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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2011 in all areas

  1. She's not very well-groomed, either. Here she is again:
    1 point
  2. I'd like to know who these "people" are who claim that Sasquatch are completely non violent, well meaning/behaved creatures. I myself have never heard anyone expound that the species as a whole are harmless. Hairy has a good point though. Many documented reports, from the usual sources, have told of persons being chased from the woods with loud growling and menacing behavior. But in the end, were fully intact when the incident was over. There has however been some reporting that showed a more "over the edge" behavior. The "Cowman of Copalis Beach" story comes to mind. I have experienced the "normal" behaviors of two family units of Sasses. I have been shown what a mild temper tantrum was, and I have heard (close range interactions) between family members that can only be described as a mouthy youngster being silenced by a direct physical blow, and a loud growl by the father. From my long term observances, I have concluded (for myself) that Sasquatch are in fact (I said for myself) a form of people, not wild animals. I have witnessed the curiosity so many have described. I have seen how easy it is to communicate with them. I have seen generosity from them. I see mutual respect every night, as they don't trash my, or neighbors property, nor do they kill pets.But, I do not, for one instant, think that situations couldn't "go south" if the wrong things occured. Make no mistake, if they wanted us, they could/would have us. A conventional home structure would be no match for a Sas intent on getting in. You certainly couldn't outrun one. They don't refrain from slaughtering us because of our "superior intellect, or strength of firepower". They choose to live along side and tolerate us as they have for thosands of years. Yes, I'm quite sure there have been hikers, campers, etc. who were objects of violence doled out by some Sasquatch. They may even have been eaten. I have no allusions that some of these beings are just plain bad news, just like human counterparts. They are that much like us, there are a range of behaviors in them just like us. From extremely good, to the edge of pure evil. Nothing para, or speculative about it. Of coarse this is just my "educated" opinion-Knuck
    1 point
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