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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2011 in all areas

  1. If I had to define my "philosophy" on BF, I think I would say I am openminded, cautious, intrigued, and INCLINED to think BF is indeed "out there", a flesh and blood creature. I understand, and can articulate, objections to that belief (and not using the word "belief" in the context of "something thought to be true based purely on faith"... just saying!), and I am all for healthy, honest skepticism. In fact, I think that is essential. One thing I find so refreshing - and which might surprise some who aren't "into" BF - is that places like this are, IMHO, robustly skeptical. Someone trotting out a clumsy hoax video is NOT going to find it easy going around here... which is, I think, a good thing. Why do some folks have such a hard time with "skeptics"? Well, I think there many different kinds of skeptics - or folks who call themselves "skeptics". Just as some people have decided BF is real and will brook no suggestion to the contrary, there are some who have decided BF CANNOT be real, and will brook no suggestion in the other direction. To me, this latter group is not truly "skeptical". There is a difference between saying "I don't believe there is enough evidence to make the case for BF" and saying "BF definitely cannot be out there". The first group could, in theory, change views based on new evidence, events, etc. The latter group - short of a body, not so much. Just saying. I think it is THAT latter group that inspires a lot of the friction. IMHO. They are, I think, less fairly described as "skepticaL" as "decided". Along those lines - and since we were asked to discuss our "philosophy"! - all I am looking for is for the subject to be taken seriously, versus it being a target of derision and snickering, in the media and in the scientific community. Don't get me wrong... I don't offer that in some insecure, self-pitying way. REALLY! I MEAN IT! ;-) On one level, I honestly don't care... if my interest in BF was predicated on news anchors and scientists treating the subject with respect, I'd have moved on long ago. What I am saying is that, for me, there is a difference between saying "There is enough out there to PROVE BF is real" (I don't think that is the case, respectfully, today) and saying "I think there is enough out there that the SUBJECT is worthy of serious consideration" . I do - again, respectfully! - think that the latter IS the case. Shadow
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