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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2010 in all areas

  1. No? You're missing quite the tale. I believe you, but in all honesty, most "story" type sasquatch reports don't do much for me, especially older ones. All they seem to do is give skeptics/denialists fodder for denigrating the subject. The Beck story, while a great campfire story with great roots and a sasquatch classic, does nothing to help come to a resolution, and gives people like yourself and Saskeptic all kinds of material to inject doubt. So his son made it all up? I don't know. If I investigated his son and found that he smoked marijuana, could I then claim that he made it all up? That's how politics, debate, and mass media propaganda works, isn't it? None. But if I really gave a rip, I'd bet I could find some: his son smoked weed, or beat his wife, or got a speeding ticket several years before, or has foot fungus, etc. Inject doubt. Inject BS. Inject problems. It's easy.......... We don't. Indeed, that's what skeptics and denialists do all the time; suggest that very thing. I'm learning that such truck works both ways. Get ready for more..........
    1 point
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