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Bigfoot Hogwash

Lake County Bigfooot

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Hmmm. Could be according to some that it is Alien. IMHO the only way to be sure is to put the idea to the true test. If one is seen going through a portal then there's only one thing to do........FOLLOW IT! Yep, jump right in that ol' portal and see for one's self. If it's a hominid that does the things you say then heck if going through a portal doesn't hurt it should be fine for us to go into one too. That should settle things once and for all.


Of course you know what I've just done right? I've put the idea out onto the internet so now there will be a whole new crop of "para" people claiming to do just that and telling us they hold pow-wows with the creatures and their Alien overlords on the other side. OOPSIE!

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Being snarky again I see.  :(    May I offer a serious response anyway?  


I don't "believe in" portals, not merely whether they DO exist, but whether they CAN.   However, because they are part of the lore, I've table-topped the thing whether I believe it possible or not.   You are exactly correct, if I see what seems to be a bigfoot seeming to go through a portal, I'm going after it.  I don't think portals persist, if they exist, so it is very possible that it would be a one-way trip.   It's also worth considering the Larry Kelm "gotcha" story while considering the whole topic.     If portals exist and bigfoot use them, then all of my assumptions about bigfoot are wrong and all options (in other words, proof vs no-proof, kill vs no-kill, etc) have to go back on the table: if portals are real, that knowledge is critical for our species' survival.   ... but for the moment I don't believe they are real.


All that said, I do think bigfoots disappear.   That's a different topic I think.



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Sorry yes, I was being a bit snarky....again. I would prefer to call it light sarcasm but there probably is little difference between the two terms. But I do think Sasquatch can disappear but not paranormally. I think they disappear as a result of being masters of stealth in their own habitats. If bears can be that way along with other normal creatures then an intelligent biped can be also as well as being better at it. We just need to be better at knowing their skill set. One might even say we could anticipate their actions by knowing what the terrain has to offer in the way of line-of-sight advantages? Hills, cliffs, bends in a road and other things that they may use to disappear would be something a team might study for an area that has generated a higher than average list of sightings reports.


It hasn't been easy to follow these creatures around and it probably will get even harder if the creature senses or out and out knows it's being stalked.

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There's more to it than merely moving out of sight behind some kind of concealment.    What happens happened to me but it was so dark that I couldn't see that I couldn't see.   The mechanism is infrasound ... abnormal but absolutely not paranormal.   Not merely used by elephants, tigers, etc, but predicted to occur in human males at about the 8 foot range if the vocal tract extends proportionally with height (it doesn't quite).   Sound is waves.   Powerful waves do not stop at obstacles, they vibrate the obstacles unless the obstacle is "rubbery" enough to absorb the wave energy without transmitting it.    Sound absolutely will move fluids.   I've talked to witnesses who had their "events" in daylight so they could see and describe the effects.    What's happening, based on the evidence, is the infrasound waves vibrate the fluids in the eyeballs and the larger eyeward end of the optic nerve creating a temporary effect much akin to macular degeneration ... a situation where the witness can see around the periphery of their vision but not in the center.   My research partner reports having precisely that happen ... she "knew" there was a bigfoot in front of her but couldn't see it.   When she looked aside she could see a generally very large human-ish shape, but if she looked back towards it, either just her eyes or her whole head, it disappeared into a general blur ... in other words, she coudn't see what was behind it either.  


Like I said, the bigfoot doesn't vanish, doesn't disappear, doesn't go anywhere, doesn't "cloak", it just messes with our vision so we can't see it if we look towards it.  


The reason people won't look at this is fear.   It's a thing we're absolutely unable to counter.   People simply do not know how to be that afraid so they deny it is possible.   It's part of "can't happen to me."



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Guest Waggles

Portals are probably a fact of nature again because you have 4th and 5th dimensions actually supposably more 12 or 16 or something the only way to enter the third dimension would be through a portal so it's almost a scientific fact that they exist probably something like a wormhole.

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Low frequency sound waves bend around things in their path due to the long cycle wavelengths. Even audible low frequency waves can be 32'+ long per cycle, so just imagine how long those infrasound waves must be. Serious sound production!

It's the same reason those sound barriers on the side of the freeways don't really work for the lower register sounds, the waves simply roll over them. They also become largely omnidirectional, at least in closer confines, hence only one subwoofer in the 5.1 sound systems. Though I have read reports of individuals having been zapped while others were not, so it might well seem the Ssq's have learned to focus the beam, which wouldn't be too odd in light of on going use on their part, much less who knows how many generations of refining its use and manipulation..


