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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2011 in all areas

  1. Again, the elk tracks were older than the impression and skirted it. A transiting elk does not explain the impression. We're primates and we can belly crawl. "One tactic that they were also claiming to have witnessed personally was that the sasquatch would belly-crawl in close to the house to get a closer view, as opposed to just walking on on two feet. I explained these claims to the assembled group. They politely listened but they did not take the claims too seriously. I even went so far as to suggest that it was possible, based on my experience at the Hoyts', that the sasquatch could be spying on us in our camp. "Heck, they could be listening to us right now," I shrugged. That comment probably didn't help. People rolled their eyes. Rick was especially skeptical. he had visited the Hoyt's homestead and he was not at all convinced that their claims of habituated sasquatches were genuine." http://www.thomsquatch.com/2011/01/skookum-synchronicity.html
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