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Collection Of Voucher Specimens


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A) There are tons of conspiracy theories out there, and while I do personally rule out that its a human being by our laws and definitions? That doesn't mean that a specimen could be siezed by wild life authorities for whatever the reason. Ive actually called US fish and game and discussed this. And have a better understanding over jurisdiction by whom for what. But if you take the discovery specimen to a accredited Biologist at a University? What is fish and game really going to say about it? Sorry you didnt have a permit to harvest the type specimen? What?

B ) Petty attacks!? I think you need to walk in my shoes for a mile............ And ask Yuchi about no body equals no crime, right?

C) They are NOT all where they are reported. Skeptics are right that people can see stuff that isnt there........but it doesnt explain it all away. Just because we have not managed to get one to a university does not mean that we have to insert paranormal or even human intelligence. Never ever understood the human argument from that standpoint......... as we rolled over some of the most stealthy intelligent humans ever to walk earth. Paranormal? Taking an unknown and replacing it with a bigger unknown??? Crazy talk.......where is the proof?

Do you guys even want the truth? I hear more excuses from your camp than a heavy set woman at a Jenny Craig convention..........

If you wanna believe that the government or UFO's are blocking the truth? Thats your perogative. But this is not how science and discovery work. If I have a FTF I know exactly how the next 24 hrs will transpire.


Paranormal is a last resort for me personally, and is reserved for when I see one walk into a worm hole. ;)


Geographicly, I see no reason they couldn't live anywhere a coyote can live, and I think the evidence is equal in most states they are reported in. I don't cherry pick acounts to make my hypothesis more palatable, but I think you have to.


You had tried to make a point that people aren't prosecuted for shooting or killing bigfoot. My point is that if they are a human relic and live like an animal, it's the last thing law enforcement, fish and game, or your local university wants to prove, because something would have to be done about it. 


If these things were just a bipedal gorilla, they'd be on every mountain hunters wall next to their prize grizzly. They aren't and there's a reason, what is it?

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So you think millions of relic humans live in our back yards coast to coast? And the government some how suppresses that knowledge?

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BFF Patron

A few of them have houses right down the street from mine.   You know, several abandoned cars, old refrigerators on the front porch, that sort of thing. 

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 ..."Do you guys even want the truth? I hear more excuses from your camp than a heavy set woman at a Jenny Craig convention"..........


I take it your Jenny Craig experience isn't going so well?

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So you think millions of relic humans live in our back yards coast to coast? And the government some how suppresses that knowledge?


Not millions, but what it takes to have a sustained population with pockets scattered all across the country. It all boils down to what happenes to the evidence, and who will believe the stories. You hope to stay in control of the evidence, but I'm not convinced anyone could, given it's implications.

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Here is what we do know.

A 400 lbs male gorilla consumes 40 lbs of food per day. Mostly plants and some insects. A 800 lbs Grizzly consumes 80-90 lbs of both plant and animal material.

Because of this Male Griz have huge home ranges of a thousand square miles or more. Bears also hibernate in winter.

How does a 800 lbs relic human sustain themselves without being seen while consuming almost a 100 lbs of food per day? Especially in a high density eastern state like Ohio or New York that has a significant winter? Wouldn't a super human just break into cabins and consume what they needed? A grizzly bear with human intelligence isn't going to sit there and starve.

Compare that to my hypothesis that it's a rare, shy, elusive Ape that has a much smaller range in the US? Possibly a hand full of your most remote states? I think my hypothesis is waaaaay more plausible.

Your point about it not being stuffed and on a wall somewhere? Is even more implausible under your hypothesis than it is in mine.

People watch shark week on the TV and won't go swimming in Michigan for the rest of the summer. It's human nature. It doesn't mean sharks don't exist of course........just not everywhere.

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Then of course we are forced to confront eyewitness descriptions such as the one that provided the information for this sketch:



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Is the PGF a real creature? And how many homes for how many years has this image been beamed into?

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Yes, I do believe Patty is "the real deal."


And don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for either side of the debate over man vs. ape. 


