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Bigfoot Sitting High In A Tree Casually Watching Our Research Party

Midnight Owl

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Thanks for clearing that up M.O.


And O.K. that IS a big tree...a yard between the bark is about a climax size for most S. pines. If I were a W.A., that would be where I would sit too.


If anything, your estimate of the shoulder spread is probably conservative. The figure seems to be not be exactly square to the camera, which will foreshorten it a tad.

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I’m not surprised that a BF would be perched up a tree taking a gander at the country side.


With the exception of this past spring, we always go mushroom hunting in the same woods and we always look up from time to time keeping an eye out for cougars that might be perched on a limb, just waiting for a target. We have for several years now found cougar tracks. One year we not only found adult cougar tracks but baby cougar tracks also along side of the adult tracks.


Last year (we’ve hunted this area for 15 years-and know it like the back of our hands) we had two oddities. A 30 foot tall tree (about 9-12 inches in diameter) had been snapped off at the 5 foot mark. The tree was not rotted and there was no other trees nearby that could be downed by wind damage….nor this tree. The break was fresh, maybe just a couple days old. The inside was still moist! Most interesting of all was about 100 yards away I found another 30 footer that was down, with about the same diameter. Only problem is, there was no trunk. This thing had been carried in! I look out to a distance of about 400 yards around this down one, and no stump was ever found. Plus we found some concrete that had been busted up and stack in a neat pile. Previous to finding this, this same concrete was scatted over a 20 foot area all the years previous to the stacking.


….so our guess was we now have activity in our mushroom patches. There is a power line less than 300 yards from the down trees. This line runs for miles and goes into the power plant about 3 miles away.



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Here is a comparison picture I shot at the same place, same distance with an exemplar subject. The tree was about 3 feet in diameter.


Do you have any comparison shots of the same spot in the trees?

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Something that has crossed my mind here is having a Bigfoot up a tree, and that's the best photo obtained. You would think that there would be video of a Bigfoot making a very quick escape down the tree or a wild limb swinging Bigfoot escaping through the canopy.

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Just playing devil's advocate here... I'd suspect an animal as notoriously furtive as this crypto species is would skedaddle in short order as soon as you tried to close the distance. But yes, one researcher walking towards the subject while another keeps the video trained on it would possibly yield something very dramatic. Then again, that might conflict with the larger goals of the researchers. I only hope we get further videos of this area, and purported activity. I'm willing to wait and see.

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I do have some better videos of the trees.  As noted the distance was over 500 yards with uneven land and assorted trees.  To even move up the hill and keep a sure fix on the precise location was impossible.  I eventually had to stand in the original spot, have another party walk up the ridge line and move them to the location under the trees.  They then stood there while I made my way up the hill to meet them.  I don't think this observation point was a random act, but put them in a great position and tactical advantage with the high ground and cover. 


When I get time, I will compile another short video of what we found there.....

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Looking forward to that M.O.


And yeah, the first thing I noticed was the tactics involved. If you wanted an OP to recon that clear-cut, that is the best choice. Made you feel sort of out-guessed (not to mention exposed), I'm sure! 

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Thanks much for sharing MO, this has been interesting.  Is this a bear area?   As mentioned earlier it seems like the only other possible candidate...

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This particular area is known for Bigfoot activity by local residents that go back a generation or two.  Some have just accepted it with no problems.  Others have moved away terrified to stay anywhere near there.  It is not an easy thing for many to accept, that there are things that do go bump in the night that are not cute fuzzy little animals, but large, powerful and sometimes stinky critters that could rip you apart if they chose to.  Fortunately, most would rather avoid us, but chance sightings and encounters will continue to happen....

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So a 600 lb primate was up at the top of an 8 or 10" round pine tree, on a Windy day?


No wonder there are so few of them.

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Drew, my previous listing specified to another member that the tree the subject was in was about 3 feet in diameter.  There were obviously smaller trees swaying in the area.  I have no idea where you got the 8 to 10" sizes?   


I hope this clears up any question you had about this.  

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Thanks MO,


I have thought for a very long time that they do get in trees.  I heard something years ago, not a bird, but an unfamiliar sound.  My impression was as if a baby something was calling for its parent????   It was a desperate call and it made me think that it was in trouble????


A friend watched as a young one climbed high into a pine tree on her property.  Mom and dad came over and demanded that the little kid come down.  They shook it and kept shaking til the little one climbed down.  I've seen pics of a friend's place with lots of cedars and faces, large and small peeking out of the branches. 


Yeah, apes in trees...........lol WSA.

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