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A Few Words Concerning Bigfoot At The Half Century Mark

Guest Crowlogic

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Guest Crowlogic


Apparently local authorities have shown no tolerance in waiting for mainstream scientist to declare proof, either they are crazy as some members here or they must know something the greater public and skeptics don’t so, which is it?  - Just Asking ...

One of the early ordinances against killing bigfoot was not directly about forbidding killing bigfoot.  It stated that it was against the law to kill any undocumented animal located within the jurisdiction of the state.  It was one of PNW states or California as far back as the early 70's.  It was jumped on by bigfoot interests as if it was specifically because of bigfoot.  It was nothing more than pop culture politics of the time.  BTW why hasn't the government been all over Justin Semjia for his role in killing one?  So what if Ketchum and Sykes botched those real bigfoot samples.  He killed a bigfoot man and deserves to be hung from a meat hook.  But you see this is how bigfootism works.  These things get put out there and people swallow it whole.  They have to swallow it whole there's precious little to actually pin the belief on.   Ever notice that not one single document has ever surfaced confirming the big bigfoot government conspiracy?  

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Guest Crowlogic



Apparently local authorities have shown no tolerance in waiting for mainstream scientist to declare proof, either they are crazy as some members here or they must know something the greater public and skeptics don’t so, which is it?  - Just Asking ...



double post

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One of the early ordinances against killing bigfoot was not directly about forbidding killing bigfoot.  It stated that it was against the law to kill any undocumented animal located within the jurisdiction of the state.  It was one of PNW states or California as far back as the early 70's.  It was jumped on by bigfoot interests as if it was specifically because of bigfoot.  It was nothing more than pop culture politics of the time.  BTW why hasn't the government been all over Justin Semjia for his role in killing one?  So what if Ketchum and Sykes botched those real bigfoot samples.  He killed a bigfoot man and deserves to be hung from a meat hook.  But you see this is how bigfootism works.  These things get put out there and people swallow it whole.  They have to swallow it whole there's precious little to actually pin the belief on.   Ever notice that not one single document has ever surfaced confirming the big bigfoot government conspiracy?  


As spirited as these debates can and do become laws and ordinances such as those posted previous to this tend to stoke the embers and it becomes difficult to see truth through the smoke and mirrors Crow.

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Guest diana swampbooger

I imagine when a large group of hunters like GCBRO say they have contingency plans, they're not joking. They are aware that the DOI "booger detail kill teams" (bet their mamas are proud) will do their little pea-pickin' hearts best to get their booger cause Colonel Miles Quaritch wannabes need to protect their résumé/pension/paychecks.

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One of the early ordinances against killing bigfoot was not directly about forbidding killing bigfoot.  It stated that it was against the law to kill any undocumented animal located within the jurisdiction of the state.  It was one of PNW states or California as far back as the early 70's.  It was jumped on by bigfoot interests as if it was specifically because of bigfoot.  It was nothing more than pop culture politics of the time.  BTW why hasn't the government been all over Justin Semjia for his role in killing one?  So what if Ketchum and Sykes botched those real bigfoot samples.  He killed a bigfoot man and deserves to be hung from a meat hook.  But you see this is how bigfootism works.  These things get put out there and people swallow it whole.  They have to swallow it whole there's precious little to actually pin the belief on.   Ever notice that not one single document has ever surfaced confirming the big bigfoot government conspiracy?

People in this community often get miss-characterized as such gullible believers when they are simply optimistic and or hopeful of a story, particularly if there is testable evidence. LOL on the government conspiracy, like they would ever publish some sort of admission? like that's gonna happen "before" bigfoot is proven?

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So sad to see someone look for something for so many years and to just come up personally empty.  Even sadder to see them then attack the people that used to share their interest now that they have come up empty.  It is of no surprise to me that they resort to using a condescending tone and insults to make them feel better about their own personal failures.  If I had the outlook of some people here, I wouldn't want to be associated with this forum in any way, but alas they just can't stay away, even when they are a denier.  If those on the forum I posted my anti bigfoot posts on had such little regard for me, why would I be there?  Gotta wonder.

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There is no accounting for a lot of human behavior.  But there sure is a lot of recognizing somebody trying to "jinx" something into existence via reverse psychology, isn't there, Crow.

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What has kept this field in the dark is that scientists who are not, when it comes to some stuff, and would prefer to sleep on this are being ably aided and abetted by a public insufficiently educated or interested to pursue the evidence........


Scientist often search remote and hostile areas looking for evidence as small as one tooth from an obscure animal to put another piece of the evolutionary puzzle together...... just to publish some minor paper in an obscure journal no one reads or really cares about. Some spend their entire lives looking and never find that one tooth.


Now here comes DWA proposing that no one really is paying attention a massive 8ft tall North American Ape.


There appears to be alot of money in Bigfootery but not actually finding bigfoot.


Otherwise someone would be living in the woods searching 24/7. 


Bigfootery has to be a multi-million dollar industry: Conferences, paid mini-expeditions to local parks, television shows, selling casts, t-shirts, hats, memberships to organizations, tax deducts thru non-profits and the list goes on and on..... 


No one is REALLY looking for bigfoot. They pop in grab some spot-light and if they are lucky sell a few trinkets at one of the bigfootery events. They are simply going thru the motions.

Edited by Martin
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Well, your last line is right.

How very very hard is denial, as a concept, to get?  Apparently, for some, very, very, very hard.

Someone doesn't need someone to explain to someone why those scientists are in those hostile areas looking, does someone?


(Hint:  FUNDING.)

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I imagine when a large group of hunters like GCBRO say they have contingency plans, they're not joking. They are aware that the DOI "booger detail kill teams" (bet their mamas are proud) will do their little pea-pickin' hearts best to get their booger cause Colonel Miles Quaritch wannabes need to protect their résumé/pension/paychecks.


This might give you some insight into the GCBRO "contengency plans"



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Now here comes DWA proposing that no one who has not done the science proving it real really is paying attention a massive 8ft tall North American Ape.


Oh, I forgot.  That one is right too.  At least as fixed.

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Someone doesn't need someone to explain to someone why those scientists are in those hostile areas looking, does someone?


(Hint:  FUNDING.)


There are plenty of funds available but they are all invested in bigfootery because there is no return on investment otherwise.

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Um, not sure that scans.  They're all invested in bigfootery, are they?  I'd love to see those numbers.


That said, and presuming I know what you really wanted to say:  when one is in denial about the gold mine, one is disinclined to issue grubstakes.

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So sad to see someone look for something for so many years and to just come up personally empty.  Even sadder to see them then attack the people that used to share their interest now that they have come up empty.  It is of no surprise to me that they resort to using a condescending tone and insults to make them feel better about their own personal failures.  If I had the outlook of some people here, I wouldn't want to be associated with this forum in any way, but alas they just can't stay away, even when they are a denier.  If those on the forum I posted my anti bigfoot posts on had such little regard for me, why would I be there?  Gotta wonder.

Because you are a smart honest person.

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