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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2010 in all areas

  1. Nah.You're making the common mistake of equating squatch to an animal, (in the bear, wolverine sense) and by doing so going down the wrong path. This is why people who try and locate/photograph/trick them as if they were just another animal fail..ALL THE TIME. He doesn't need to be a "ninja-wood-ape". Do YOU need to be a ninja wood ape to avoid being hit by the one car within 30 miles? Of course not. Think more along the lines of homonid, and intelligent one at that, and then you have your reason why we don't have road kill. That's not to say one won't get hit by a logging truck while playing around one of these days, just think of how much difficulty you'd have avoiding a car...not much. It's human arrogance that upholds the belief by some that this is an "animal" in the common sense of the word. "It couldn't possibly be as smart as ME, I'm a HUMAN for crying out loud!" The salient point being, that the "we have road kill of the rare and secretive wolverine, therefore we should have roadkill of squatch" argument falls apart as soon as you stop seeing squatch as just another animal. It still stuns me, after all this time, and all the reported encounters, that so many still view squatch simply as an ape. That has to be the most implausible, ridiculous contention I've heard, yet even the TBRC goes employs research methodology as if this were so. If it were an ape, simply a North American ecological analog to an Mountain Gorilla, we'd have been filming them regularly years ago. We'd at least have a single kill...SOMETHING. Something much more intelligent is all that makes any sense. That, or they simply are not there, which doesn't seem plausible at this point either. IMHO, it's either one or the other.
    1 point
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