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Government Involvement  

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2 minutes ago, hiflier said:

Hey, Hunster, did you see my downvote?........


Nope. I don't pay attention to those.



.......Now I don't thing the clowns....er.....people would take too kindly to being called clowns........


Yeah, probably not. They can downvote me.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, Huntster said:

That makes it legal on federal lands, most of which are in the west where the highest density of reports come from. You're in luck.


Well. Whaddya know about that. Can't wait. Uh...wait a sec....I HAVE been waiting ;)

3 minutes ago, hiflier said:


Well. Whaddya know about that. Can't wait. Uh...wait a sec....I HAVE been waiting ;)


You're in Maine. Only 1% is federal land. Did you hunt that land yet? Should be a quick hunt.

Posted (edited)

That would be 320 sq miles and yeah, I've been through some of it. It's not exactly next door to me and a lot of it is hours away. I doubt the Sasquatch stays only there if it's out there at all as a lot of the reports are closer. I have areas I canvass but generally it's why I do my research in the winter where tracks are easier to see. I cover more territory that way, too. Lots of water bodies for sampling as well. Just need to cover the costs for testing. Even so, I doubt I will beat the state to the punch on discovery. Or the feds for that matter.


Edited by hiflier
19 minutes ago, hiflier said:

.........I doubt the Sasquatch stays only there if it's out there at all........


Yup. Private land is a much better hide out if you're a trespassing sasquatch.

2 hours ago, Huntster said:


That's just the first step in that strategy. Getting the carcass to market, and successfully selling the meat might even be more difficult than placing the shot on target.



That makes it legal on federal lands, most of which are in the west where the highest density of reports come from. You're in luck.

How do we know one hasn’t been shot in 100 years? Right? That’s the whole point of this thread….


If I shoot one tomorrow, call WSU and drop it off at the Biology dept? And they “lose it” or say it was just a mangy Bear?🤷‍♂️


Your right. It doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, norseman said:

How do we know one hasn’t been shot in 100 years? Right? That’s the whole point of this thread….


Well, Norseman? They reportedly HAVE been shot. And yet no proof of their existence is anywhere to be had. I'm guessing that last part is what this thread is about also. Assuming government involvement should the creatures be real. If they are then weighing government's hand in not saying so is a valid discussion to have. If they are NOT real then weighing government's hand in not saying so is also valid. Are they real? Gov speak says "yes/no" all in one breath. And as a community I think we can do better at getting to "yes" OR "no".


Edited by hiflier
4 minutes ago, hiflier said:


Well, Norseman? They reportedly HAVE been shot. And yet no proof of their existence is anywhere to be had. I'm guessing that last part is what this thread is about also. Assuming government involvement should the creatures be real. If they are then weighing government's hand in things is a valid discussion to have. If they are NOT real then weighing government's involvement in not saying so is also valid. Are they real? Gov speak says "yes/no" all in one breath. And as a community I think we can do better at getting to "yes" OR "no".

Where are the Lovelock Cave skeletons? No. They are not Bigfoot. But they absolutely fly in the face of the Clovis first theory about the peopling of the Americas. And there are many other examples…..


The Cerutti Mastadon find? 130,000 years ago? That’s not Homo Sapiens….. crickets.


This is much bigger than just man apes roaming our hinterlands. It’s history in general. The anomalies are swept under the rug. Why?




Maybe I listen to too much Graham Hancock? But I see many parallels. Main stream science is playing whack a mole. But their wall is crumbling….

Posted (edited)

Like I've been saying for a while now, I d bet that they represent a pre-sapiens hybrid comprised of any number of east-hemisphere species that arose and headed east out of africa, eventually ending up at the Bering Straight, and as they got closer, were impacted by Bergmans Law(mammals getting larger at higher latitudes) and therefore growing in stature. Then crossing over during periods of glaciation when the sea levels dropped, we see successive waves of pre-sapiens hominids expanding out and into the americas, where they got  caught up in the context that generated the megafauna development, resulting  in a form(s) of megafauna hominids. This would account for the Homo genetic material. Fire building and stone tool use have no bearing on the biological/genetic definition of the genus, as that is based on anatomical distinctions and DNA respectively . 

