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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2011 in all areas

  1. Sasfooty's avatar features a BF wearing a hat. Well, it's not really a hat, it is a head dress. Tribal, you know. A certain type of person wears a head dress. BFs are tribal. To imagine they have no leadership, thus no holders of office is counter intuitive. Imagining they have no access to fur is equally absurd. Yet, the arguement is being made, supported by numbers, that the BF could not manufacture a prepared skin. This is directed at Sasfooty and seems personal. Sasfooty is not confrontive. I am. Is it sensible to assume that over the course of centuries evading humans and gunfire and bonepickers that the BFs cannot tan a hide? In the centuries before we dismissed woodcraft as a science, did the BF, who are known to observe humans, miss the lesson on skin preparation? How did the Inuit people prepare skins? Are the BF not able to reproduce this behaviour? Is it sensible to suppose that no BF has ever made a human friend? Here in Canada we have had recent examples of animals cultivating human friendships. An orca male tried to make friends and abandoned his pod. He posed for pictures and accepted hand feeding, on his own. We killed him rather than extend friendship, of course. We are educated people, here in Canada, not ruled by myth. My point is, some misled human might try to make friends with a non human, rather than shoot them on sight, as is sensible. It could happen! This person might even have given the animal gifts! Perhaps a hat? Discounting reports of the activities of an unknown entity retards the progress of discovery.
    2 points
  2. Coleman is interested in one thing and that is the monetization of crypto zoology by drawing attention to himself and his products. Writing books about other peoples experiences and believing that qualifies you to judge habituation experiencers whom come forward, doesn't cut it. There is no substitute for personal in the field experiences, of which I am sure Coleman has not had any of what so ever. Coleman is just another co-intel pro skeptic who gets far too much attention. This recent missive by him is exactly the kind of media behavior that suppresses future reports by humiliating people who do dare to come forward.
    2 points
  3. Jodie, this is a great thread to keep alive. It can contain all things paranormal/supernatural (withing the rules of the forum of course). Who cares who started it? People can talk about their infrasound ideas or anything else unexplainable. Heck, maybe it can be moved to the campfire or to the cryptozoology area. People interested in discussing possibilities just need to mentally prepare themselves for the occasional lurking skofftic and/or denialist who needs to come on to brush up on their same ol' "it doesn't fit the scientific method" speech that makes them feel smart inside. Or their need to make fun of somebody because everyone makes fun of them for believing in a physical Bigfoot and they want to say others are ruining their credibility. LOL. Just don't feed them, and they will go away and you can continue on with your discussions. Just my opinion on the matter. Oh, and if someone reads what I wrote about coming on here to troll people you know you will never agree with and you feel the need to respond to it? Then yes, you are one of them. Feel free to get really mad.
    1 point
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