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Show Your Best Evidence If You Please.

Guest Crowlogic

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Guest Crowlogic

I'm trying to imagine what could motivate coming to a place like this over, and over, and over; being told to get up to speed...and still, 1,679 posts later, not having made any efforts to even attempt to do so.  There he is in the last sentence still talking about belief and unbelief...as if any of us others are.  Not having any idea how to use evidence to reach conclusions (as NAWAC is, and most of them could tell Crow he's wasting his time from personal sightings).



You really don't understand science.  You really don't understand that there can be an intrinsic value in reading a paper like the  bones staking paper.  I can tell you this much that paper if it is going to be published in a serious scientific publication it is going to require a better case against the bones not having been manipulated by known animals.  It failed to make a case of the bone stacking being a unique occurrence and one only attributable to the presumed hominid.  But I didn't read it and throw it out the window.  

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The problem, I think, is that institutional skepticism works from a priori ideas and not from an understanding how stuff like science works.  See, Crow doesn't understand what evidence is, or how to use it, even though ...OK, remember BBC's Planet Earth?  That show started with a bunch of ideas...of how to find stuff that scientists already accepted to exist, and knew precisely where it was.  And we saw, repeatedly, how hard it *still* was to find it. 


Now, imagine the problem when you are NAWAC.  You are on your vacation time, spending your own money (they are saddling up as I type).  You are operating under the most draconian rules of engagement in the entire history of firearms.  You can't shoot anything - no hunter can, but you REALLY can't when everybody is telling you it's guys in suits and you could kill one - until you are absolutely certain you know what it is.  (Me, I'd try to kill some suit guys, but I'm amoral that way.)  With an animal like this, that should be right around the second the shot opportunity disappears.  But Crow doesn't know how to think about things like hunting or firearms, so he really doesn't understand that we are right where we should expect to be in terms of getting a specimen.  Crow, now, is hurtin so reallyreallyreallyBAD about not getting proof on his sched, though, that every day that passes without The Body is one more day he gets to, um, Crow.  In his never-ending, you know, effort to will the animal he wants so reallyreallyreallyBAD to believe in into reality through reverse psychology.


(Save it, Crow.  It could not be more obvious.)


Could it be more obvious that everyone in NAWAC, pretty much, has had a sighting in Area X?  Could it be more obvious that all the rock-tossing and other disruption going on around that cabin is the target species, doing what primates do?  So why don't we have The Body yet, Crow asks?  Because, the wise tell him, you ever try this?  If it were that simple there'd be no problem in the Middle East because our troops would have killed everybody bad.  But see, it's not that simple.  Nothing is as simple as bigfoot skeptics like to think.  Nothing could be more obvious than that we are where any thinking person in touch with the evidence would expect us to be.


I know the NAWAC guys; and it's them over anyonymous scoffers every single time.  The facts are in.  Sasquatch is real.  Unless?



Show Your Best Evidence If You Please.  Otherwise, sorry, proponents win.

Edited by DWA
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Guest Crowlogic

The problem, I think, is that institutional skepticism works from a priori ideas and not from an understanding how stuff like science works.  See, Crow doesn't understand what evidence is, or how to use it, even though ...OK, remember BBC's Planet Earth?  That show started with a bunch of ideas...of how to find stuff that scientists already accepted to exist, and knew precisely where it was.  And we saw, repeatedly, how hard it *still* was to find it. 


Now, imagine the problem when you are NAWAC.  You are on your vacation time, spending your own money (they are saddling up as I type).  You are operating under the most draconian rules of engagement in the entire history of firearms.  You can't shoot anything - no hunter can, but you REALLY can't when everybody is telling you it's guys in suits and you could kill one - until you are absolutely certain you know what it is.  (Me, I'd try to kill some suit guys, but I'm amoral that way.)  With an animal like this, that should be right around the second the shot opportunity disappears.  But Crow doesn't know how to think about things like hunting or firearms, so he really doesn't understand that we are right where we should expect to be in terms of getting a specimen.  Crow, now, is hurtin so reallyreallyreallyBAD about not getting proof on his sched, though, that every day that passes without The Body is one more day he gets to, um, Crow.  In his never-ending, you know, effort to will the animal he wants so reallyreallyreallyBAD to believe in into reality through reverse psychology.


(Save it, Crow.  It could not be more obvious.)


