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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2011 in all areas

  1. I do not have cable T.V. So the only parts I have seen is what someone loaded on You Tube. There are things folks are criticizing about the program and of course they for the most part do have a point, but only to a point. What I mean by that is I to hate the, (Blare Witch) type atmosphere this and almost every documentary on this subject has adopted. But I must point out that these programs are aimed not with the researcher in mind. They are aimed at the general public which only give the Sasquatch question about 15 minutes of thought a year if that. And the general public love this type of approach. The scary music, the camera stuck to the guys face as he is walking through the woods in the dark, etc, etc. If the script were geared to what Thomas Steenburg would like. The general viewing audience would tune out very quickly and the ratings would drop like a stone and the show wouldn't last past a few episodes. One has to remember that the producers are trying to garner public interest so they can at least try to last a season or two and hopefully come up with something tangible to show in a future episode. In the mean time bring out the monster stories to get the interest going. Also in the Bigfoot community allot of people have problems with MM and the way he does things. I myself have raised a eyebrow when listening to some of what he has to say but I really have never had any real problem with him or the BFRO. If he is able to follow up on reports than as far as I am concerned all the power to him. But at the same time do not hold back on thoughts and criticisms about how they are doing things and the conclusions they come up with for maybe they producers might take some of what other researchers suggest to heart and adjust the programs future episodes . If not well just sit back and realize that the general public are being entertained and hopefully starting to think a little bit, despite the fact that this program as well as most of the others are not treating this subject with the dignity we wish they would. Thomas Steenburg
    1 point
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