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Is Sasquatch A Secret?


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Hiflier-  good points indeed. The National Resourses Defence Council, Greenpeace and the Sierra Club all have efforts to stop the vital resourses for our publicly owned fuana and flora which fracking would jepordize, which not only inclueds BF but us also. Your post is much appreciated at a time when not enough studies have been done yet. 

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Hello ptangier,

Thank you, much appreciated. The subject of Sasquatch is what this Forum is all about. And while the Forum itself is not a research site, nor was it ever meant to be, it does give a platform for members to express views and opinion and bring in research. For that I am grateful. I'm also grateful for the mods who carefully guard the purpose and focus of the subjects and threads that appear here. I especially would like to extend my appreciation to them for allowing me to form the picture of why I strongly think that a type specimen already exists and that therefore Sasquatch is already a well known creature not just by private witnesses..

Peolple see them and have seen them, and report them only to have authorities dismiss the evidence as misidentification in nearly all cases. It's simply beyond me WHY there seems to be no investigation currently known as to ascertaining whether or not the creature is the reason behind all those reports. I for one see this as not making any sense and so have been attempting to investigate the matter in a way that brings sense to the issue. Not a cover up; simply a don't ask- don't tell policy. Ignore all things Sasquatch for very large reasons.

Edited by hiflier
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Hello All,

Well, that about raps it up on my end. I refuse to start a poll so here I'll just ask if after careful consideration of these arguments, along with the opinions of other posters here, do YOU think a type specimen already exists? And if so do you have other reasons to add for why you think so? I think the argument warrant an effort at contacting the various agencies to ask point blank their policies on the matter of Sasquatch existence and whether or not a body has been harvested.

I don't see an issue in pursuing this other than the experience of finding out that all roads get either ignored or right out dismissed. I think it's time. Would any of you as the public be willing to gather some links for this endeavor? I'll be more than happy to do the chore of issuing the correspondences so no one feels at risk. Don't forget, the new NSA is monitoring.

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Hello All,

Nevermind about any contact information. I found all I need here:


Also I think I've learned my lesson over the years about how easy it is for emails to not be responded to. So, that said, a phone call is probably the way to go. :)

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What I do believe is that if, as I stated earlier in this thread, bigfoot are full-time biological entities, then the idea that government(s), or at least certain agencies thereof, are unaware of the existence of these creatures is wholly untenable.

I agree, but it would be hard to know exactly what kind of information the government has. It's made even more difficult by the fact that there isn't an equivalent to a Project Blue Book on the subject. It is my opinion that the government is neither ignorant nor actively covering up the Bigfoot phenomena, but they simply aren't interested in the matter.

With Project Blue Book, they were interested in collecting information on UFOs. And why wouldn't they? UFOs in controlled airspace is a security and safety concern which the government would need to collect information and do something about. But why would they need or want to investigate in Bigfoot? It's by all accounts an evasive, none-threatening, unsophisticated (read: primitive) species that keeps to themselves. So yeah, they likely have the information. But it's more likely they simply aren't doing anything with it.

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I don't know whether a type specimen exists.



But I don't consider it at all unreasonable that the government or certain agencies thereof know about it, and that they've decided to let things take their course because they've got enough on their plates right now without Proving Bigfoot To A Waiting World.

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Hello Leftfoot,


Your's is a curious post. The point I'm making is that the disinterest is a perception manufactured for the public. If the government is not interested then the public-at-large won't be either. The news media publicly smirks with real eye-rolling facial expression (with scripted dialogue added for effect) and vocal inflection. Nearly ALL stories are relayed to the public with this kind of sarcasm. No, the government shows a keen interest in exposure control if nothing else. And for good reason if you've followed the thead. There was a point when there was official interest but that is gone now. The position i take is because they already know what Sasquatch is as a result of harvesting one, or several.  


There's enough interest in publicly counting deer, elk, bear and many other species. PUBLICLY. But there's no interest in Sasquatch? With so few creatures in the wild? I don't buy it. Nobody stops overall resource allocation for any known animal. Sasquatch by it's very nature would stop everything long enough to be extremely costly. And it is a matter of national security if one adds in the strategic oil reserves (SOR).


