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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2011 in all areas

  1. When I first started reading this forum, about a year ago, I was a highly hopeful "semi-believer"....I thought that of all the cryptids, BF was the most likely to be a real animal, and I found the Patterson film very compelling...I was eager to see more evidence and learn more about the state of current research.... Now, many months later, I find that I am almost 100% skeptic...and what caused this change in thinking was NOT the skeptics on the board, but the hard-core believers...while I might be able to entertain the idea of a small population of ape-like animals living in the deep forests of the PNW, I cannot bring myself to believe that there is a huge population in virtually every State of the Union, peeking in windows, strolling through people's back yards, or having a cigarette behind the garage...And it seems to be the "hard cores" that bring the bulk of the "evidence'..in fact,there doesn't seem to be ANY hard scientific evidence for the existence of a relict population of great apes in North America, just the anecdotal evidence of the more fanatic believers, who see BF EVERYWHERE....and therefore relegate it to "nowhere" in my book... So what about others on the forum? Has being a member changed your opinions on BF, and if so, in what direction? Are you a firmer believer, or a more hardened skeptic, since participating? Thanks...
    1 point
  2. well said squatchdetective, gave you a green + for that. ill echo the sentiments of others...the forum hasnt swayed me from being almost convinced....im fairly certain there is something to it, just not sure exactly what. the forum has however , caused me to nearly lose the belief/ hope that solid indisputable public proof will ever come out of this community. BF on the brain doesn't lend itself well to unbiased ,believable accuracy in reports, but, neither does hovering around ready to p!$$ all over anyone that comes forward with a "possible". unless something changes, the division among the ranks will, imo , squash the chance of any successful progress in the ultimate proving or debunking of BF.
    1 point
  3. That's a great question, Shelley 7950. Like you, I found this forum a year ago or so, and I was on the fence as to the existence of Bigfoot. The PGF brought me here. It remains a fascinating film for me, but I am still not sure what I am looking at. Unfortunately, I still have not made my mind up one way or the other about the existence of Bigfoot. Some of the recent revelations in the other threads regarding the Erickson project, the DNA etc' etc' are making me lean towards the side of "Believer". One thing I do know with absolute certainty is that there are a lot of strong characters and politics in the subject, a lot of flim flam, a lot of he siad/she said, and a difficulty in getting facts. I am not having a go at anyone, I just did not realise that it brought out some realy strong feelings from skeptics and believers alike. But I love the subject and I especially love this forum. Best, Lee
    1 point
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