Like I posted in another thread, I wonder if they've learned to use it to make the Asian carp jump out of the water yet, where they both occur. Now that would be a sight, a group of Ssq rushing around shallows(well, relative shallows) trying to catch leaping fish!

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I am being serious when I say that I thank you both for your clarifications. It brings up the idea of tree knocks being effective because of the varying frequencies the rap might generate. We may hear only in the range that emits the sharp crack sound. Other animals may hear the lower frequencies made by the impact  which would travel farther. It could be why even without tree knocks they know where each other is. And you know what that means right? That means when WE tree knock they know it's not one of then- it's probably why when Humans tree knock the cretures seem to stop answering after maybe once and no one gets a follow up.


Vocal frequencies do GENERALLY seem to move from high to low in nature with size like from birds to whales? Chipmunks to Elephants? Human women and children to Sasquatch? Maybe when using a parabolic ear the frequency setting for what it picks up should be attenuated to lower registers as opposed to what they do with the ultrasonic  bat detector devices for the higher registers: http://www.bats.org.uk/pages/bat_detectors.html  


"The most widely available bat detectors work on a principle known as heterodyning. The bat calls are picked up by an ultrasonic microphone and mixed with the output of a high frequency oscillator in the bat detector. This produces sounds that are the sum and difference of the two frequencies."


We just need to go the other way to get infrasonic frequencies higher as in raise anything below say 20-25 hz?

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Waves stack.   While we can't hear infrasound, we might hear the sum of infrasound + a constant pitch as a warble in that pitch.


Hopefully SWWASAS is reading this.  I believe Randy mentioned something about an odd ringing or vibration in some loose change in his pack one time that might have been a result of infrasound.


It is possible seismic monitors are very close to what we need.


We don't enter and leave dimensions.  Dimensions are not places.   A dimension is a thing that can be measured: length, height, width, or time.   More dimensions are more measures of the same space.  The wootards have done everyone a horrible disservice by coopting very precise scientific terminology to describe utter crap which they believe in with religious fervor.   If .. BIG IF .. there is anything to what the wootards are trying to describe, it has nothing to do with dimensions so far as science uses the term.   Argggghhhh. 


Tree knocks ... if you mean what I think you mean, right.   I do not knock.   I think it is a warning, if not specific to people in the area, at least a message to be on high alert.  You might get a response to a knock but you won't ever bring a BF in to check you out as the FB crew try to do.   Knocks essentially mean the hairy kids are exiting.   I also don't do calls.  I'm not risking being misunderstood by making noises that challenge the biggest bigfoot on the block to a fight, or offering sexual favors, or anything else that could go badly for me.   Until I understand the language, I'll receive rather than transmit.





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Having been a studio engineer, I would think all you would need to "hear"  infrasound would be a microphone capable of picking it up and a pitch transposer to bring it up an octave or two. While I don't know the cost f such microphones(not much call for those in a studio....) but pitch shifters are none too expensive in either hardware or software forms.


In regards to frequencies produced via woodknocks, who's to say what low frequencies might be produced given enough force and the right tree?

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BFF Patron

When I had an infestation and was heavy on research upclose, one of the paramount clues that it was game-on was a subsonic maybe not infrasonic that I was sensitive too.  It followed my research from NC to Utah one summer and then suddenly after two or three more years, it was history, or I was no longer sensitive to that frequency.  I tried wood knocks two times in four years of being "in the zone".  I got one response delayed by days, hours  or weeks.  They emulated my bird call medleys done during daylight hours at 3am near to my position, why then would you need to wood knock to engage?!

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That must have been a trip at first, to hear your sequence "played back" to you, almost as if they were call-blasting! Or at least just "letting you know..."

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If you could find a mic that can pic up below 20hz ,you could then feed the signal into a pitch transposer, and bring it up an octave or 2. You can get pitch transposing software free on the net. Or you can get a foot pedal that does it at the music store.

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That "if" is a real serious hurdle.   Searching Amazon I only found one option for infrasound mics and it requires attachment to a PC.  I don't want to lug my laptop 5+ miles into the wilderness where I want to record.    A google search shows other options but they are scientific instruments at scientific instrument prices, not "I'll splurge a couple hundred bucks on a toy".  More than that, recorders themselves may be an issue.   I was checking the technical specs of the audio recorders I use in the field.   None record sound below 40 Hz.   I suspect based on the observed effects that the frequencies I'm interested fall between 5 and 9 Hz.





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For the recorders, aside from software, you may want to check out the Danish and German high end audio firms, they've been making some pretty amazing stuff.


I would think they have software based systems that you can set the low end minimum below our audible range. I'm not sure which ones will do that or to why extent, but it's one pathway that mighty prove productive.

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