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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2011 in all areas

  1. First you say "there is no evidence" then you want definitive statements about the evidence? As if you would take my word for it! Thats the bait and switch. be definitive in your own statements. There has to be evidence first , then the definitive statements from science.
    1 point
  2. We have no idea what deal was reached between them and Ketchum. If they had a pretaped seqment ready to go in case of a change, they could have informed people there was a chance she wouldn't show up. Let's not forget it was others and NOT Dr. Ketchum who made this out to be something bigger than it was. She has a press release section on her website and a Facebook page and I don't recall her pawning off her appearance on anyone for the last several months. People are acting like she hoodwinked them when they only did this to themselves.
    1 point
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