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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2011 in all areas

  1. I understand wanting to be thorough and wanting to get everything right, but where is the race to be first? This is a big discovery, no? Usually there is one person or one group making a bf claim. Now there seems to be a few. Does anyone know who Simon Marius is? He made the same or similar findings about Jupiter's moons around the same time as or before Galileo Galilei. Galileo beat him to the punch with the paperwork and Simon Marius is now virtually a no name. Who wants to be second? Where is the urgency to be first? I don't see it. The closest thing I've seen to wanting to be first are statements that the information will be out late Nevertember or possibly early Postponeuary of next year. Where is the race? Sorry, I have the patience of an infant. ETA, KK, I clearly see fingers and a thumb in that pic.
    1 point
  2. I'm sure hair is a fine source of DNA, but that wasn't really my point. I was more concerned with the implications around the origin of the flesh sample if Dr Ketchum's analysis came back simply as modern Homo Sapien, ie a human corpse. I should make clear that I'm not trying to cast aspersions on the individuals concerned in any shape or form, and I am certainly not accusing anyone of obtaining the sample by nefarious means. All through this debate I have cautioned against a moral/emotional argument. I imagine that Derek and the General have received very specific information from Dr Ketchum that makes clear that Bigfoot, though sharing much of our DNA, is crucially different from us in some very important respects. Otherwise, all they would have was a big chunk of meat that a scientist had said came from a human - and I doubt they would be so keen to promote this all over a public forum. However, I totally understand that Derek and the General are not at liberty to discuss these kinds of details. A couple of nudges and a few winks would be gratefully received though
    1 point
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