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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2011 in all areas

  1. I assume you are asking me gigantor? Right now I have no info on this photo. Where it was taken, when it was taken or anything else for that matter. If this is supposed to be a still from the so called Kentucky footage? I have not seen that ether. my concern at the moment was the Erickson's possibly being played in Golden Ears park. I don't know if this photo has anything to do with the park or its some other evidence associated with the Erickson Project? The Article does not seem to say very much about it. right now as a single photo in my opinion it could be anything? It certainly does not scream Sasquatch. But as it is it doesn't scream anything else ether. I personally need to see the full footage and allot more information about it before I would make a judgment ether way. Thomas Steenburg
    1 point
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