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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2011 in all areas

  1. Derek: General: First- As previously mentioned above, again, thank you for sharing the track image. Very interesting. I hope there are more images of that track way that you can share. Second - This will sound like a strange request -although it doesn't seem like a two way street - be patient with the folks here. I can imagine that it must drive you nuts to read the posts and feel as if you are being constantly attacked and questioned, but I think most people here truly do want you to do your due diligence, wrap it up as soon as you can reasonably and responsibly do so, and report your findings....regardless of the outcome. People are people and life is all about perspective. When we are on the "inside looking out", we tend to be frustrated that other people don't understand our desire to be cross all our t's and dot all our i's prior to sharing something important with the public. When we are on the "outside looking in", the information vacuum and waiting game conjures up images and thoughts of past debacles and let downs. We tend to fill in the blanks ourselves. I think the majority of the people on this forum are truly supportive of you and simply hope you to draw this matter to a conclusion as soon as you reasonably and responsibly can. I think that the "pressure" might be let off a lot if there was a little more information shared, not necessarily about the specifics of the case, but rather the foreseeable timing of the release of the ultimate of the information. People can wrap their heads around that because at least they can tell themselves that soon there will be finality of some sort by a certain date in the near future. Ironically - as I was listening to an old radio pod-cast from 2010 yesterday while mowing the grass - I heard a well respected researcher make a comment that was right on point with this thought. Here is what he said: Keep up the hard work guys. Your the ones doing the heavy lifting...and although you may not hear it much....we do appreciate it.
    1 point
  2. I just talked with her. She has a B.S. in Vet Science and a Doctorate in Vet Medicine from Texas A&M. She is both a scientist and a doctor.
    1 point
  3. Sometimes people refer to indigenous beliefs in the past tense. A far as I know, native people are alive and surviving, with many who are still connected to traditional ways. It's important not to group all tribes into a single belief system. They are and always have been a diverse lot. A Cayuga once told me that there are tribal traditions, clan traditions and family traditions, so cultural diversity thrives on many levels of native society. As far as beliefs in bigfoot, native stories are pretty diverse. The experience that my Hupa friend had was of a physical creature. To this person, it lived in the forest, just as bears, squirrels and owls do. No magical powers and paranormal abilities were included!
    1 point
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