds of things "burden" you, you really should look into another pastime and focus for your attention elsewhere. Life is really too short to elect to do things that are seen as a burden with no redeeming qualities. Just stop grinding your own liver and move on for all of our sakes, please.

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Guest Crowlogic

No one is actually looking for bigfoot anymore. People are vending bigfoot woo, selling fake cast, telling scary stories around camp fires and zipping thru the woods on atvs....

Squatchin has been monetized and for the savy ones it's all about the $$.

Footers are woo merchants.... some are paid in cash and some do it for kicks but none of them are finding bigfoot.

Everyday things are now attributable to bigfoot bUT in reality its just bigfoot woo.... a knock in the forest. Well that's a bigfoot. A sound you cant identify... well that's bigfoot... A pile of dead branches ... that's bigfoot...

It would be hard to get people to spend time/money to go into the forest and sit there and look for real bigfoot evidence... it would be way too boring...%

That about nails it.  Is it not curious that the beast remains invisible even as the activities attributed to it increase.  Ahhh but the the portal issue is just catching fire.  Once the portal becomes official bigfootism doctrine the sky will be the limit there will never again be a need for the corporal smelly monkey.

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The analysis by our friend just keeps on getting more bizarre. I have no hope of this ending well.


Agreed.   I'm ready to settle for ending soon if it can't end well.   I hate giving up the field to the scoftic propaganda machine on the chance some future noob would mistakenly think something had been conceded or a point made but it may well be time to walk away and let tomorrow's noobs fend for themselves, Crow "logic" and all.  :(



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