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Tree Manipulation/ Wood Structures: What Is The Evidence?


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I look at critical thinking this way. It's similar to what a firewall is for your computer. Ratchet up the firewall to much and you'll never make it off the starting line. Not enough and you leave yourself open to be bombarded with junk.


Yes I have countless pics of treebreaks but don't post any. And all the footprints I saw in the snow in early spring were amazing! I had my camera but I've seen what happens with footprints so I didn't bother taking any pics of them.


Here's the pic of the spear as it is now WSA.  I've decided I'm going to move it to get a better shot(s) of it (and the others) when I return.


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While I'm at it, I noticed this last time I was there.


attachicon.gif009.JPG attachicon.gif007.JPG


Makes a nice perch no matter how it got that way.


The two bottom left and right photos are interesting because I have seen them before. One in Michigan, and the other on a You Tube video of history unrelated to Bigfoot. The first time I the seen crooked tree it looked much like a hand crank on an old Model T Ford, and it was oddly shaped similar to that depicted in the photo here. An old historian says early Indians formed the tree when it was a very young sapling and when it matured over the course of a few hundred years it looks a hanging tree. According to the historian early Indians of Southeast Michigan used them as directional trail markers long before the first settlers arrived in the Northwest Territories. The second time I seen the same design was in an old history video, and the narrator implied that it was used as a hanging tree.    

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This has been a great thread. Recently, I found a two foot branch of an evergreen about twenty feet away from the tree in a short period of no wind in a conspicuous place. I shortly after placed it in a smaller tree, kinda woven so that it couldn't easily be displaced. The next day after no wind, it was gone, nowhere to be seen. I don't think it's a food source, so the only other thing it suggests to me is a form of communication.

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Just your typical T-Pee structure I found in the State Park near my home where I have had

several auditory encounters and recorded more activity...below that is a picture of a race

car I drive



Edited by Lake County Bigfooot
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I've been interested in ground blinds again. I had written them off as "must be" human hunters, despite that I was finding them in areas where hunting was verboten. 


However, one of the Bigfoot Hotspot episodes, they had been out to a property with BF activity, and they had seen ground blinds in the woods, faced toward dwelling...


So that piqued my interest. Areas I've seen them are thick canopy areas with not much ground cover. It's another one of those annoying things though, humans "shouldn't" have put them in these hunting banned woodlands, but they are there, though you're never going to prove that humans didn't put them there.


Another one that sticks out in my mind, was a large debris blind within 20ft of a public right of way trail, the blind was on private property, however, it's only "use" was to provide cover from stuff coming up the trail. Hunting regs forbid discharge of bow or gun within certain distance of rights of way, or on it or across it, so what the heck? That trail also had fresh trees down across it, when there had been no wind for several days. It's a right of way that has existed a hundred years or more there, not a fresh cut where the trees are weak, anything that grew there was hardened to local wind forces.


In the main, I hate videos, they are generally such a waste of time relative to their actual factual content. However, I think they are more useful for documenting structures than photos, the walkaround gives you a much better sense of proportion, it's relation to landscape, nearness of any stumps that larger elements could have come from. Photos, you have to trust the researcher too much when they say, no stumps, trunk came from X feet away etc, etc.. You never know if they are deliberately misleading or just unobservant. 


Personally, I try to scope out fully suburban woodlands often, as a "control" just to familiarise with what kids do, making dens, treehouses, forts etc. Also useful as getting a general "read" on last year or so of wind damage in an area. 


Even as a proponent, I've had "difficulty" swallowing a couple of things I found in woods skirting cities, like twist breaks, that I've gone off in the direction they pointed and found teepee structures, I mean there's deer in there, but there's kids running round in there on weekends, impossible to rule out kids making these teepees, but these breaks point right to them, coincidence seems super high odds. It's possible I guess that BF is indicating a human built structure to others, in case humans are hiding in it to be sneaky. But still, that means BF came through there. 


In an area like that, there was a ditch/gully, couple of logs across it, one of them seemed to be a little too far away from it's stump, like 30ft, more logs piled on top/across, it gave off a sheltery vibe, more than a bridgey vibe, anyway, needed a leak at the time and it was in cover, so thought I'd try something and peed all over it..... a week later went back, one of the main logs was askew, the "roof" was scattered... Now this is before I heard this year of Rob Garret trying something similar, in his case, he said it was totally smashed up to kindling after him and his guys peed on it, but in my case, not so much, just disarrayed. Stuff like that really makes you ponder.

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BFF Patron

http://www.mountainstewards.org/project/internal_index.htmlThe two bottom left and right photos are interesting because I have seen them before. One in Michigan, and the other on a You Tube video of history unrelated to Bigfoot. The first time I the seen crooked tree it looked much like a hand crank on an old Model T Ford, and it was oddly shaped similar to that depicted in the photo here. An old historian says early Indians formed the tree when it was a very young sapling and when it matured over the course of a few hundred years it looks a hanging tree. According to the historian early Indians of Southeast Michigan used them as directional trail markers long before the first settlers arrived in the Northwest Territories. The second time I seen the same design was in an old history video, and the narrator implied that it was used as a hanging tree.    


