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Bigfoot Makes House Calls?

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Where is that "beating one's head against a brick wall" smiley? It's sorely needed here. (By Saskeptic!)

No kidding, I find it hard to believe how patient Saskeptic has been on this thread.

Me too. Ditto Mrs. Saskeptic.




Oh, yeah. And just how often do you get into the field? :lol:

Posted (edited)

Oh, yeah. And just how often do you get into the field? :lol:

Not sure what you mean by that comment. You mentioned not having a "beating one's head against a brick wall" smiley. I provided one; that's all.

Edited by Romano

Ok, I just finished reading this thread (wow, it's a long one, and I had been skipping over it for some time now...).

Some observations:

While it is perfectly acceptable for Sasfooty and others to relate their experiences here, it is also acceptable for their claims to be questioned. It's the nature of the forum, and all participants should be aware of this and be able to handle the questions without taking offense. I know that's hard, because when your claims are questioned a normal reaction is to feel as if you are being called a liar. But that's not the case on these forums, it's simply that some members are driven by proof and evidence while others are not.

Even when the "normal" reaction is to take offense to questioning, the poster of a claim needs to understand that it is perfectly acceptable for others to pose these questions. This is not a normal social situation we are engaged in, and some leeway has to be given if any of these discussions are to be beneficial in any way to any person.

Sasfooty (and others) have obviously had experiences that they can either not explain, or are convinced are BF related. Again, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, this is a Bigfoot forum.

But here's my biggest problem with this thread:

Saskeptic (IMO) is this forum's best example of civil skepticism. The points he is raising are all very logical and need consideration. Again, IMO, if all skeptics conducted themselves in the same manner as Saskeptic, this forum would be a much nicer place to be. Even though I am "proponent friendly", I still think skeptically unless/until I feel I have good reason to feel otherwise. I think that's part of what is meant by "critical thinking". I am in no way denying or scoffing at the experiences of others, and feel that if this creature exists, I have almost certainly had a few experiences with it. But I don't claim to "know", at least not yet. I'm not saying that others can't know, either. If I saw one, I might very well come back here and tell everyone that I finally do know. But I'm not quite there yet.

And it bothers me that Saskeptic is getting pulled through the ringer in this thread. He is not required to believe anything, and he has outlined (with details) why he feels the way he does, just as Sasfooty has done the same. IMO, Saskeptic does not deserve some of the remarks made towards/about him in this thread. He seems to be doing what he does best, which is (again, IMO) approaching things from a perspective of logic, reason and science. That doesn't make him right and someone else wrong, not at all. It just means he is using the tools available to him and in keeping with his training to come to the conclusions that he has. He should not be derided for his views, and neither should Sasfooty for sharing hers.

Saskeptic is a bright, shining example of good critical thinking and stellar behavior on this forum. He obviously does not believe in the existence of Bigfoot, but is still fascinated by the possibility. He is always civil and lays out his explanations about why he feels the way he does. Since the forum welcomes skeptics, his views are just as valid as any other. Even if we don't agree with him.

I guess what I'm saying is, please cut the guy some slack. If it were up to me, I'd clone him and replace a bunch of other abrasive personalities on this forum. Yes, he's a skeptic. But he's the best one we've got, and I don't think he deserves harsh treatment any more than I think any proponent does (and I don't). This is still "a Bigfoot forum", and these discussions are what it's all about.

And his views should in no way hinder anyone from making further claims, either. I want to hear them, and I'm sure many others do as well. But please don't be angered if he or someone else has questions...it's the nature of the forum. If we can disagree civilly, then these talks are productive. Let's not let things degrade into an "us vs. them" mentality.

And for cripe's sake, give Sas a break. He's a skeptic, and he can't help it! :lol:

  • Upvote 4

Spazmo, I wish I had more allotted "+" to award this posting. Excellent, my friend!


Spaz, yes. And yes.

I think Saskeptic is a critical thinker, and they are few and far between in this day and age. Or any age, for that matter.

I have much respect for him. He really seems to have the ability to separate his personal belief in what is, with what might actually really be. It's an absolute truth kinda deal, and it's a mind bender of a mindset to try to live it in real life. Much props. >

I am sure that if proof of this creepy lurker was undeniable he would be the first one to shake the hand of the proofer and say "Good Job!"

Cause the skeptics need proof. It's just how they roll.


Well said Spazmo, on all counts. I too used my daily + for your excellent post.


I guess it'd be weird if I didn't respond to Spazmo's very kind words, so I will simply express my gratitude for them.


I have seen areas that special forces recon military soldiers would have trouble getting through...

I don't live anywhere near any swamps but I do live and work near many BFRO reports. I also spend nearly every day out in the woods (well, not in this economy) and I have some special devices that allow me to easily penetrate into those "impenetrable" places. They're made by Caterpillar and Prentice and ASV.

And in my 30+ years of penetrating the impenetratable I have seen nothing that has forced me to say, "BF was here."

