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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2011 in all areas

  1. Well, maybe if the levitating elk had its feet on backwards......................
    1 point
  2. The gorilla was "discovered" in 1847, but not very well known. Details of sasquatch behavior reported in the 19th century were not described in gorillas until the 20th. You can ignore the consistent stream of sightings over time if you want. You can dismiss all of them as folklore, fiction, and hallucination. I just don't think that is very good science. And if you're like me and think you've seen one, well... The original topic was no adolescent squatch....here are some more "myths" regarding that. tirademan
    1 point
  3. Bfs have a stronger society than us. Where are the exiles? The marginalized? The fleeing? Why don't they get lost? Why don't their elders with dementia wander into our midst? What about defectors? BFs don't defect. Ever. They are never alone. They have ironclad taboos. There are rules that are never broken. Why? Maybe a better question is, How? We conventional humans have never matched that kind of record. For example, some people survived Reverend Jim's call to drink the kool-ade. Those were fanatics in a cult, yet some survived. They wouldn't drink the kool-ade. Bfs are up to something and they are all in on it and committed. Totally committed. Suppose you lived in a similar society? When you reach a certain age you realize your Mom is not keeping up and can't feed herself. She begins to stagger and quits eating. What kind of person doesn't try to help? Doesn't seek medical? The answer is someone who doesn't need to. Someone that already has everything they need. If you remove need from the equation, what purpose would revealing oneself serve? It's entertainment. Spoofing humans is why we see them at all. Ever. This is why reports of unusual behaviour are important. We are smart enough to analyze these instances and better gauge our friends from the forest. When someone says they saw a BF wearing a hat or trousers or what have you, it is the innocents that deride. The cynics among us recognize these behaviours as what they are, displays. What are they displaying when they mock us? They are displaying good humour, for one thing. This cannot be dismissed. Another thing they are displaying is the mirror effect. They are showing us what we look like to them. A BF wears overalls and a straw hat and calls himself Bubba. This must be met with tumultuous laughter at the winter gathering. Imagine Bubba mimicing our awkward walk. He waddles around the camp belching, pretending to smoke cigars and drink tallboys, all the while oblivious to his fellows. High comedy. This is a good thing! We risk a great deal changing things. Imagine an adversarial relationship with them. They are in our midst. Our position is indefensible. Imagining we have any useful defence in place is optimistic at best. My Grandfather could sneak up on a suspicious person in the woods at night, while wearing workboots. You'd see him when he touched your shoulder. If an old man who lived in a house can do that, what can someone living in the woods do? How to fight BF? We can't. What else could we try? What are they saying to us with their actions? Where is our window of opportunity? Maybe if we quit ridiculing the contactees we will learn something. Or, we can wait for Meldrum to change the world for us. Will the post Meldrum report world be a better environment for contact? Review the Sierra thread, then imagine you are on the other side of the equation. What to make of the survivor's report? How do we react to infanticide? Do we calmly apply rational examination when somebody shoots down a little kid? Then his mother? It's our best op, now, before every guy with a rifle goes out into the woods to become a hero and angers the hell out of them. The window will close soon, if the report exists. It's too bad we didn't pay attention to the clues we were given.
    1 point
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