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Sasquatch In Towns & Cities...?

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BFF Patron

That is the spot the rock came out of the tree at me a couple weeks ago. So I guess that is more evidence they are in town.

One question, in that left pic(above), how did the Burger King (middle left side profile) and the Tin Man (lower right) get into the shot at the same time? Is it a collage? Is that what you mean by composite? Or a mirage? Or is it nefarious collusion? :)

Make that two questions, if not one of the two culprits named above who do you suppose threw the rock or was that villain in another picture? :ph34r:

Make that three questions (on a roll): What would be the advantage to a squatch to hide in a wall of ivy during the daylight hours do you suppose? And did you check out the ivy for any dislocated vines pulled loose or physical evidence?

Posted (edited)

Burger king. Yes. Exactly what he looks like. Thank you.

I don't know how, but seems possible. This is farther up on the wall, which is high. This is the grocery store parking lot. They are always in groups, it seems like.

The rock throwing was at a similar wall but beside the drug store across the street, close to the canal. There was about 12 feet between me and the wall. Out of nowhere a rock comes is flung at me, trajectory parallel to the ground, at shoulder height, hits a branch or two on the way out and lands on the asphalt about four feet away. A piece of concrete conglomerate. I kept it.

When I look at the pictures, I have a lot of questions, too. But I don't put things in the picture. It is a photograph. I tweak them minimally. I always wonder if I am just imagining it and I guess you do too. I have more questions than answers.

To reconcile myself to this I just sort of take it under advisement, and file it away under evidence,--maybe--but not proof.

Just wondering myself about a half hour ago why they would stand there on a hot afternoon. It's shady, so better than some spots. Wonder if some always stand watch. Maybe it's the afternoon shift on lookout. Geese have lookouts and don't other animals, too?

I wonder why they would even live here. Population pressure? Clan wars? Young people off to the city to seek their fortunes? The juvenile delinquents living dangerously? Outcasts? Pizza lovers?

I don't want to take all up the thread with this. I will just post pictures in my gallery and not on replies, if I have any more I want to share.

Edited by Kings Canyon

Trying again. I had pretty good luck yesterday, maybe I can find better ones.

King, what exactly am I supposed to be seeing here? Can you describe what you see? Shape? Arms, legs, or whatever.


This thread reminds me of "Not your Typical Bigfoot Movie." Didn't Dallas and Wayne 'practice' seeing BF in pictures, or am I remembering wrong?


I can't seem to find Nona's avatar anywhere in the photos.

  • 4 weeks later...

I've read a few posts here and articles elsewhere that BF lives much closer to the human population than once believed. I'm not disputing this, but I wonder if you can point me to credible reports of BF in suburban areas. I'm not talking about a neighborhood just past a metropolitan area. I'm talking about a development that's on the outskirts of the city limits - city on one side, forested area on the next.


You already heard my story, but we just had a thread on this so if you don't mind, I'm going to merge it.

Guest vilnoori

That sounds blood curdling scary! I hope you keep the doors and windows bolted! I'm not familiar with wolf sounds, but its definitely not coyote. Sounds closer to human type vocal cords than a canine though, sounds like its in pain whatever it is. If this is near NA land do you ever talk to any Native neighbors about these sounds? You don't have to bring up Bigfoot just comment how you heard these weird moaning/howling sounds and have no idea what kinda animal it is and see if they volunteer any info. If they have wolves on land they would be expert as to what they sound like. Might let them hear the recording.

Definitely have been hearing what sounds like a wolf howling, being replied by the coyotes that I always have heard around here, and the neighborhood farm dogs. It doesn't sound human or BF, whatever BF sounds like, it sounds like wolf. And I so far have heard only one. I suppose it could be a feral dog that happens to be really musical. Hard to tell.


I've read a few posts here and articles elsewhere that BF lives much closer to the human population than once believed. I'm not disputing this, but I wonder if you can point me to credible reports of BF in suburban areas. I'm not talking about a neighborhood just past a metropolitan area. I'm talking about a development that's on the outskirts of the city limits - city on one side, forested area on the next.

I have read several on the BFRO over the years but I don't have any links so you'll just have to scan through their list if no one here can provide any links to some.

Guest BFSleuth

I've read a few posts here and articles elsewhere that BF lives much closer to the human population than once believed. I'm not disputing this, but I wonder if you can point me to credible reports of BF in suburban areas. I'm not talking about a neighborhood just past a metropolitan area. I'm talking about a development that's on the outskirts of the city limits - city on one side, forested area on the next.

Okay, let's try Chicago area, boot up Google Earth and crank up the BFRO layer and we get:




Then we can cruise on over to Washington DC and find:




Or within 3 miles of Sea-Tac airport:

http://www.bfro.net/gdb/show_report.asp?id=28743 .... this is just off a ravine that goes right down to Puget Sound and from there you can travel at night up and down the beach to other wooded ravines, a scattered territory taking advantage of smallish wooded areas interspersed in heavily developed areas. What's not to like for BF? Access to water, seafood, seaweed, salmon, deer (yes there are herds of deer that move from ravine to ravine), dumpster diving, roots, grubs,... and heavily wooded ravines that hardly anyone goes into other than set trails.


Definitely have been hearing what sounds like a wolf howling, being replied by the coyotes that I always have heard around here, and the neighborhood farm dogs. It doesn't sound human or BF, whatever BF sounds like, it sounds like wolf. And I so far have heard only one. I suppose it could be a feral dog that happens to be really musical. Hard to tell.

It sounds to me like the bigfoot is trying to imitate the siren from an emergency vehicle.

Guest vilnoori

LOL That is hilarious! It would not be funny if it was a BF, however. That would be terrifying. Heck it is actually a bit unnerving just with the cat. :blink:

Guest vilnoori

It sounds to me like the bigfoot is trying to imitate the siren from an emergency vehicle.

Well I think it more likely to be a wolf or dog. Though I do notice the "West Coast Sasquatch" truck driving past toward the riverside park quite a lot. But I think he just walks his dogs there a lot. ;)

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