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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2011 in all areas

  1. The difference in your analogy and bigfoot is that some have seen the cars going by that the other guy didn't see while standing there on the curb for 400 years.
    1 point
  2. Why my change in philosophy… I had my first class A back in 1985 and have been looking very hard ever since… I have gone the path of technology to include thousands of dollars in IR, sound, video, perimeter alarms and vehicles specially built for Sasquatch research… All this gear and all this time never really got the results I wanted… I was out camping and thinking about everything and Ol’ Biggie came to mind and the thought of fame and fortune has left me, protection means science admitting the species is out there and that would mean its demise, so what is left… just friendship, I guess a weird bond which very well maybe one way but a bond on my part at least… How could I take part in what we all know will happen one day, when the species is “found†their fate is set… Humans are humans and have a track record of killing off species in the name of science… I will have no part in this; I will not have blood on my hands… From now on I just want to experience with the gigantic hope that maybe one day maybe an apple can be exchanged from hand to hand… LOL maybe a bar of soap to wash that funk off themselves also…
    1 point
  3. You've simply not seen evidence that proves it exists to you Saskeptic, which might say as much about your ability to examine or interpret the evidence, as it does about the evidence itself. If you're an absolutist then the evidence is not the issue.
    1 point
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