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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2011 in all areas

  1. BF have a sense of humour, at least that's how I interpret the following. A few years back my buddy was solo deep in country and had been for a few weeks. He began to stoke his pipe with tobacco from his pouch but put the pouch down on the log he was sitting on when he noticed he really should go and collect a little more firewood. He decided he would have his smoke after he got the wood. He was gone for about twenty minutes. When he returned, he dumped the wood, sat back down in the same place on the log and grabbed the tobacco pouch. He absent mindedly opened the pouched and, without paying any particular attention, he poked his finger into the tobacco in order to extract a wad. Immediately his finger fell upon what felt like a round, semi-compressed ball of some foreign material mixed in with the tobacco that was absolutely not in the pouch when he left it. He drew the object out, looked at it closely and couldn't quite figure out what it was for a few moments, until he raised it to his nose. Uggh! It was a properly compressed ball of - you guessed it - moose dung! He tells me that he laughed in utter bewilderment, wondering who the hell could have - nay, would have - done such a thing way out there in the middle of nowhere. This is one of several curious events he eventually came to understand as most probably being related to Sasquatch. - Dudlow
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