Edited by guyzonthropus
11 hours ago, norseman said:

How do we know one hasn’t been shot in 100 years? Right? That’s the whole point of this thread….......


I don't. But I do know that if one has been, it didn't result in scientific discovery. That nay or may not have been because of government suppression. For example, similar to Smeja's claims, this guy shoots one during a misidentification, then when he realizes what it is, he flees in fright.





.......If I shoot one tomorrow, call WSU and drop it off at the Biology dept? And they “lose it” or say it was just a mangy Bear?........


I have loaded three moose whole into the back of pickup trucks in my younger days. One of those was "in the woods", one was alongside a maintained road, and one I used a front end loader. All the other dead moose I transported were quartered (more like seventhed). I suppose a hack job works in the case of "proof". 


If you delivered a chopped up sasquatch to Meldrum and it subsequently disappearred, even if you had a photo trail of your adventure, the cat would be out of the bag.........with everybody involved. 


Everybody else would say, "Yeah. Sure." 


Just like today.



11 hours ago, norseman said:

Where are the Lovelock Cave skeletons? No. They are not Bigfoot. But they absolutely fly in the face of the Clovis first theory about the peopling of the Americas. And there are many other examples…..


Absolutely correct.


11 hours ago, norseman said:

The Cerutti Mastadon find? 130,000 years ago? That’s not Homo Sapiens….. crickets.


Another glaringly good point. As is the one below. But is the situation an impossible one for folks like us to fix?


11 hours ago, norseman said:

This is much bigger than just man apes roaming our hinterlands. It’s history in general. The anomalies are swept under the rug. Why?




Maybe I listen to too much Graham Hancock? But I see many parallels. Main stream science is playing whack a mole. But their wall is crumbling….

Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Huntster said:

If you delivered a chopped up sasquatch to Meldrum and it subsequently disappearred, even if you had a photo trail of your adventure, the cat would be out of the bag.........with everybody involved.


A good point, both specifically and generally. Meldrum would NOT be my go-to and I've held that position for a long time. As an incredibly powerful influencer he could have done so much more for discovery and the truth in the last 20 years than he has. He's afraid of the consequences of taking actions as much as everyone else. I see no other way around thinking that. We have at least 30 high profile people in this community and little to nothing has been accomplished except to continually repeat what we already know. Does anyone outside of myself think that virtually everything is a dead end with no chance of knowing the truth?


It's ridiculous to think that our major players are also the gatekeepers but I've seen nothing that alters that conclusion. Mayor found Chimp DNA. Where did that go? The nest discovery found degraded Human DNA. Where did that go? Ketchum's data, according to Dr. Haskell Hart, has at least three mutations in a single genome of which any ONE of them is reare in Humans but common in other primates. Where has that gone? And so much more that has either been secret or otherwise ignored. The picture we have for all of this is flawed in a major way. And we can't fix that either? Apparently not.


Edited by hiflier

Personally? I think it's time that we here on the Forum, as well the Bigfoot community as a whole, started getting some answers from our own. All the sensationalism that gets trotted out in front of us with no professional follow up, opinion, or conclusion given by the professional people involved needs to stop. And all these professional people know each other which makes for a very suspect situation. I am not a cynic when it comes to this kind of stuff because there are no speculations to be made on the facts at hand that back up what I'm describing.


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, hiflier said:

.......Mayor found Chimp DNA. Where did that go?........


Into a nexus of meaninglessness. A chimp in Kentucky. So what? Tigers roam L.A. suburbs on occasion.





..........The nest discovery found degraded Human DNA. Where did that go?.........


Into the skeptical excuse of a homeless person sleeping in the woods.



........Ketchum's data, according to Dr. Haskell Hart, has at least three mutations in a single genome of which any ONE of them is reare in Humans but common in other primates. Where has that gone?.........


Into the basket of Ketchum deplorable science.



.......And we can't fix that either? Apparently not.


We're repeatedly told that a carcass will be the Golden Lance. The Final Solution. The *adjective* evidence. 


Yeah. Right. Whatever.






Edited by Huntster

^^ Okay, you've tried your best to squash the guts out of the frog? Feel better?

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