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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2011 in all areas

  1. Mikey? Is that you? Professors (and others) sell all kinds of stuff at conferences. Ever been to a non-bigfoot conference? The only difference is what is being sold, nothing else.
    1 point
  2. Art1972 If there is DNA that proves these creatures are real how can one deny the ones who claim the things they claim about these creatures.DNA now makes them a proven fact which now make habituation cases a proven fact.Ones who have never have had sightings or encounters of these creatures have no room to speak since DNA now makes Bigfoot a proven FACT. Yes, there are people who know alot more about these creatures but they choose not to speak .These people believe it is best to stay silent knowing that this is what the creatures want most.Was not DNA the ultamate goal and now that this goal has been reach what will be next for these creatures?Death !
    1 point
  3. Elk tracks in yellow. Show that it doesn't match. Nope. The pattern of ridge flow that Chilcutt identified on foot casts has a ridge flow pattern going horizontally across the heel. On the Skookum "Heel" the pattern runs vertically.
    1 point
  4. What a joke! He's doing EXACTLY what he should be doing...FOLLOWING HIS BLISS! His reputation with other "scientists" doesn't mean squat because THEY'RE OUT THERE, THEY ARE REAL! He doesn't need to worry about other's uneducated opinions as they will eat crow over time. Tirademan Tirademan
    1 point
  5. So, guess that's 200 since last fall, when there used to be 202? I just love how some people don't beleeeevvvvve in them until they see one, then they have the arrogance to say they know all about them, but anybody else that might have seen one has an "over active imagination". BTW, you might consider being a little concerned about what those knocks meant. Chances are good that they know who you are.....NO OFFENSE.
    1 point
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