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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2011 in all areas

  1. Sorry, but this is not true, I'm an ex-member and have witnessed on the TBRC private message board that probationary members have been flat told that if they were looking to kill one that the TBRC was not for them. This has obviously changed. This was around 2006 which was before you joined up. Have DC tell you about the time that the GCBRO invited them to a debate on the kill / no kill issue.
    1 point
  2. For those that follow along at home be they a skeptic or a enthusiast will find another hobby or project to follow... For those that enjoy the outdoors and the research end of things I imagine they will just keep doing what they have been doing all along... The projects weather deemed a failure or not is up to the ones involved and the goals they wanted to achieve, heck this could be the end of one part with the beginning of the next to follow soon... Either way life marches on...
    1 point
  3. I am NO KILL. I am also no zoo, no aquatic shows with sick dolphins, no feeding the giraffes, and all the sad and sick situations that we often read about in the newspaper. Too late for a lot of wildlife and that is sick. I'm curious why the owner says that the hairy people are "nice" and then is complacent when the gunfire commences???? What is the answer to this question? Is the owner kill or no kill?
    1 point
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