WSA Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Frankly my dear, I like to listen to people who've seen a BF to tell me what they looked like. I'm funny that way. (And many of these witnesses are DOI, NSF, NPS and other Govt. employees, I should add) Then, believe it or not, I have the ability to parse that evidence to get to a reasoned conclusion regarding credibility and not just dimiss it as all fabrications because it stretches my understanding of reality. And I'm not unique at all! Mirabella dictu people! There are lots and lots of folks just like me out there who have learned how to do just that. Many of these people I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with over the years. Some of them will even watch your dog when you are out of town, if you need an incentive. You might want to date their daughters or sons. They can give you free recipes too! UNSOLICITED FREE ADVICE WARNING!:Go more places, and the picture comes into much better focus. Going well ouside your personal comfort zone would also be indicated. If you grew up cold, go to a swampy, hot place and poke around. Ditto if you know only hot climates. Go freeze your tuckus a time or to and find out what it tells you. Derange yourself. Set up a camera trap or ten if you want. See what that shows you. If it shows you nothing, think about that. Get your own data. Make your own mistakes. Be a hero. Brush after every meal. Loose lips sink ships.
dmaker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 (And many of these witnesses are DOI, NSF, NPS and other Govt. employees, I should add) -- Argument from authority. There are lots and lots of folks just like me out there who have learned how to do just that. --Argumentum Ad populum I have to agree with you that getting outdoors is great fun and does wonders for your general happiness and wellness. It does not, however, effect my position on Bigfoot in anyway.
WSA Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 (It just makes better sense to just not ever get off that bus, I'm tellin' ya...) Did I mention they often will stand you a drink when you've left your wallet at home? They will, and I should.
dmaker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 (edited) ^ I'd stand you a drink as well. Does that mean I can also feed you stories and you'll be more inclined to believe them? While what people do in bars and where people leave their wallets is all very beguiling, it has nothing at all to do with the topic of this thread. Which is to discuss why every other large mammal in a study area--an area smack dab in the middle of alleged Bigfoot habitat--show up just fine on trail cams and Bigfoot does not. In fact, we have an anecdotal ( no offense kit) confirmation that no Bigfoot evidence was ever found nor was it likely that it would be suppressed if it was found. While none of this is conclusive, it is very interesting and very damning for the Bigfoot hypothesis. And I think requires a reasonable response from proponents. So far we have: ( paraphrasing here of course) Doesn't matter because science is mean to Bigfoot and until they stop doing that I don't care what does, or doesn't, show up on a trail cam. Doesn't matter that they don't show up on trail cams because even if they did no one would accept the picture. ( This does zero to address the actual question and tripped my smoke alarm) An assertion that ferrets do not show up on trail cams. An assertion that groundhogs do not show up on trail cams. A relayed comment by Bipto that bears ( and Wood Apes) do not show up on their infrequently deployed trail cams in Area X. One posters insistence that Bigfoot is real, JUST BECAUSE! Bigfeets are super smart especially when they are in the forest. Nice people will buy you a drink if you lose your wallet. They will also tell you tales of Bigfoots, but not show you any trail cam photos of one. But you should just trust them..they bought you a drink after all. Photographic evidence of an owl showing up on a trail cam. Patty is real. Edited January 7, 2014 by dmaker
Cotter Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Society's denial of BF makes it very easy to not capture one on a trail cam. Most folks will see a pic of one on their trail cam and then go harass uncle joe for playing a joke on them. The rest will post it on the net, and well, then the rest of take over and the photo is deemed hoax. An active, large scale gov't cover-up is not necessary when the populace will take care of the lion's share of the work for them.
dmaker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Not so fast... "The rest will post it on the net, and well, then the rest of take over and the photo is deemed hoax." Alleged BF trail cam pics are not generally accepted because they are either ambiguous and could be anything, or they very clearly are not an 8ft bipedal ape. Don't blame "society" for the lack of clear evidence. If you want general acceptance of Bigfoot evidence, then decent evidence needs to be provided.
Cotter Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 ^Agreed. And I'm not blaming society. I'm simply identifying challenges in getting ANY photo taken of a BF to be taken seriously.
dmaker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 ^^ You're asserting that photos of genuine Bigfeets have been taken, shared on the web, and dismissed as hoaxes?
dmaker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 ^ You believe those to be real? I certainly don't. I remember at the time there were quite a few people claiming the photos had been tampered with, the photos were staged, etc.
Guest DWA Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 ^^^And you just automatically believe them? Whoa.
dmaker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Well the photo looks fake to me to start with and it has several hoax red flags. There are cleverly placed branches; just enough shadows in the right spots; etc, etc. Person claims to have had unobstructed viewing of the alleged creature for 5 mins, yet all we get are 3 obstructed photos? And as I mentioned, others have claimed it was doctored. Though I did read something just now that claims this photo was exposed as a hoax right here on the BFF ver.1. Perhaps someone can shed some light on that.
Cotter Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Well, I don't know if any photos of a real BF have been proffered, then dismissed. But then again, if a real BF was photographed, it would, without a doubt, be dismissed b/c of stigma surrounding the subject.
dmaker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 (edited) ^^ I disagree. I think if a close-up, HD, unambiguous photo(s) of large bi-pedal primate were to be offered that it would generate a lot of discussion and acceptance even with people. I think the problem is that Bigfoot does not exist, therefore no such photos as I described are ever going to appear. So in an attempt to explain or deflect, we get comments like your Cotter: But then again, if a real BF was photographed, it would, without a doubt, be dismissed b/c of stigma surrounding the subject. The problem is not stigma, it is the lack of clear evidence. This absence of evidence is not explained by things like stigma, and shyness, and take-your-pic-of-special-pleading, it is more properly explained by there being no Bigfoot to begin with. Edited January 7, 2014 by dmaker
Guest Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 How can you so easily say that it does not exist.. ? Native americans were here long before us, and they have many stories and legends of the creatures. I think native americans kniw the difference between a bear and a bigfoot. You get reports from RELIABLE people, that have no reason to lie, NITHING to gain by saying they saw a bigfoot. nothing to gain except ridicule. People that had a CLEAR view of the animal, and they know it wasnt a bear. Bears dont walk on two feet for very long. THOUSANDS of reports describing the same thing. Something ive noticed that comes up alot is 'it crossed the road in two or three strides' Thats something that consistently comes up in sighting reports where a bf was seen crossing the road. Come on dmaker, seriously. So youre saying EVERY SINGLE person is either lying or mistaken? It only takes ONE person to be telling the truth for bigfoot to be real. Come on bro .. Dont be so hard headed, at the least you could admit that its POSSIBLE BF exists, but you dont. You just say in one form or another that 'bigfoots not real, everyone that says they saw one is lying or mistaken,or hoaxed' If you believe so strongly its not real, well theres plenty of other forums..
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