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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2011 in all areas

  1. What does that mean ? I have been pondering the Progenitor Species hypothesis again in my mind, and if the Sasquatch DNA goes back as far as I have been told, which is 2.25 million years, yet their DNA resembles modern humans, it infers we have the perspective reversed. Sasquatch would be our forefathers and it's not that they resemble us, but that we resemble them.
    1 point
  2. They didn't choose the BFF for a platform, they made a choice to defend a distorted version of their story that was posted here on the BFF prior to the question/answer session. To continue this conversation of course would be their choice, but it makes you wonder why they bother at this point.
    1 point
  3. Where's that "ignore" button? Parn, what color is the sky in your world?
    1 point
  4. Because it is a wonderful cliche' that harkens back to the original Scooby Doo cartoons. The show usually began with the crew traveling somewhere in the Mystery Machine, and would stumble upon a mystery to solve. I guess they have replaced Scooby Snacks with zagnut bars! ZOIKS! Think about it, the character parallels are obvious. Fred- MM because he thinks he knows everything, and "is the leader." Velma- Ranae, because she uses common sense, logic and critical thought to solve problems. Cliff- a male character niche of Daphne- aware, dedicated and is a team player. Shaggy- Bobo, because he looks kind of like a hippie and always encounters the monster. Scooby Doo- Monkey, because he's a dog, and hangs out with Bobo just Like Shaggy and Scooby were inseperable. The show even has the old plot of "hey gang, let's split up and look for clues!"
    1 point
  5. lol! No one here is saying don't preserve what you feel is evidence. By all means do. (as noted I've said several times in this thread that DDA did a great job preserving what was there) What most of the skeptics are saying is - don't tolerate the bad science that concludes bigfoot when there is no evidence of it, and only wishful thinking along with confirmation bias. Would you rather everyone be a yes man and keep on towing the company line? Sometimes in cases like this the status should/could be updated but it likely won't be. Why? A bigfoot levitated to the frozen mud and laid/sat in it, left no evidence except for the shape of an elk and a bunch of elk prints/hairs and other known animal stuff ate an apple or two and levitated back out leaving awesome hair impressions that contained a bunch of elk hairs and no bigfoot hairs. no bigfoot anything except for wishful thinking. (howed it leave those deep achilles impressions again in the frozen mud again? lol) The elk pushed off its wrists to leave those "achilles tendon impressions". The point is - stuff like this shouldn't slide by as bigfoot evidence. It's ridiculous and it does the subject and the scientists involved absolutely no favors.
    1 point
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