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Paul Freeman Footage.....believe It Or Not?

Guest Nalajr

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I find Bill Munns'  quote on this point to be crucial: "[He is] just not able to tell good evidence from bad."


This is a real handicap in those seeking truth.  The #1 crippler of young adults, as it were.

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Guest SoFla

I find Bill Munns'  quote on this point to be crucial: "[He is] just not able to tell good evidence from bad."


This is a real handicap in those seeking truth.  The #1 crippler of young adults, as it were.

Is that another Bill Munns quote that he never said?

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No, actually, I'm not in the habit of making quotes up and attributing them to others. What a strange question.

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Hello All,

There are a couple of things that I find strange. One is that believers get eye rolls but it seems the many authors and vendors do not? Why is it that those who are publicly marginalized don't marginalize the ones who profit from the belief? Many complain about folks that are maybe only in it for the money but those folks wouldn't be there if there was no money to be made. There are many reasons why the media and public snicker at Bigfooters. I think the chief unspoken label is perhaps gullibility. Buying trinkets and supporting vendors is part of that label.

I know this will seem harsh but the subject of Bigfoot needs to revert back to the ones in the field and those who truly believe there is an extant, large, North American ape out there. And no one needs a BF T-shirt to hunt for it. I really do apologize for the rant here but for pete's sake all of us could clean up our act a bit and that would have to include the conference people and the speakers on the circuit. Get something solid and hold a press conference. We owe this to ourselves to tighten things up and get out and find this creature.

If I was a conference speaker I'd feel a whole lot better about myself if I was hitting the circuit with a head than pushing my book that contains no proof.

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Guest SoFla

No, actually, I'm not in the habit of making quotes up and attributing them to others. What a strange question.

Link? With actual quotation marks? 

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If these kinds of things "burden" you, you really should look into another pastime and focus for your attention elsewhere. Life is really too short to elect to do things that are seen as a burden with no redeeming qualities. Just stop grinding your own liver and move on for all of our sakes, please.


He/she can't do it. He/she is bigfoot obsessed. Some people can't understand that 'footers' are actually on both sides of the argument. There are footers who accept and there are footers who deny. Anybody who thinks about or talks about bigfoot nearly every day, even in the negative sense, is a "footer". Crow Logic is a "footer", and if Martin carries on the way he is then he'll be a "footer" very soon.

Edited by Neanderfoot
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^ That is true.

But here we are in a thread from a well known multi-hoaxer and folks are still defending his garbage.

At some point footers need to get real with ourselves at move on from the garbage.

Edited by Martin
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I find Bill Munns'  quote on this point to be crucial: "[He is] just not able to tell good evidence from bad."


This is a real handicap in those seeking truth.  The #1 crippler of young adults, as it were.

I too feel the #1 problem with the youth of today is their inability to tell good evidence from bad.

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Everyone in bigfootery has excepted poor evidence at one time or another.

Problem is footers are unable to critically evaluate evidence. Most struggle when it comes to taking off their bigfoot googles.

Footers start out with the assumption that all evidence is good then work from there....

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Guest Crowlogic

Funny, I've never considered curiosity and adherence to scientific precepts as a burden. Enjoyable and fulfilling maybe? Stimulating and an intellectually satisfying perhaps?  Just plain fun? All of those, yep. 


If these kinds of things "burden" you, you really should look into another pastime and focus for your attention elsewhere. Life is really too short to elect to do things that are seen as a burden with no redeeming qualities. Just stop grinding your own liver and move on for all of our sakes, please.

Here's the rub.  The burden of mine that you interrupt   is no burden at at all.  The burden is carried by folks who stake a belief in what has been evolving into an ever more incredulous construct.  From what I've gathered in my travels around the realm of bigfootism is that the folks most deeply engaged seem to be the types who desperately need something to cling to that negates or offsets the cards in  the rotten hand life seems to be giving them.  So sure skeptics are hurting a needed belief in something when all else has failed some folks.

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Guest SoFla

Excellent point Crow...

No one is actually looking for bigfoot anymore. People are vending bigfoot woo, selling fake cast, telling scary stories around camp fires and zipping thru the woods on atvs....

Squatchin has been monetized and for the savy ones it's all about the $$.

Footers are woo merchants.... some are paid in cash and some do it for kicks but none of them are finding bigfoot.

Everyday things are now attributable to bigfoot bUT in reality its just bigfoot woo.... a knock in the forest. Well that's a bigfoot. A sound you cant identify... well that's bigfoot... A pile of dead branches ... that's bigfoot...

It would be hard to get people to spend time/money to go into the forest and sit there and look for real bigfoot evidence... it would be way too boring...%

Here's a perfect example of a person who thinks he knows what's going on but in actuality is completely out of touch with what's happening in the real world

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^ please enlighten me with "the real world".

Bigfoot digging in dumpsters running around throughout the continent and the government cleaning up its messes so the average american will remain aloof. Duh! where have you been

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Someone, some years ago, claimed to stake out a dumpster by sitting inside. It was behind a shopping center. Sure enough bigfoot came by dumpster diving.

Unfortunately, as per normal the camera didn't work nor did he shot the bigfoot even though the footer was armed and waiting.

He was from So Fla.....

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Guest SoFla

Someone, some years ago, claimed to stake out a dumpster by sitting inside. It was behind a shopping center. Sure enough bigfoot came by dumpster diving.

Unfortunately, as per normal the camera didn't work nor did he shot the bigfoot even though the footer was armed and waiting.

He was from So Fla.....

Yea it was me so what? At least I ate good that night

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