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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2011 in all areas

  1. My point is pretty simple. I'm not going to be morally outraged by a story that I don't know to be true. Nor am I going to be a hypocrite when I celebrate the DNA findings (if/when) that included any such tissue. Instead I am going to wait for the peer reviewed paper to come out. Then I will read the methods, the origins of any samples, and the findings. I'll make my judgement then. Until then, everything is speculation and pretty much pointless.
    1 point
  2. I wonder if guns had as large an effect as disease? I've heard (from Elders in the Carrier language via translation)that the Sasquatch people were hit hard by Smallpox and nearly finished off by Spanish Flu. It was during the post WWI era that thier numbers were especially low and they anecdotally took to kidnappings. They were described to me as "only a handful" surviving during this time. I think NA stories vary from family to family, as well. In the same village there will be people who advocate shooting on sight and people who want to offer food to them. I think the majority of people I have talked to want to avoid them. I have never been able to raise a carload of people to go looking for them. I have been told many times that if you go looking for Sasquatch, they might find you. Your point about thier withdrawal is well taken. I do get the overall impression that they avoid us like the plague. Perhaps we are.
    1 point
  3. The more we look, and as the technology improves the possibility of finding Bigfoot are diminished, it is increasingly becoming a "harder sell" IMO. I have plenty of thermal and IR experience (military not BF related) and we would get animal signatures all the time. If you are not picking up Bigfoot, then it is not around. Justifying negative results to behavioral change (thermal/IR related)is not reasonable IMO. I will say right now that I don't believe in Sasquatch, no evidence supports it's existence, but I would really like for it to be true, and that is why I enjoy 'Squatchin. The more widespread the "sightings" the less likely it exists, I find it disheartening to find reports from all over the country. When it was confined to a narrow Northwest corridor, we could attribute a lack of evidence on it's elusiveness, but with widespread sightings we are watering down the legend. Now with newer technology, and a surge in popularity, the part of me holding for the wonderful news of this incredibly cool creature's existence is shrinking daily. Sorry for the rant, but if we are net getting thermal, we are simply not seeing them. As I have said before, the standards have changed, and fuzzy pictures, depressions, wood knocking etc. just doesn't hold water, the 1970's are long gone. We have come no farther than Ivan Marx's "Legend of Bigfoot" movie, his stuff is as credible as anything I have seen, and that film is.............well, you know what!
    1 point
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