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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2011 in all areas

  1. Sending a message to BF? Do I look like an ambassador to you? If MM wants to feed them a rabbit he can feed them a rabbit, it's ONE rabbit on a whole world of rabbits. Seriously, sending the wrong message to an unproven and un documented creature that some humans dress up as woodland gods? If BF has a bad impression of humanity, it isn't because some well meaning human offered them a tasty morsel. Meaningful interaction? WHAT meaningful interaction, they elude us and rightfully so. How about a truce, they stop throwing stones at us and we stop feeding them and hurting their feelings? Are you concerned about eating an M&M in front of a fat kid? What kind of message would you be sending? This line of absurdity can go over forever. WHEW . . even reality TV is better than this. It's loosely based on reality. .
    1 point
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