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  1. to clear up a few remarks made about my analysis work "The Munns Report" 1. I've never made any determination about the size of the foot. Descriptions from original PGF researchers say the foot measured 14.5" but I personaly do not have any evidence to verify that nor do I have any reason to challenge it. But since i do not have any firsthand knowledge of the foot size issue, I tend not to rely upon it in my analysis. 2. On the matter of Patty's height, my original calculation, 3 years ago, was a range of 7' 2" to 7' 6" based on an optical formula as the calculator, and a 15mm lens as one of the imput numbers. However, once new additional data was made available, to me, I decided to reconsider the lens issue and while there is still work to be done, I think that the 15mm lens is no longer a viable option. That nullifies the height estimate above. Until the lens is finally determined with confidence, I do not make height estimates at this time. As an additional note, I remain confident that the lens was not a 25mm standard lens. A 20mm lens is under consideration as an option to test further. The ongoing analysis will consider other lenses as well. Persons wishing to know more about the status of the lens analysis should look at a two part PDF release comparing John Green's filming of Jim McClarin to the PGF, where the consideration of the 20mm lens and the reason the 15mm lens is no longer viable, is explained. Repeating, I do not have a current height estimate and the 7' plus estimate no longer appears appropriate since the lens needed to deliver that estimate does not now seem likely to have been used. Bill Munns
    1 point
  2. I don't need to be 'told' anything. I was actually there posting on JREF half a decade ago when the guy in particular was going on about "woos" and trying to mock them along with the rest of the Statler and Waldorf type crowd. I know his mindset. I don't have to be told it. I saw it for myself. He's biased against bigfoot and those who advocate it. FACT. It's all "woo" stuff to him. If you actually read my other comments apart from those about your buddy Anton Wroblewski then you'd see that I am on the fence regarding the Skookum Cast. Waaaaaaaaaaay back in this thread I wrote this: ""For the record, I'm on the fence. Nothing I have ever read conclusively proves it an elk lay. On the other hand there are a lot of interesting observations from people who actually studied it in person (as opposed to armchair critics)that make the Skookum Cast at the least very very interesting."" I'm not asserting is IS a bigfoot impression. I don't know either way what it is and nothing in this thread has moved the subject on any further than the discussions and debates of years ago. I still find it an interesting possibility that it may be but I'm not completely convinced that it is. Actually for the last few pages it's been you also posting petty comments complaining about other people being petty, which has resulted in more petty responses. You aren't immune to posting your own petty comments and remarks Wolftrax. My whole point was that petty and snarky comments aimed at the proponents have been happening in this thread on and off almost since page 1, with accusations of things like cults or people in it for the money and swipes at the integrity of those advocating the cast could be bigfoot etc etc. I didn't read you complain about any of those petty comments. You only started complaining about petty comments when your buddy Wroblewski was brought into it. Where had you been for the previous 20 or so pages of petty comments and snarky accusations? I did not deny that there is a bias on the proponent side. I simply pointed out that there is also a bias in some of those on the detractor side. There is bias and emotion on BOTH sides of the bigfoot quandary. I am not naive enough to think there is only bias and emotion on one side but not the other.
    1 point
  3. The Bigfoot travel under high voltage power lines, I would think there are high EMF fields under them. Also, where can I get my hands on those poo covered trail cams ~ on second thought...
    1 point
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