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Cascades Carnivore Project - How Do They Miss The Bigfoots?


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Guest Grifter9931

Why is that so impressive?

Wolverines are a fur bearing animal, they get caught in traps all the time up north. I can go online and buy a wolverine trapping manual. I can go online and buy traps and scent lures and a whole host of cool gadgets to make me successful.

Sasquatch? Bobo says to bang on trees and yell a certain way........

I'll tell you what....... I'll go into the cascades and then you come in and find me.


Like a big game of hide and seek?

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And once again it's one fringe baiting the other.  (yawn)  Address the evidence any time you're ready.

(Why do they think they're making points doing this...?)

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Picking my teeth.  (Politest.)


This will be done the way primate research is done:  long-term stays in the field.  "Examining" the "evidence" by folks on the opposite fringe from you simply reveals you to be on the opposite fringe from them.

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8 Foot Bigfoot Like Creature Caught on Trailcam in Mossyrock, WA


Editors Notes - I was contacted by a listener of my radio show Bigfoot Tonight show who knew a man from Mossyrock, Washington who had captured an image on his trailcam after hearing loud screams that they couldn’t identify. He setup a game camera in hopes of capturing an image of whatever was creating these amazing screams. So far all I know is the backstory which came with the image. I’m currently trying to get the actual owner of the property to come on the radio show to discuss the image and the happenings on his property. I have included the original picture and another with contrast enhanced. Still images are not very good evidence these days but hopefully more information can be secured to back up this image.

Original Email


A friend showed up to my house to share a photo his friend sent him earlier today. This picture was taken via trail cam, on his friends property in Mossyrock, WA.

Because of the angle of the camera, he estimates it to be at least 7-8 feet tall. This  is a camera phone picture of a printed out copy, these are just your average country boys, so they don’t know how to send the picture from their computer to their phone.

it is the most compelling image I’ve seen yet, and my source isn’t some kid or some guy, he’s your average Joe, a construction worker. He’s got better things to do than drive half an hour to my mom’s house to show us a fake picture of bigfoot. (he drove cause he doesnt know how to send pictures)


The backstory on the trail cam, is the guy who showed me had been down at his friends house in mossyrock, out in the backwoods of his property, DEEP in the woods, and they had heard a screaming/howling noise that they could not say was a cougar or coyote, bear, etc.. They wanted to figure out what it was. So they set up motion sensitive trail cameras to capture it. And upon checking them this morning, this is what he found.

It’s an amazing photo, it makes every other image I’ve seen look laughable in comparison. I get really pissed when people try to argue it’s authenticity.. These guys didnt even know how to send the picture from their computer to their phone, they dont know what photoshop is.







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Many primates have had type specimens cataloged before there where any long term field studies of them. Jane Gooddall didn't classify the chimpanzee.

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DWA, so addressing the evidence, as you say, means sitting in the bush somewhere for weeks on end hoping to find a Bigfoot? 

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Working for NAWAC, now isn't it.

And you think addressing the evidence is focusing on kooks and  charlatans.  Sounds like science to me, mmmm hmmm.

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^^ I would say no, it is not.  How many years and we have seen what? Stories and hickory nuts.  No, after a decade ( or more I believe at this), that is most emphatically NOT working.

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Uh, yes it is.  For example, all of them know you're wrong.


Remember, they're not trying to satisfy you.  Nor am I.

Operation Endurance started in mid-2011.  See the benefits of staying informed.

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Guest LarryP

Yes indeed Larry, but you also make arguments that include claims to hearing tree branches fall where there were no tree branches falling and then attribute this phenomenon to Bigfoot. So please excuse me if your perception of video footage does little to change my view. 




I don't "make arguments", dmaker, I just report what I know through direct experience.


You're the one who's attempting to make the argument that there is nothing staged or fake when "real animals" are filmed or photographed. And that you could easily discern the difference between a real animal and a fake animal.


Yet you have no way of proving that is true.


We're just supposed to take your word for it?

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It is amusing when somebody who actually tells you he is uninformed, using pretty much those words, goes on and tells you that he's right and you must believe him.


He's like a skeptical Biscardi; hear what he's saying and know what to steer clear of.  Sometimes the best manure detectors are the cattle themselves.  To paraphrase.

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Uh, yes it is.  For example, all of them know you're wrong.


Remember, they're not trying to satisfy you.  Nor am I.

Operation Endurance started in mid-2011.  See the benefits of staying informed.

I asked this question before and the answer was more than a decade, I'm sure. There was operation persistence as well...

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You're the one who's attempting to make the argument that there is nothing staged or fake when "real animals" are filmed or photographed. And that you could easily discern the difference between a real animal and a fake animal.


Well, in the case of the PGF he shows himself to be about as wrong on that one as can be.

I asked this question before and the answer was more than a decade, I'm sure. There was operation persistence as well...

Which followed Endurance.


See the benefits of staying informed.  On a thread right here on these forums.


On the three-day or so stints that helped them realize (with some prodding from me) that that wasn't cutting it, they almost always had things happen that would have raised the hair and gotten the support of any mainstream organization interested...which we know they aren't, because look, the Cascade Carnivore Project isn't.  Now they're just getting tons and tons more of that...and most of them have seen one.



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