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Eye Glow Seen In New Jersey By Law Enforcement Officer


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BFF Patron


Yes, you caught my typo regarding the organizers of the expedition's policy on thermal cams. Essentially there was no policy one way or other, sorry about the confusion. As to the movement I saw, it did not appear to float, from the time I saw it until it stopped, it appeared to have traveled only ten feet, moving forward as well as slightly up and down. It appeared to be close to the ground as it illuminated the forest floor. We went back the next day with a tape measure and measured the distance and saw that there was a large depression with a bank of earth in front of it where it had stopped. We timed my playing jingle bells as well as half of of another song I played while we observed it to arrive at the estimated time of 90 seconds.


I know the trepidation and wonderment I felt at 28 feet, I can't begin to fathom what it would be like a 5 feet. Being close to a large animal that I basically knew nothing about, in the dark without anything to protect myself, made me feel very uneasy. You sir, have a lot of courage. That being said, would I do it again? You bet. But 5 feet is to close for comfort for me.


Well size matters.  The individual approaching me had all the signs of BF except mass, girth and height.  It was sveldt and no taller than 41/2 to 5 ft. and some few inches as best I could discern with my position slightly higher slope from it and it being hunched over in typical BF fashion.  Forgot to mention it approached upslope in a specific zigzag curl until it was stymied by the unknown (a few roasted peanuts on the ground I suppose) and suddenly realizing I was sitting on a stump hunched over myself in solid black,  whence it stopped looked down and the light show began, it was headed straight up at me from 35 ft. below (straight relative to a point to point distance measurement, it curled upslope).  At 10 ft. it began to parallel me with left should directed at me.  It had green eyeglow when at 35 ft. and the head/shoulder movement caused it to display apparent blinking or flashing/sparkling (there was a modicum of ambient light from a very distant street light and a porch light way upslope from me filtered through evergreens.  Still it was possible to tell this was not typical eyeshine (either green or white light).  If this was a juvenile it was a fully loaded and functioning one.  


I had an escape plan but sometimes you just are so surprised by many variables you are essentially immobilized with awe, fear, shock and amazement.  

Edited by bipedalist
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Thank you for the wonderful details!  When you say "it curled upslope" can you describe what that means?  :fan: 

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BFF Patron

Rounded zigzag but strategically offensive/defensive all the same.   Not like the linear zigzag Action Jackson saw a bigfoot do in a tree to tree downslope fashion in his Yellowstone report as it tried to escape him and his  horse who interrupted his (BF's) deer hunt, but close to it in reverse--- upslope with rounded corners on the zigzag.  

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Excellent posts Bipedalist! I was wondering who Action Jackson is/was? I know you aren't referring to Carl Weathers lol.

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BFF Patron

BFRO sighting report.  He was a seasonal Ranger at SE Yellowstone's Thorofare backcountry for 20 odd years or more, retired to a Buffalo ranch in Iowa.  


He was a poacher's worst nightmare in Yellowstone.  Put him tete a tete with Bigfoot.  Thorofare is known as the furthest trail you can get from civilization in the lower 48 no wonder he had a BF encounter there.  http://spectator.org/articles/51202/thorofare  (book review gratis:  read it!)  No accident it is an ancient Indian trail in the Absarokas either, I can guarantee that. 


 I hear BF sightings have been had in the NW Yellowstone area too. 



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BFF Patron

His name is Bob Action Jackson

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  • 6 months later...

Seeing red eye glow is nothing new.

Per report in link below, Scott Herriott and another witness saw it back in 1992 during day time in CA.


SH: I literally did say that. Trying to get some reaction out of this other than this swaying. So we decided after ten minutes, because we weren't feeling threatened at that point, didn't feel weird. So let's just go toward it, see what happens, maybe it will move and we can see more of what it is. So we take one, maybe two steps, and the eyes of this animal, starting at the dead center of the eye, coupled with what appeared to be a dilation of the pupil, gave off this red glow; dude, that was really freaky.

SH: I've described it a couple ways. It was almost like, imagine, two lit cigarettes behind the eyes and somebody is inhaling as the eyes dilate. I mean it was like red. Another way I've described it is it was at about 60 percent of the intensity of an exit sign in a darkened movie theater. That's how red it was. This was like 2:30 in the afternoon. Filtered sunlight. So that stopped us, cause it was freaky. I mean it was like Christopher Lee in a vampire film from the 50s, that type of red. So, what the hell! Right after that happened, and immediately after I changed my underwear..


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