Picture .oo3 has an interesting double diamond, triangular x pattern to the left and RIGHT of the pointer Wes T's original pictures referenced) ,  much on the right is under leaves.  It is sometimes necessary to extricate parts of these formations from the ground clutter of leaves I have found in my own research, you can often discover additional complexities.   That pic is a definite winner there.  In regard to oo9, the perch.  It would be necessary to see the trunk of the tree to know how much slant out of ground was required for the tree to initially reach sunlight.  It is possible a dead leaner caused the tree to grow that way when young.  And yes, I know of the native american trail trees

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Biped – Can you take a peep at this tepee structure and offer up an opinion?  The link below will take you page 22 of a local forum not necessarily Bigfoot, nevertheless, scroll down toward the bottom and view some photos. They are interesting.




Picture .oo3 has an interesting double diamond, triangular x pattern to the left and RIGHT of the pointer Wes T's original pictures referenced) ,  much on the right is under leaves.  It is sometimes necessary to extricate parts of these formations from the ground clutter of leaves I have found in my own research, you can often discover additional complexities.   That pic is a definite winner there.  In regard to oo9, the perch.  It would be necessary to see the trunk of the tree to know how much slant out of ground was required for the tree to initially reach sunlight.  It is possible a dead leaner caused the tree to grow that way when young.  And yes, I know of the native american trail trees


I’m going to re-visit photo#3 and see the double diamond ….

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BFF Patron

Well I would have hiked back in closer to that teepee and gotten a variety of pictures of it's base and some measurements.  It is very difficult to tell what is going on there. 


Here is a pointer alongside a very small tripod in a small sapling crotch that I had activity near.   An azimuth taken from the pointer led to several other significant features and manipulations up the ridge from this location. 


In retrospect I wish I had taken more time to search sticks around this structure under leaves to see what else may have been evident in the way of design.  



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The two bottom left and right photos are interesting because I have seen them before. One in Michigan, and the other on a You Tube video of history unrelated to Bigfoot. The first time I the seen crooked tree it looked much like a hand crank on an old Model T Ford, and it was oddly shaped similar to that depicted in the photo here. An old historian says early Indians formed the tree when it was a very young sapling and when it matured over the course of a few hundred years it looks a hanging tree. According to the historian early Indians of Southeast Michigan used them as directional trail markers long before the first settlers arrived in the Northwest Territories. The second time I seen the same design was in an old history video, and the narrator implied that it was used as a hanging tree.    

Hi Gumshoeye, I've been reading and enjoying your posts on here since you've joined. I'm short on time at the moment but I wanted to drop you a line to let you know I'll return and comment.

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The bent tree in pic 009 I didn't notice until WSA brought the subject up. So I looked around and sure enough, there one was. They call them Indian trail markers, but it seems the phenomenon is still occuring, even in the absence thier presence.


I've probably already posted this pic somewhere in this thread, but bipedalist brought up the subect of diamond shapes and it reminded me of this:




Looks like a bowed over tree that succumbed to wind, snow, and ice. All natural, easily explained.





But, when you see how the tree is pinned down to the ground, you'll notice the nice diamond shape bipedalist references. And for those who can't figure out why this bowed over tree is deemed suspect, moss only grows on tree trucks that have been lying on the ground for some time. So it either magically moved itself, or it was placed there intentionally.

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These "things" are just so intriguing to me. I like them because they are sem-permanent and should last for many years unless they are dismantled, so you can have a fair chance of finding one. Wherever you go in wooded cover, you might see something similar. They photograph well too. I especially like them because it allows me to look at landscapes with a completely new eye and curiosity to understand.


These are deliberate constructions, I have not much doubt about that. The only question is: Human or something else with hands? Sure narrows down the possibilities, doesn't it? Seems to also fly in the face of the accounts that ascribe paranormal or even extraterrestrial origins to BF. How likely is it that a creature with those abilities has some need to stack sticks in piles? 


Sure, kids and adults could be doing this deliberately, for some purpose that is hard to accept as likely. Some of them are no doubt human hunting blinds, or kids playing "army" but there are just  too many other constructions just don't jibe with that theory. Accidental? Wind, ice and snow? I've cut a bunch of wood and brush in my day, in all kinds of wooded terrain and all kinds of tree species. I've cut and stacked wood for campfires more times than I can imagine. I can tell  you with some degree of confidence that throwing together a pile of treetrunks and branches hardly ever results in anything similar. They usually just fall to the ground, and lay flat.  If you've ever tried to construct a branch lean-to without lashings, you know how difficult it can be, even when you are being deliberate about it. 

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Bigfoot Hotspot, Sasquatch Chronicles, either episode 20 or 21, had a phone in caller, he was describing a woven dome structure in Michigan think it was, they were bow hunting, found this structure while scouting, said it was big enough for 4 or 5 people, no loopholes if done by hunters, they went up trees nearby at oh dark thirty next morning, and had a big booger pacing around underneath them until first light. Said it made a beeline from area of structure to trees where they were, must have followed scent but didn't look up.


Picture of structure was supposed to have been posted to "fan page" presume facebook page, early 2014? Haven't gone digging yet.

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We already know bonobos mark their trails.  Sasquatch have to make do with woody plants.


There is too much of this kind of stuff on record to draw conclusions until we have *proven* what is doing it.

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BFF Patron

^ one of the coolest reports I've heard lately, let me know if you find the page. 

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