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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2011 in all areas

  1. At this time, the paper has been submitted, and the editor has accepted it for review. This is not secret information. The paper has not finished going through the review process, which could be very short, or very long. At the end of that process, the paper will either be accepted for publication, or rejected. It would be premature to say that the paper will be published in journal XXX and then have the reviewers for XXX reject it. The issue isn't where the paper is submitted, but where it finally gets published. Once the reviewers accept it, things will move very fast. In this digital age, publication could be so fast, that by the time someone involved in the project tells the forum that the paper has been accepted, the abstract and article may already be available online. We might even find out through the morning news, rather than the forum. Most likely, there will be a couple of weeks between the acceptance and the publication of the final version, so news of the acceptance (and the name of the journal) will probably hit here about a week or two before the news stories. ed: BTW, what exactly do you think publishing in a high impact journal (or any journal) is all about?
    1 point
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