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  1. No that a general reference to the over the top personal criticism of her and the book IMO. Respectful and intelligent criticism I am sure is welcomed. Trashing is done for amusement and to discredit, belittle and to embarrass others. Which is another form of bullying and I don't like bullies. As far as fiction I don't really care. If there's something i can take from that book and use then it's worth the price. I have my own methods learned from direct experience not what others have done or written. JMO Tracker
    1 point
  2. thats an interesting theory. that reminds me rwridley i think it was said something along the lines of ''did anyone check to see if justin smeja had a bear tag? if so he would have to turn in that bear tag if he was successful, after all some people say it was just a bear''. Well in CA DFG requires that EVERY bear hunter turn in their bear tag at the end of the year whether or not they were successful. So yes I had a bear tag and yes I did send it in at the end of the year. No I did not kill a bear in 2010. Heres a bone for you all. I personally havent said much at all about the location of the kill. Lots of assumptions have been made and I've remained quiet about it. well here you go it was by Gold lake, CA. Maybe it was 2 miles away maybe it was 10 miles away. It really doesnt matter at this point, as time goes on I will release the exact location of the kill site more then likely in the book. Of course I had a bear tag with me in my possession. I was bear hunting. Not squatch hunting. Your theory is far fetched taut. I think it is silly what some of you must think a bear hunter does after he shoots something. Lets say its a medium size 300 pounder. Then you are going to take that home with you? REALLY? That sounds logical? well gee roy we gotta carry this 300lb bear 2 miles to the truck.... that sounds like a lot of work............. I dont doubt there are people that do that. I live in ca i see people doing some pretty stupid ****. When the animal goes down it goes something like this and this remains the same if its a deer hog or bear. So I'm usually in the back country on foot if I'm further then 100 yards from the truck I usually still do it this way tho. It hits the ground I get on the radio to whoever I'm hunting with give em my gps location and tell em to come help me pack it out. I through the animal on its back skin front side then use the skin as a blanket to keep the meat clean. Then I cut the meat off. I load it in a trash bag then into my back pack then load up my buddies pack. Then we take the skull (to present to DFG and have them pull a tooth) and the cape/fur if its worth saving we carry that by hand. It all goes down in about 1.5 hrs (it blows my mind some people spend that long just dragging the animal the last 200 yards to the truck). Then once i'm home its vaccum sealed and thrown in the freezer. Thats about it. Theres no Crains or special equipment to move such a large animal that I've ever used or seen used. Personally I would probably move that 300lb bear about 20 ft and give up. That would be a lot of work.... I dont really feel like addressing the whole ''why didnt you grab the little one'' again again (thats once again the problem with this thread/way of forum layout. no i dont have a better suggestion). In short. I just dont know. No excuses here. I just wanted to get out of there. Julio, no i do not worry about being prosecuted for this. There is a lot of people out there who TELL ME I should be and theres others who have said I'm ''shakin in my boots'' about the whole thing. Thats not the case. Yes something terrible has happened. I'm not making light of the situation BUT really.... I've seen the justice system and how it really works... This would be ruled as nothing more then a hunting accident. People get killed every year in CA while deer hunting with their best friend because somebody took a stupid shot they shouldnt have. Nothing ever happens to the best friend. In fact last week a few hours from my house 2 brothers were deer hunting. one heard a noise turned and shot into the bush and killed his brother. Terrible story. Its simply a another hunting accident. In the real world I do not believe anyone will stand trail for killing an imaginary creature.... Jerry, My hounds name is Cammi. She is a black and tan blood hound and yes she has tracked and hunted bears. That part of her life is over with due to my wife. She was always afraid cammi would come back missing a face or not come back at all. which obviously happens from time to time. now she just sleeps in bed with us and spends her days chasing squirrels in the back yard. That breed is very popular in russia for fox hunting. I believe they call them ''fox hound'' out there. They are all around good hunting dogs..... but they dont always come back when you call them.. like any hound. Randles knew of the blood hound but was more going for a summary of the story. Many details were left out. It would take a whole book to write them all like slim said..... Arizonabigfoot. Great post. Well thought out. I like your line of thinking.
    1 point
  3. 127- Dr Meldrum is not a dissapointment , morally bankrupt , or doing ireparable damage to bigfoot research because YOU think it's an elk lay..
    1 point
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