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What Are You Saying When You Howl At Bf?


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When I howl at them, it's a gentle reminder they'd be better off not cohabitating with my ex-wife.


I bet that sounds mournful.

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I bet that sounds mournful.


Not as bad as their howl after ignoring the advice ... :)



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There is a book if you really want to try to interact with BF. The call-blasting may have many meanings, just like knocking. One big one is just echo-location. BF groups may not stay in the same exact spot every night, and a family group may be spread out over miles, so in that respect, its like a coyote howl, for location, as it carries the furthest. Using call-blasting seems like a cheap thrill, because once they know its not a BF, they will not be dealing with you anymore, and that area they will be wise to call-blasting 'thrill seekers'. We see that already on FBF.


I haven't heard anyone who has had a negative encounter with BF say they are happy it happened. Most people I hear say they wish it never happened. (Unless your youngish, like Nathan :wild:) or really open-minded.


I am open to all sorts of weird, because I've experienced a bit, and I'm a 'science' guy more or less.


Are you open to weird, out of cultural-norm experiences? If your not, you may not want to 'cross the BF line'.


If you want to try to interact, go get the 'book'. Its more hippi-dippi, so its not for everyone.

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BF groups may not stay in the same exact spot every night, and a family group may be spread out over miles, so in that respect, its like a coyote howl, for location, as it carries the furthest.



Yes the howling and or blasting is to break into their communications, and they might figure you out quick. If you don't get a response, it doesn't mean you didn't create some interest in you though. I do think some of the cals are simple locator vocals as they would need to find each other frequently like coyotes do.

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I did encounter a God-awful smell once, it smelled like a dozen smelly Frenchmen after play soccer 


I passed this on to some of my French friends in Quebec.  The'd like you to come up for a visit and say hello!



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Guest keninsc

I passed this on to some of my French friends in Quebec.  The'd like you to come up for a visit and say hello!




Only if they bathe first.




Bonjour ! Vous sentent mauvais, aller se baigner.


(hello! You smell bad, go bathe.)

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Guest LarryP

I passed this on to some of my French friends in Quebec.  The'd like you to come up for a visit and say hello!




I knocked out a French Canadian Merchant Marine in Big Daddy's Lounge in Sarasota, FL in 1975 who tried (unsuccesfully) to sucker punch me.


Can't remember ever hitting anyone as hard as I hit that guy.

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Keninsc - yeah, back in the day I saw 57 Jerry shows.  My husband saw 125.  Best time ever when we were young.  Saw half of them before I knew him.  This year at All Good Fest in Columbus, was the first time I actually was able to see the band without Jerry.  I got as far as the parking lot before, but couldn't bring myself to go in.  It just isn't the same without Jerry, but my niece / God daughter turned 21 and wanted to know what it was like to go to a Dead show.  I said, "yeah, this is pretty much what it looked like except it was for one band, not a festival."  Then I heard the music, said hi to Bobby and Phil, they sounded great, had a conversation in my head with Jerry, missing him, listing to "Feel like a Stranger" for the second set open.  It got my interest and then they played DARK STAR, (the song that all Dead heads wish they could hear live back in the day).  It was like Jerry saying, "yeah, you've been gone for awhile, feeling like a stranger, but listen to these guys because they are good."  So I did and Phil and Bobby's voices and music carried me along.  Then Jerry's replacement, for lack of a better word, blew me away with a stellar "Stella Blue."  It was a great homecoming.  Next time, I'll go up front when Further plays.


Sorry, you asked.  :)

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Wag - What's the name of the hippie dippie BF book?  I fit part of that, but have no interest in calling them now after thinking about the reality of trying to communicate with some other being and not knowing what I am saying. I do believe you and others are correct that even if they don't answer, they'll come around just to see what's up. 


I am fairly confident in other ways of bringing them in without howling a word.  Now, if you want to sing to John Denver or whatever, then you're making your own human call to nature. 


I think that howling at them would be like someone that doesn't know French walking up to a Frenchman and singing that 70s disco song and smiling.  What would the Frenchmen think of that person?  Body language and smiles work much better. 