So......how are my debating skills doing? ;)

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I agree, but it would be hard to know exactly what kind of information the government has. It's made even more difficult by the fact that there isn't an equivalent to a Project Blue Book (that we know of) on the subject. It is my opinion that the government is neither ignorant nor actively covering up the Bigfoot phenomena, but they simply aren't interested in the matter.

With Project Blue Book, they were interested in collecting information on UFOs. And why wouldn't they? UFOs in controlled airspace is a security and safety concern which the government would need to collect information and do something about. But why would they need or want to investigate in Bigfoot? It's by all some accounts an evasive, none-threatening, unsophisticated (read: primitive) species that keeps to themselves. So yeah, they likely have the information. But it's more likely they simply aren't doing anything with it.

My comments above in red^^^


Also, i feel it's important to note that Sign, Grudge, and then Blue Book were debunking and PR efforts by the Air Force. That's not to say that they (the Air Force) didn't have a genuine interest in the UFO phenomenon, only that Blue book and the like were always intended for publication and public consumption. The real military interest and research remained classified. Blue Book was designed to return a negative result and quell any fears that John Q. Public might have concerning the "flying saucers".

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My comments above in red^^^


Also, i feel it's important to note that Sign, Grudge, and then Blue Book were debunking and PR efforts by the Air Force. That's not to say that they (the Air Force) didn't have a genuine interest in the UFO phenomenon, only that Blue book and the like were always intended for publication and public consumption. The real military interest and research remained classified. Blue Book was designed to return a negative result and quell any fears that John Q. Public might have concerning the "flying saucers".


Bolding mine.  Weren't those horror movies?

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Hello JDL,


You know, this is a testable hypothesis.

 Yes, I do believe that it is. Also at the risk of correcting you a hypothesis has no facts; it by definition being only an idea based on observation. I consider this to be an actual theory based on the support of the facts I've presented. The knowledge of a secured type specimen would be the strongest fact of all of course. In other words the theory encompasses more that just knowledge of a capture and disection. 


Shall I let the testing begin say, next week during business hours?

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Ha! I never noticed. Signs and The Grudge, yes. Projects Sign and Grudge were Air Force initiatives that predated Project Blue Book, for anyone unfamiliar with them.

Edited by Bonehead74
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Late to the conversation...


I believe that what we are seeing is the result of a intentional "forgetting" of sasquatch. It's an angle I've been toying with as of late.


I'm exploring that say...100 to 150 years ago...we knew what sasquatch were. Or at the least we were AWARE of them. For whatever reason, which a few can be explored, there was a decision made to strike them from memory and destroy all knowledge of them. A possible explanation is that the governments had a "meeting" with some of their representatives where this desire was expressed.


It could have been a mutually beneficial event as squatch would not fit into our shaping of this planet. They agree to stay elusive and hidden for the most part, and leave us to our flaky understanding of human origins and civilization.


I'm a Class A witness on a military base in Alaska. I've spoken to a Fish and Wildlife agent and the guy gave me no fight as to the believability of my sighting. He even went as far as telling me they know of squatch, they are called Wildman, they are shy and won't hurt you.


Anyone familiar with our government is aware that our government would investigate ANY, and I mean ANY, even possible threats to National Security. What's the threat with BF, look no further than some of the accounts where people say they can talk. Consider some of the Native American accounts where they traded with them, that they are a tribe of Indian. Sure we can brush it off as nonsense, but can a Nations government risk such? My answer would be a loud NOOOO!


These things frequent military bases (where my sighting was for example) and who knows WHAT they see or hear? If they can talk....what is the risk no matter how small...that they could be contacted or captured by countries or cells who don't have America's best interest at heart?


Our government wouldn't rest until they FULLY understood the BF phenomenon, if they are a fully biological entity.

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My comments above in red^^^


I'm sorry but that's where UFOlogy and Bigfootery (I don't know what the actual word is, sorry) starts delving in conspiracy theory rot, and trust me when I say you don't want to go down that rabit hole.

Are there undisclosed projects or papers on Bigfoot? Possibly, but without any evidence to support the existence for them it's nothing more than pointless speculation.

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