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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2011 in all areas

  1. Kings, You should consider that It is not Ketchum and her team that is completely responsible for raising all these expectations, they are not the ones here parading promises. Dr. Ketchum has admitted to doing testing on a wide range of samples and is attempting to publish on it. She says her skepticism is greatly diminished based on her results. It's this community that can't help but try to raise expectations by begging her to make appearances, be a guest on talk shows, starting thread after thread about the projects and DNA, people like Lindsey and Stubstad leaking info and posting speculative, premature assumptions is far more responsible for all the hype. I agree with slimwitless that, a paper like this is not going to just sail through peer review, it will have a review that is as critical as you'll ever see in science. It is for this reason that I remain patient, and accept her reasons for staying home to work with the process.
    1 point
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