In my Dad's business, we were exposed to many international people that would come for dinner.  Sometimes the wives didn't speak the language, but we all were able to find common ground and express ourselves in our own genuine way. 


I think that calling BF is like blabbing nonsense in a language that we don't speak.  What do they think of us when we do that?  I think that maybe the one that responded to us could have been fooled at first, or maybe just was saying back, "oh yeah?  You think you're all that, well hear THIS!"  And that about shut it down for us.  We were blown away. 


Lots of great thoughts here.  Sorry if I don't mention everyone. 


Thanks for posting and offering your good perspectives!



By the way, I wanted to give a shout out to all the French and Canadians reading this thread.  I took French in high school just so I would know how to pronounce certain wines.  I have been there and it's a lovely country.  My sister and her family raised their kids in Montreal.  So I hope you know that I respect you and wish you well, all humor aside.  Merci.  From the Americans we say, Laissez les bons temps rouler. 

Sasfooty - I agree.  While I said that I don't howl at them, I have sent out a few whoops on occasion.  That felt more like me and somewhat benign.  Good to know that you have had positive experiences with that call.  :)

southernyahoo - I agree with you on that.  After I figured out that it wasn't all fun and games at our place, I started thinking about what we could be putting out there when we howl.  After I got scared I thought that there's no way in H that I'm going to call the D things closer to me.  I could barely get off my porch because I was so freaked out about what was happening around us. 


Through research and good advice, I have a different perspectives and don't call them the D things or F BF.  I am even trying not to say Bigfoot and just go with Sasquatch.  I have lot of respect for them now.  In my mind, I think they have some respect for me too.  I like to leave it that way. 

Still thinking about what I saw on my walk through their territory down to the river and back on Tuesday.  I think I saw a very young Sasquatch move through the bush next to the road.  Can't say for sure, but days later, I just can't up with anything else.  Did I stop and dash through the woods?  No, I just kept walking.  Did I go back to look for prints?  No.  It was just another day where I live.  It keeps adding up.  A bunch of maybes keep pointing me in one direction. 

And I didn't have to say a word.  I just said a Rosary.  Maybe I was in a peaceful state and it watched me labor up the big hill and then come back about 45 minutes later.  Maybe that's why it came around.  After I was finished with my prayers, I was just thinking about looking around at the area I was in, and there it was jumping out from the brush.  If it was a baby SSQ, it could have stayed hidden.  Not so sure that I startled it, but I could have possibly done that.  Regardless, as soon as I thought about SSQ, something that resembled a baby black bear, only a little bigger, moved to my left, less than 20' feet from me on the hill that rose from the road.  It moved forward fast and I couldn't see it anymore.  I kept looking back over my shoulder as I continued to walk.  About a minute or so later, I heard another tree branch break, but couldn't see anything.  Still trying to figure out what that was.  I keep going over the checklist and coming up with the same answer.  That's how it always happens with me around our place.  When you least expect it, there it is. 

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I am pretty convinced a knock is an alarm. IMHO, a knock is used by a sentry to alarm others that there is an intruder, and to be on guard. If you get out there and start knocking, they will scatter. As far as call blasting sounds, I don't think it's very affective. I've had no luck with it and seen a lot of posts and articles that stated similar views. Results vary. They probably just laugh at us when we call blast....lol

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Bigfoot: The Ultimate Adventure -audio cassette


I'm getting this soon, so I will let you know how it is, or sell it to you if you want it when I'm done, its only like $10.00

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Guest keninsc

This whole French discussion is super hilarious.


The only encounter I had was this smell, it wasn't a skunk or any other smell I'd ever smelled before. At the time I worked for a Belgian company and every so often those guys would go out drinking and the next day they would show up and work and would reek terribly. This is most like what I smelled in the woods only what I smelled was oh so much stronger. If you worked out in the same gym clothes for a week and then left your smelly clothes in your locker for another week then took them out, stuck your face in them and took a big sniff, that would be a fair representation of what I smelled, just plain nasty.


Then by the same token, I have talked to others who've had an encounter tell me there was no detectable odor. I don't know if it's a time of year thing, a response to a territorial intrusion, could even be a mating thing. I can speculate til the cows come home on why some smell them and some don't but it's just speculation.

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