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Dr. Melba Ketchum Schedule To Speak About Sasquatch Dna On October 1, 2011


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It's not working, it's just annoying.

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RRS, I should mention that I was jesting about your avatar, it doesn't bother me at all that you change it often. :)

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Guest Biggie

He changes his avy about as much as Hollywood actresses change their husbands, and likely for the same reason because he get's bored with them. :ph34r:

Not surprised with the dna delay. I always suspect the worst and I'm usually not disappointed.

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Guest HairyGreek

Am I the only one a little happy this isn't the place she picked to spill the beans (for whatever the reasons that may be)?

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Guest vilnoori

AJ that is exciting news. I always hoped that someone would do the DNA work on sasquatch here and team up with the Max Planck Institute people or at least make them aware of the possibilities. If they considered it important enough to send for her and discuss it with her in person, and were willing to foot the bill for a big plane ticket then I really do believe something big is coming. That does raise my hopes a great deal. Yes, it was tough on the folks who ponied up to do the Honobia conference and I think I too would be wanting my money back if what I had expected and paid for didn't turn up.

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Guest HairyGreek

Yes, it was tough on the folks who ponied up to do the Honobia conference and I think I too would be wanting my money back if what I had expected and paid for didn't turn up.

We have no idea what deal was reached between them and Ketchum. If they had a pretaped seqment ready to go in case of a change, they could have informed people there was a chance she wouldn't show up. Let's not forget it was others and NOT Dr. Ketchum who made this out to be something bigger than it was.

She has a press release section on her website and a Facebook page and I don't recall her pawning off her appearance on anyone for the last several months. People are acting like she hoodwinked them when they only did this to themselves.

Edited by HairyGreek
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It would seem that whatever results are finally made public they will be" preliminary" in that they truly will have no presedent. So fussing over them or their release date is just a "Spinning of the Wheels".

They would (JMO) just be another clue in the mystery that is BF.

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It would seem that whatever results are finally made public they will be" preliminary" in that they truly will have no presedent. So fussing over them or their release date is just a "Spinning of the Wheels".

They would (JMO) just be another clue in the mystery that is BF.

Very true, it can take years to verify certain new species even with a live specimen and DNA.

Remember this?

New lizard species verified

Philippines home to 6-foot monitor

Jim Gomez | Associated PressMANILA, Philippines – Researchers have concluded that a giant, golden-spotted monitor lizard discovered in the forested mountains of the Philippines six years ago is a new species, according to a study released Wednesday.

The 6.5-foot-long lizard was first spotted in 2004 in the Sierra Madre mountains on the main island of Luzon when researchers saw local Agta tribesmen carrying one of the dead reptiles.

But it took until last year to determine it was a new species. After capturing an adult, researchers from the University of Kansas and the National Museum of the Philippines obtained DNA samples that helped confirm the lizard was new to science.

The Northern Sierra Madre Forest Monitor Lizard or Varanus bitatawa feasts on fruits and snails, according to American and Filipino researchers who wrote about the discovery in Wednesday’s peer-reviewed Royal Society journal Biology Letters. It spends much of its time in the treetops and has unique claws that allow it to reach its favorite fruits.

It is not that unusual to find a new species of tiny fish, frog or insect. But the researchers said it was a “rare occurrence†to discover such a large vertebrate, particularly on an island hit by deforestation and nearby development.

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This comes second hand from a person who works for Dr. Ketchum.

Apparently, Ketchum missed the conference because she had to run off to Europe (Germany, I think). This trip was for the purpose of meeting the reviewers. This is actually rather unusual, and Ketchum was surprised by it. The normal review process typically takes the form of an anonymous back-and-forth, when there is some point of contention. Even knowing who the reviewers are is highly unusual, let alone meeting them face-to-face.

I suspect that the reviewers wanted to meet Ketchum face-to-face, to make certain that this wasn't some sort of trick. If they went this far, it is certain that the results presented in the paper are substantial.

Also, if the destination of Germany is correct, then I suspect that the reviewers are at Max Planck Institute, and are possibly even the authors of the Denisova paper. This is only my suspicion though, but if I was the editor on such a paper as Ketchum submitted, they would be high on the list of reviewers.

Well I for one feel better about the situation after reading this. Thank you AJ.

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Well I for one feel better about the situation after reading this. Thank you AJ.

I don't take the same comfort as you do AJ. Considering how all of this has played out over the past few years, I cannot take too much comfort in second hand information. I am afraid this is turning out to be much to do about nothing. Time will tell.

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Am I the only one a little happy this isn't the place she picked to spill the beans (for whatever the reasons that may be)?

You're not alone, brutha! Obvious reasons go without saying!

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not surprised with the dna delay. I always suspect the worst and I'm usually not disappointed.

I personally didn't fret much, sometimes a change of plans can be a blessing in disguise. ;)

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In an email from Troy Hudson, Honobia organizer:

She (Dr. Ketchum) was packed and ready to go as of Thursday and she got a phone call. I can't say what it was about, but she called me and told me to come and video something for the conference.
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Southernyahoo, we found this on Facebook of one of the organizers saying the video was taken in anticipation of her not appearing. Note the date. They apparently knew something well in advance, so the claims of a trip to Germany smells fishy.

post-26-050610800 1317600388_thumb.jpg

Just my 2 cents worth on the matter.

Yes , it sounds like the taped interview was plan B and they were playing it by ear down to the wire. Being forthright about that with the potential attendees is where my gripe is and that falls on the organizers.

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