To my knowledge, MM owns the BFRO forums, and that entitles him to regulate them as he desires. Some of us disagree as to what we feel to be draconian choices on his end, but that is his perogative.
There is a pattern that occurs within the BFRO periodically in which people disagree with MM and the result is a departure from the BFRO due to irreconcilable differences. This organizational turnover is indicative of strong individuals in this subculture. One holds the cards, the others must find another table with a better hand to play.
I don't believe that MM is hurting anyone but himself in the eyes of some who think critically. Financially, he will benefit greatly from his stint on Animal Planet. Personally, I need what he is hawking about as much as a Shamwow, pet rock, or any of Richard Simmons' work out videos.