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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2010 in all areas

  1. The supernatural claims are by no means a recent development. Native Americans have legends of them as being "shape-shifters" from ancient times. (I can't verify those beliefs, since I've never seen one shape-shift.) I find habituation labels problematic, myself, as I have never claimed to be an habituator. I just happen to live in their territory. When we moved here, they didn't go away, but I certainly didn't habituate them, nor them, me. I am observant enough to notice their behavior, & if you notice something long enough, you are likely to learn about it. A wise man once said "Magic is just science that hasn't been discovered yet."
    1 point
  2. It never ceases to amaze me that people who DON'T KNOW, will do their "best" to get those that DO KNOW to fold and admit some mistake, or doubt in what they saw. READ; Saw, CLEARLY, over and over. Smelled over and over. Interacted with over and over. Not a fleeting glimpse of "something dark". Not a chance unusual sound. Not a vague wiff of a strange odor. Those that KNOW, are trying here to relate what they KNOW. Some of those that do NOT KNOW, can't stand to be on the outside looking in. So they attempt to cloud the issue, and keep anyone who doesn't KNOW from putting one iota of belief in what's being told. Oh forbid there to be ONE MORE beleiver! Skeptics/scoftics/non believers, when will you people understand that those that KNOW, don't give a rat's patoot whether you believe or not. Like it was said earlier, WE have our PROOF! GET YOUR OWN. Why should we argue with you people about something you have no intention to give an open mind to. Until you are standing in front of one, see it clearly, smell it's body odor and breath, and experience it's reasoning and physical abilities, you are not going to believe. You must convince yourself of reality. Arguing,("debating") WILL NOT enlighten ANYONE HERE. JMHO-KNUCK
    1 point
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