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Sasquatch Ontario Kaput!

Guest SoFla

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The truth is a noble subject as long as you are devoted to the "truth" and that takes money at times.  This is an example of what money can do..........


Totally off the SO subject but now, since the internet we have sites like "Go Fund Me",  "Kickstarter" and more.........


Check out Keely Kernan, movie maker, and her documentary "In the Hills and Hollows" regarding how the fracking industry and farming have collided in West Virginia.  Sorry for the change in subject but it is related when you consider the hairy people and the health and welfare of their families as well as our hairless families. 





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BFF Patron

Asking for money for doing nothing but producing Youtube vids and mooching on your buddies habituation area pretty much says it all.......it's Miller time!




Like I said, the soap opera runs wide open if you have been around long enough. 


Obviously he's cashing in on the Cache of  Sasquatch Speaks, and the Picasso-like artwork of Sasquatch.


Still waiting for the BF fingerpainting, but it could be awhile.  

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So, I'm willing to believe him until he's proven to be a hoaxer, & that hasn't happened yet.


How does one determine that someone is a hoaxer without first doubting their claims? He'll never be proven to be a hoaxer or genuine unless he can prove his claims to those that question them.


This guy's not the real deal. Like I said earlier in the thread - If a disgruntled girlfriend can bust his gig up, there was never anything to it to begin with, IMO.

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How does one determine that someone is a hoaxer without first doubting their claims? He'll never be proven to be a hoaxer or genuine unless he can prove his claims to those that question them.


This guy's not the real deal. Like I said earlier in the thread - If a disgruntled girlfriend can bust his gig up, there was never anything to it to begin with, IMO.


Again you proceed under a false assumption...intitially doubting someones claims "while a choice" in tactics is no guarantee to the end result. My experience is that it generally puts someone on the defensive, they lose trust and will tighten up or just stop speaking about it. The obverse approach develops a better atmosphere for sharing and the individual tends to open up and expose more of what they are doing...which in my opionion brings more to light and possible more to reveal if there are holes in the story or a hoax or deception.


Another curious comment... the only thing that is revealed is that personalities conflicted and human behavior came between these people (from what is known) which is very little. I didnt hear anyone say the evidences collected and the reality of what is being dealt with on the property was false, hoaxed or otherwise. In fact those things in my view have been bolstered even further. It would have been too easy at this point for the land owners to say Mike made it all up...there is nothing to see here.. there is no SSq interaction... so no I just see more of the character assasinations in an attempt to make the other things seem irrelevant. While I agree that is does appear that their behavior as people are less than professional and kind of soap opera dramatic, nothing has changes of the reality of what is being seen on the property and what else allegedy occupies the space there with them.

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"It would have been too easy at this point for the land owners to say Mike made it all up..."


That's only assuming that there is even a problem with the land owners. This whole dispute could be simply a completely fabricated soap opera (like everything else) to create an exit. Make the situation appear legit for Mike to collect donations.


As far as anyone knows, Mike could own the property himself and the "land owners" could simply be his friends assuming the role for the hoax.


Don't you think it's strange that the land owners somehow gained control of the 'Sasquatch Ontario' Facebook site? How did that happen?

Edited by roguefooter
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BFF Patron

^ (directed two posts above) nothing has changed in your opinion and in your sense of the reality of the situation I might add.  There was never much that needed to change to come to my conclusion of the reality IMHO.  If the producer of Letters of the Big Man started out first with tales of Sasquatch Ontario (instead of after in his "Sasquatch Speaks" series), I doubt many would have forked over the cash for the movie; but then again, I see at least three people on this forum would have.


^^ edited to add the scenario proposed in the post above by rf (not visible to me in my posting) seems like it could have legs.  

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Funny how those who claim others are using conspiracy theories and fantacy to illestrate a point use the very same nonsense to bolseter an argument they still cannot prove or disprove... I would just say we do not know and leave it at that ... everything after "it could also be" is more of the same not knowing and no proof of anything.

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If a disgruntled girlfriend can bust his gig up, there was never anything to it to begin with, IMO.


That's a very weak argument.


Disgruntled girlfriends have been known to cause much worse trouble than that for completely innocent guys.





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That's a very weak argument.


Disgruntled girlfriends have been known to cause much worse trouble than that for completely innocent guys.







I agree Sassy disgruntled girlfriends have been known to cause much worse trouble but how about ex-wives too? … LOL

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"It would have been too easy at this point for the land owners to say Mike made it all up..."


That's only assuming that there is even a problem with the land owners. This whole dispute could be simply a completely fabricated soap opera (like everything else) to create an exit. Make the situation appear legit for Mike to collect donations.


As far as anyone knows, Mike could own the property himself and the "land owners" could simply be his friends assuming the role for the hoax.


Don't you think it's strange that the land owners somehow gained control of the 'Sasquatch Ontario' Facebook site? How did that happen?

My bold for emphasis.


I think that's it in a nutshell.

Mike used to go on and on about the money thing. Many told him that there was no shame in taking donations for better equipment, etc... But he was adamant that he would NEVER take money/donations for what he does.  He even would point out when others were taking money in order to make them look less than genuine. This was the perfect excuse for him to need to bend his own philosophy and not only take freely offered donations, but to solicit money to purchase a property so he can keep on doing whatever it is he is doing out there.

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I think at the time he was working. and had access to the land so perhaps under those circumstances those were his assersions and intentions. I think if he wants to continue and stay in the area he might need some finacial help. Certainly he has a following, I dont count myself as part of his following nor do I personally care if he continues his endeavor or not, but there are  those who do want him to and I would imagine he might need the funding to do so...just a guess. People change their minds on things all the time and we are all hypocrates to one degree or another. We were not there when he allegedly asked for money nor under what pretense, he may have said he cant do it any further unless someone wants to invest. I dont see the problem per say and it changes nothing as to the body of the phenomenon that was recorded regardless as to yours, his or anyone elses personal opinion of it. Just because another member who may or may not have bias says hes begging for money , that doesnt necisarrily make it so... or are we so willing to accept that as truth over other things that are equally unsubstatiatable?

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Funny how those who claim others are using conspiracy theories and fantacy to illestrate a point use the very same nonsense to bolseter an argument they still cannot prove or disprove... I would just say we do not know and leave it at that ... everything after "it could also be" is more of the same not knowing and no proof of anything.


With nothing verifiable as being real, what exactly is there to prove or disprove? It's already sitting at zero on the reality scale right alongside the Butchy Kid videos.

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Everything hes shown is real in some way...We just dont know how those things got there specifically or how they were made or how they were manifest. So until that is known you are wrong.

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