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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2011 in all areas

  1. Nah...I haven't seen any proof that she has. Have you? He took the Standing reference off the website, but Dr. Ketchum still has her own splash page. If there is anything going on between them, it is whom will release what, when so as to be thought of as the "discoverer" of Sasquatch. That is a big if since I have not even heard a rumor of this and even if I had, it would still simply be a rumor. I think it is funny people who haven't seen, or cannot even accurately describe what they did see, say this picture from God knows where looks fake so the whole Erickson thing is a hoax. I love all this armchair detective stuff without any sort of evidence to back it up. Ya'll are killin' me. Really. Opinions are totally cool. I am up for that. People stating it like it is fact and not just an opinion though... It seems everyone is so afraid this will ruin Bigfootery forever if this or the Sierra Kills or whatever is proved a hoax. So now everyone is a skeptic outwardly with their hand behind their backs crossing their fingers. Everyone is hedging their bets to say "I told you so". Why so scared? Why so serious? Will facing Parnassus on the board the next day be so bad that you can't get out of bed? Was Georgia really that bad for people? Did it set discovery back years or something? Until there is definitive evidence, the number of hoaxes could quadruple in a year and no one except people like the ones on this forum will even care. This is the kind of thinking that makes certain bloggers think they are "celebrities". This is a very small dedicated community in the scheme of things. No one but us even knows about the EP, OP, Sierra Kills, etc. Sorry guys, but the rumor mill on here just to protect personal feelings and agendas seems a little crazy some days. JMVHO...which I know I am going to get roasted for. The picture looks to me like something furry laying on the forest ground. What is it really and did Erickson even release it, who can really say with any certainty? Why is the camera man so close and trash strewn about? Supposed to be a habituation site, correct? So...maybe he/she saw or knew the smell of the camera man and didn't feel threatened because he is the one feeding the creature. Someone earlier said that this type of behavior would blow out of the water everything they thought they knew about these creatures. Is that what everyone is so afraid of? That the Northern American wood-knocking Great-ape is not going to be anything like that? Seriously, is that why everything that comes out has to be torn to ribbons? By the way Slimmy, this tangent was not brought on by your post. Sorry for the rant everyone.
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