to clear up a few remarks made about my analysis work "The Munns Report"
1. I've never made any determination about the size of the foot. Descriptions from original PGF researchers say the foot measured 14.5" but I personaly do not have any evidence to verify that nor do I have any reason to challenge it. But since i do not have any firsthand knowledge of the foot size issue, I tend not to rely upon it in my analysis.
2. On the matter of Patty's height, my original calculation, 3 years ago, was a range of 7' 2" to 7' 6" based on an optical formula as the calculator, and a 15mm lens as one of the imput numbers.
However, once new additional data was made available, to me, I decided to reconsider the lens issue and while there is still work to be done, I think that the 15mm lens is no longer a viable option. That nullifies the height estimate above. Until the lens is finally determined with confidence, I do not make height estimates at this time.
As an additional note, I remain confident that the lens was not a 25mm standard lens. A 20mm lens is under consideration as an option to test further. The ongoing analysis will consider other lenses as well.
Persons wishing to know more about the status of the lens analysis should look at a two part PDF release comparing John Green's filming of Jim McClarin to the PGF, where the consideration of the 20mm lens and the reason the 15mm lens is no longer viable, is explained.
Repeating, I do not have a current height estimate and the 7' plus estimate no longer appears appropriate since the lens needed to deliver that estimate does not now seem likely to have been used.
Bill Munns