I do think we need to acknowledge though that Patty is just one individual of a species, and trying to extrapolate the appearance of an entire species from her alone is somewhat rash. While you can reasonably predict what all silver back gorilla's will look like based on how one appears, we can only do that because we've seen lots and lots of gorillas. If this critter is more human than not, the predictions becomes more difficult. Our species contained Wilt Chamberlain and General Tom Thumb, after all.  (Or, both my ex-wife and Sophia Loren, for an even more dramatic contrast) 


 And we don't know how many species there are out there either.  To my thinking, once you acknowledge the existence of one such, there is no logical limitation on acknowledging many more as being possible.


You have accounts describing different archetypes out there, and there is some congruency in the descriptions.  These are either loosely related species of ape, or possibly just natural variants of a single non-ape species. I'm not sure which is more probable, and it is just one of the great questions we are trying to answer.


We talk here about "BF", as if it is single species comprised of individuals roughly similar to Patty. I'm not convinced of that. So, addressing your stated mission Norseman, if I were you,  I might want to prepare myself for the  possibility of planting the cross-hairs on something that might not exactly jibe with the Patty morphology.  Who knows what it might look like? The possibilities seem fairly numerous to me and  the successful hunter is the one who lowers the variable for surprise as much as possible, don't you agree?  

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Guest OntarioSquatch

There's so many eyewitness sketches of Bigfoot available on the web. Nearly all of them look roughly like the one in the image posted three posts above. I don't think he's going to encounter one that looks like some Native American dude.


It's worth mentioning that there's no certainty in any of this. It's something that people don't have experience with, so who knows what the decision will be when the time finally comes. 


The worst thing someone can do though, is shoot one and just leave it there like what Justin Smeja supposedly did. Talk about an opportunity of a lifetime gone to waste.

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If it happened at all...... Im basically of the mindset now? No body? Never happened.........kinda sick of tall tales yanno?

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Yes, I do believe Patty is "the real deal."


And don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for either side of the debate over man vs. ape. 


I do think we need to acknowledge though that Patty is just one individual of a species, and trying to extrapolate the appearance of an entire species from her alone is somewhat rash. While you can reasonably predict what all silver back gorilla's will look like based on how one appears, we can only do that because we've seen lots and lots of gorillas. If this critter is more human than not, the predictions becomes more difficult. Our species contained Wilt Chamberlain and General Tom Thumb, after all.  (Or, both my ex-wife and Sophia Loren, for an even more dramatic contrast) 


 And we don't know how many species there are out there either.  To my thinking, once you acknowledge the existence of one such, there is no logical limitation on acknowledging many more as being possible.


You have accounts describing different archetypes out there, and there is some congruency in the descriptions.  These are either loosely related species of ape, or possibly just natural variants of a single non-ape species. I'm not sure which is more probable, and it is just one of the great questions we are trying to answer.


We talk here about "BF", as if it is single species comprised of individuals roughly similar to Patty. I'm not convinced of that. So, addressing your stated mission Norseman, if I were you,  I might want to prepare myself for the  possibility of planting the cross-hairs on something that might not exactly jibe with the Patty morphology.  Who knows what it might look like? The possibilities seem fairly numerous to me and  the successful hunter is the one who lowers the variable for surprise as much as possible, don't you agree?

Its gonna be tall, hairy, bulky, lack clothes and shoes hair color may vary and has a cone shaped head...........sound about right?

No go's for me.

1) I dont have a good shot. Its either coming home with me or Im not taking the shot. Killing one to preserve and recognize the species IS justified. Wounding it and losing it is not. But in the worst case scenario that I do wound one? I will do everything in my power to promptly put it out of its misery. Or Bigfoot army will put me out of my misery......... (Sasfooty has some one to root for)

2) Long range shots are too hard to determine if your being hoaxed by some jerk in a suit.

3) Size.......if its obviously NOT 800lbs????? More man sized? Im not taking the shot. See above.

4) If I get one on the ground? Im not marking it on my GPS and going for help...... If I cannot get it out in one go? which would require two mules and a lot of vicks vabor rub? Im not leaving without securing body parts that will stand in as a type specimen. ( you can read Grover Krantz's book for the gory details)

5) Its going to a university, part of it will remain hidden just in case. I will take my whooping like a man if I Have it coming no matter what it is. And will advocate protection of the species just as soon as its recognized. If I recieve money from the death of the creature I would use that money to help the species.

Better be careful. You may be making excuses for yourself before long.


The forest shamans may get mad at me and turn my gun off!!! That would suck!

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