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What If Nothing Comes Of The Ketchum/op/erickson Projects?


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Crow, I do see your point, I really do. Believe me it's been really hard waiting for this stuff, and I know that this long wait has people becoming even more skeptical. I wish there was something I could do about it. I'm as frustrated as you are.


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I believe the op.I dont believe the sierra shootin but I am not skeptical of derek's sincerity. Hopefully dude is not pulling the wool over his eyes. The erickson/ketchum deal I believe is poop.....otherwise why the wait on the biggest find of our time.

I just wish the op hadnt got involved with that sierra crap.....after all why not keep the body and call cnn? I would have. Do you know how much someone would pay for a corpse? I suppose alot...

btw one of my bigfoot aquaintences [who I believe] spoke very highly of derek.then again he told me the erickson project was the truth too.

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Guest Crowlogic

Maybe DR is actually one of the M.I.B;)

Well The M.I.B. is correct. But where Bigfoot is concerned it is the Men In Brown. The Men In Brown are part of the government Evidence Confiscation Bureau. The Men In Brown are known to dress in quasi forest ranger uniforms except they all wear a green and yellow shoulder patch with a bigfoot like head in the center that is crossed out with a red circle and diagonal line through it. The Men In Brown are known to drive mid 60's vintage International Scouts painted matte chocolate brown.

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Guest slimwitless

As the months pass my interest will likely wane. A little at first. A little more as time goes by. If sometime in the next few years I hear about a DNA study proving the existence of a living non-human hominid, I'll turn to my wife and ask, "What was that bet we made?" I'll probably try to sign in to the BFF to congratulate a few people (I imagine the site will be down). I may go to work and calmly declare my ongoing(!) interest in Homo Sasquensis (or whatever it's called). Who knows? I may even stop for a beer on the way home. Crazy, right?

Needless to say, none of that will happen if the critics are right. Life will go on. The future holds other interesting surprises.

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Guest KentuckyApeman

What we must guard against are too many expectations for any BF project.

This 'alleged' creature has eluded man for centuries. Another year or two is merely a grain of sand on the beach. There will be other expeditions, and someday a break through.

I like this vid. Beautiful scenery that even a Steven Spielburg FX crew with a multi-million $ budget could not create.

Old growth trees covered with moss, lichen and a carpet of ferns:


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Tim I really do appreciate that. I do hope everyone here realizes that what we've done is gather evidence. That's what we do. Everything good we've gathered has been handed over to Melba for testing. We have ZERO say on when the findings are released. ZERO. It feels like people are getting irritated with us because things aren't happening fast enough. That's really not fair. We have no power to speed this up. We want to see this done just as bad as all of you, probably worse.

The Olympic Project is a really good organization. Our intentions are true and honest. Please understand that we have absolutely nothing to do with the schedule, and no power to make this happen any faster.


Derek, Once again, well said, and I always look forward to reading what you post. Thank you from me to you.. :wub: and hugs.

I love the Olympic Project's results, and their members are well informed and knowledgeable about the upcoming revelations. Now if I can just live long enough to hear them! ;)

I'm interested in seeing what comes of it but won't be surprised if nothing does.

Jodie, Really? I'm believing that this is a genuine research project. I checked out Melba's Facebook and from what I'm reading she is really involved in this project. :blink: I'm just hanging in here with all of you waiting for the results.

Edited by SweetSusiq
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I imagine a downward spiral of epic proportions.

Either that or I'll start hanging out in the JREF forums.

Oh, but Slim, that's so bleak! They are all skeptics with no desire to change their views no matter what happens with this project. A BF body would have to be placed in each and every member's home for them to believe that BF really exists, not to mention the UFOs they deny even with all of the evidence about UFOs including pictures, and public figures proclaiming that UFOs exist... :blink:

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I can assure you this skeptic will arrive at his conclusions based upon credible evidence and not wishful-thinking, assumptions, or fallacies.


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Guest slimwitless

Oh, but Slim, that's so bleak! They are all skeptics with no desire to change their views no matter what happens with this project. A BF body would have to be placed in each and every member's home for them to believe that BF really exists, not to mention the UFOs they deny even with all of the evidence about UFOs including pictures, and public figures proclaiming that UFOs exist... :blink:

I was kidding, SweetSusiq. It just wasn't very funny.

I can assure you this skeptic will arrive at his conclusions based upon credible evidence and not wishful-thinking, assumptions, or fallacies.


Good advice, RayG. But there's nothing wrong with being enthusiastic in the interim.

Edited by slimwitless
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I like Kings Canyons idea that some us get a "high" from the promise of disclosure of evidence. It is remarkebly akin to people with Bi-Polar disorder. The manic highs of the anticipation of disclosure of evidence or just plain proof of the Bigfoot, and the disappointment and sometimes depressing feeling that it was a hoax. I am in no way saying that it is even close to this horrible condition, and apologize if I offend anyone with the comparison of the two. My Fiancé is a victim of the disorder and would never trivialize it. What I'm getting at is that we all anticipate proof, get really excited and when the balloon pops we come crashing down, awaiting the next big promise. Again I'm not minimalizing Bi-Polar's devastating extreme ups and downs, just that it, in my opinion they RESEMBLE each other in a way.

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I so did not say that. Did I? I don't see it and I don't recall it.....But anyway, I have to sort of agree with it. We do get pretty worked up at the idea that Sas could be proven true and accepted scientifically. And I think my post was me mentally preparing myself -- I suddenly had a realization of the awful WHAT IF question. A then what? feeling.

But I think it's pretty normal, given the circumstances. Not weird at all.

So what about the an opposite version....what if it proves Sas is real as real can be? Pretty cool, maybe. Party hats all around.

Maybe BFF should start saving for some new servers.

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I so did not say that. Did I? I don't see it and I don't recall it.....But anyway, I have to sort of agree with it. We do get pretty worked up at the idea that Sas could be proven true and accepted scientifically. And I think my post was me mentally preparing myself -- I suddenly had a realization of the awful WHAT IF question. A then what? feeling.

But I think it's pretty normal, given the circumstances. Not weird at all.

So what about the an opposite version....what if it proves Sas is real as real can be? Pretty cool, maybe. Party hats all around.

Maybe BFF should start saving for some new servers.

I am so sorry Kings Canyon.I meant to quote Dr. Boogie, my apologies to you.
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