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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2011 in all areas

  1. Thom Powell addressed it in The Locals while Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis took the controversial topic head on in The Psychic Sasquatch. Some call it junk and others call it Fringe, but when Beckjord proposed the extra dimensional theory as being a means of camouflage and transportation for the big guy, could he have been on to something? {imho} As time marches on, the progress in BF research will most likely continue to crawl at a snails pace. Maybe the Inter-dimensional vanishing Sasquatch with ESP deserves further looking into. Is it anymore crazy then standing in the middle of nowhere banging on a tree with a stick? www.cryptomundo.com/bigfoot-report/invisible-bf/ www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/invisible.htm http://paranormal.about.com/cs/bigfootsasquatch/a/aa042103.htm http://www.kickacts.com/2010/04/19/invisible-bigfoot/
    1 point
  2. Top Ten Reasons Bigfoot don't kill Humans: 10: Because their fingers are too thick to fit in the trigger guard. 9: Because we are harder to field dress than the average deer. 8: Old Bigfoot-wives tale they believe: If you don't kill any humans, ZZ Top will keep touring. 7: They'd love to, but have you tried to get a tag for humans lately? You get strange looks, and ordered to leave. 6: Bigfoots are scared of ghosts, and human ghosts appear in the mid-900 nanometer range. 5: Because we taste like chicken McNuggets. 4: Bigfoot would rather be "knocking", if you know what I mean. 3: Because we smell worse on the inside than we do on the outside. 2: Look at 'em! You can tell they are just a bunch of long-haired pacifist hippies! And the number one reason Bigfoot don't kill Humans: 1: They have gone to the woods to chew bubblegum & kick ass. And they aren't out of bubblegum yet.
    1 point
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