(Camping back in high school is a different story.) :P


Oh sure, don't trust your eyes or ears. They are just ornaments hanging from your body. I've done very well, thank you, trusting my eyes and ears. :lol:

I had no intention of sharing this here on the Forum because I didn't think it was anything that couldn't be explained by something other than BF but it's a good example of trust/distrust of our own eyes and ears (at least mine).

A couple of weeks ago I was out in the woods working on a piece of heavy equipment first thing in the morning. I was using air tools so the gas powered compressor in my truck was on and that's all I could hear. Within a few seconds of turning off the compressor there was a somewhat loud wood on wood knock coming from maybe 150 yards up the hill. This would have been right on the edge of the completed portion of the plantation thinning unit that I was working on. I glanced up there but went right back to work and dreaming of the Giants winning the WS. Then it occured to me, "Hey, that would be considered a "wood knock"." So I picked up a big stick and while staring in the direction from which the knock came, I slammed my stick against a tree. And it looked like I saw a big dark leg swine out from behind some trees and brush (only to land behind some more trees and brush) headed in an easterly direction along the unit boundary. Could've been anything, I shrugged my shoulders and went back to work. 10 minutes later there was another semi-loud firm, wood on wood knock but coming from about 100 yards further to the east of the first one. I knocked back. Nothing.

I was done wrenching. I climbed into my machine and started killing trees.

Lesson learned: I heard something and saw something. The Giants went on to win the Series. I don't see how BigFoot had anything to do with any of this. :P

Guest ChrisBFRPKY

I had no intention of sharing this here on the Forum because I didn't think it was anything that couldn't be explained by something other than BF but it's a good example of trust/distrust of our own eyes and ears (at least mine).

A couple of weeks ago I was out in the woods working on a piece of heavy equipment first thing in the morning. I was using air tools so the gas powered compressor in my truck was on and that's all I could hear. Within a few seconds of turning off the compressor there was a somewhat loud wood on wood knock coming from maybe 150 yards up the hill. This would have been right on the edge of the completed portion of the plantation thinning unit that I was working on. I glanced up there but went right back to work and dreaming of the Giants winning the WS. Then it occured to me, "Hey, that would be considered a "wood knock"." So I picked up a big stick and while staring in the direction from which the knock came, I slammed my stick against a tree. And it looked like I saw a big dark leg swine out from behind some trees and brush (only to land behind some more trees and brush) headed in an easterly direction along the unit boundary. Could've been anything, I shrugged my shoulders and went back to work. 10 minutes later there was another semi-loud firm, wood on wood knock but coming from about 100 yards further to the east of the first one. I knocked back. Nothing.

I was done wrenching. I climbed into my machine and started killing trees.

Lesson learned: I heard something and saw something. The Giants went on to win the Series. I don't see how BigFoot had anything to do with any of this. :P

This is a very interesting post. Thanks for sharing. Norcallogger, I can understand your point of view. Most of the time there can be a simple explanation for what some may consider Bigfoot related activity. The thing is an investigator would probably look for the source of the wood knocks heard as compared with the average person who would likely dismiss it and go on about their business. But, just because someone investigates the source of the wood knocks doesn't automatically "make" the knocks Bigfoot related. It just means they'd like an answer as to exactly "what" was making the sounds. I know from experience too that you can't always just take off skipping thru the woods searching for evidence of Bigfoot while on the job, but for me it didn't hurt to consider looking later because that's my thing. I think you have an opportunity to investigate possible BF activity. The wood knocks you heard may very well have been nothing related to BF, but "something" made the sounds. Whether it was large monkeys sporting Louisville sluggers remains to be seen. But I guess what I'm trying to say is I personally wouldn't automatically rule BF out without looking into it further. Chris B.


I guess it'd be weird if I didn't respond to Spazmo's very kind words, so I will simply express my gratitude for them.

You're very welcome Sas, and as kind as those words may seem, they are there only because I think you've earned and deserve them.

Where the heck is the "thumbs-up" smiley?


Posted (edited)

If it makes any difference whatsoever, I was the biggest skeptic until.....the stuff going on at my old place just could not be ignored or explained.

I appreciate Saskeptic's views and thoughts, sounds like me many, many years ago. After those experiences though a person takes a couple steps back and starts to think of other possibilities.

Edited to add punctuation.

Edited by Sunflower
Guest vilnoori

I hope that if Saskeptic and norcallogger or anyone here for that matter should have any such "hallucination" of a sasquatch in the woods, they would have the sense to go have a closer look (perhaps coming back in better light) especially for footprints and other possible evidence. There is such a thing as supporting evidence, and a nice line of very clear tracks in the exact same location as your "hallucination" might convince even Saskeptic. Or me, for that matter. I should be so lucky!

Posted (edited)


I would love it if you could check out the area where you saw "the big dark leg" something.

Edited by Sunflower
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