Could it be more obvious that everyone in NAWAC, pretty much, has had a sighting in Area X?  Could it be more obvious that all the rock-tossing and other disruption going on around that cabin is the target species, doing what primates do?  So why don't we have The Body yet, Crow asks?  Because, the wise tell him, you ever try this?  If it were that simple there'd be no problem in the Middle East because our troops would have killed everybody bad.  But see, it's not that simple.  Nothing is as simple as bigfoot skeptics like to think.  Nothing could be more obvious than that we are where any thinking person in touch with the evidence would expect us to be.


I know the NAWAC guys; and it's them over anyonymous scoffers every single time.  The facts are in.  Sasquatch is real.  Unless?



Show Your Best Evidence If You Please.  Otherwise, sorry, proponents win.

The more you type the less you say.   In deed I know nothing about guns hunting or the woods.  I grew up in the bloody woods for gosh sake!  Again FYI when I did scientific field research in the Adirondacks I carried my 22 magnum with me daily, almost got to use it on a bear in camp one evening.  So just because a person isn't cheering on the bigfoot research brigade doesn't  not mean that they haven't been in the woods.  Perhaps because I have been in the woods I understand a fools errand when I see one.   So I'll wrap it up by saying FYI I grew up in the woods, I've  hunted, played and worked in the woods and there was a time when science and working in the woods was paying my bills.

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The evidence for Bigfoot is there for those who are willing to study it. The PGF, the geographical patterns across sightings and hair evidence are all there. It's all very easy to dismiss though if you have some sort of bias against Bigfoot like how most Bigfoot ex-proponents have.


It's not, they are not, I have never been a proponent.

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 If it were that simple there'd be no problem in the Middle East because our troops would have killed everybody bad.  But see, it's not that simple.  Nothing is as simple as bigfoot skeptics like to think.  Nothing could be more obvious than that we are where any thinking person in touch with the evidence would expect us to be.


So you're comparing finding a single Bigfoot (1) to the troops finding everybody bad.


What the heck kind of comparison is that?

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See this is where reading reports comes in.  "Patty departures" are described many many times.  No they aren't copycatting.  That's naive.  (People too immersed in this topic, usually for the wrong reasons, think way many more people have watched P/G than actually have.)  In fact, Patty Departures are Routine Wildlife Procedure; I've never seen an animal species one at least of which didn't do a Patty Departure.


Yes it's pretty normal behaviour, especially for an animal that isn't mere cannon fodder for other animals.

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Is this good enough for the old Crow?




Beerhunter- any word yet on the unedited/uncropped versions of the photo or info of the backstory?

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Prepare yourself, Roguefooter...

The image source video can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpl4ksfzQug


Dr. Squatch (really?!?) claims that the image is lifted from the 5:55 - 6:03 mark with the original enhancement done by someone called "OX":



Dr. Squatch's niece then got in on the action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlOiXD5LKIw


Edited by Bonehead74
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Guest Crowlogic

Prepare yourself, Roguefooter...



The image source video can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpl4ksfzQug


Dr. Squatch (really?!?) claims that the image is lifted from the 5:55 - 6:03 mark with the original enhancement done by someone called "OX":



Dr. Squatch's niece then got in on the action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlOiXD5LKIw


Holy blobsquatch Batman this changes everything!  Dr Squatch believes in Dogman too so I guess we can count on complete  accuracy and a solid handle on the biological world.

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Dr Squatch is by his own admission one of the country's best researchers.

His research area is littered with rubbish but thankfully the resourceful sasquatch's that frequent this zone use discarded blue plastic bags as a method of comunication.

The good Dr Squatch is on the verge of deciphering the message behind these blue bags and is convinced these will lead him to the sasquatch's underground network of tunnels where they currently reside.

Some folks say the BF scene attracts some untoward characters. Thankfully I cannot think of any right now....

Edited by MarkGlasgow
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Guest Crowlogic

Dr Squatch is by his own admission one of the country's best researchers.

His research area is littered with rubbish but thankfully the resourceful sasquatch's that frequent this zone use discarded blue plastic bags as a method of comunication.

The good Dr Squatch is on the verge of deciphering the message behind these blue bags and is convinced these will lead him to the sasquatch's underground network of tunnels where they currently reside.

Some folks say the BF scene attracts some untoward characters. Thankfully I cannot think of any right now....

This changes everything, I mean what was I thinking, the truth was here all along.  The secret of the blue bags, profound!

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^^^What this guy needs to understand:  if he is reasonably certain he is gonna be alive tomorrow...that invalidates his entire argument.


No.  Let him figure that out.

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